

October is my favorite month! I love pumpkins and clear crisp days with bright sunlight. I remember returning to school with joy after long hot Midwestern summers. The feel of flannel on my skin and heavy boots on my feet grounded me, keeping me safe and able. The smell of pea soup on the stove, cuing me towards another meal together soon.

October seems to enlist all the senses. Contrasting black wet woods with golden glowing leaves, chilly winds and warm hearths, one bristling against another to awaken to the grandeur of simple things. In these October blogs, lets explore our senses to encourage each to be celebrated as it contributes to happiness.

Which sense are you most in tune with? Vision? Hearing? Gustatory tasting? Olfactory smelling? Tactile feelings? Locomotion? Enhancing the senses brings focus HERE and NOW.

This is where and when happiness resides-in the present! What a gift! Let Ki to Happiness remind you that this is what we are here for- to enjoy life, the gift! And reach out to connect as you are so moved!