
New Year Eve

Happy New Year’s Eve. As you reflect on 2023, may you see your progress. Recognizing many stressors in our lives on all levels, truly its progress simply to have survived.

Hatha Yoga Center has more than survived, with our growing community spreading the word. The mild weather and full attendance in classes through this holidays, we are experiencing the complete opposite of last year at this time. Truly grateful for all the lessons that come with challenge, we face the new year with optimism, hope and peace.

As you look back on 2023, what will you remember? What changes do you want to instigate to make 2024 even better? Ki to Happiness remembers to reflect with a grateful heart, on all the progress and looks forward to more robust health and prosperity in 2024.


Coincidence or synchronicity

When I was a junior in high school, my best friend suffered a tragic loss. All these years later, she and I still talk about it. With enough support from her family and friends, she was able to survive and heal from the horrific discovery of her boyfriend’s dead body from his self inflicted gun shots.

Working with an honorable client yesterday, that story came in handy. She shared a very similar story with me except that she didn’t have any support at the time. Having gone through the process with my high school BF, I could stay present with my client and companion her as she received some of the support and counsel she needed decades ago.

Coincidence or synchronicity? When someone offers you what you needed years ago, can you let it in, regardless? Ki to Happiness sees Divine Intervention in coincidences and synchronicities and offers timeless support to those who are courageous enough to let it in.


Fast away

Back in June, I heard my mind say “fast away the old year passes”. Out of season, the lyric from Deck the Halls felt out of sync with the fading spring blossoms and leafing out of the trees. Now with just three days left to 2023, we are all in step with the sentiment of the lyric.

I appreciated the advance warning in June. It gave me a chance to feel the speed of time passing as a perspective. In this moment of eternity, all occurs at once — with freedom to enjoy the cycles, seasons, and perspectives.

How fast has 2023 passed for you? What perspective on time brings you to Joy? Ki to Happiness enjoys the freedom to choose perspective. Fa La La La La La La La La.


Days between

These days between holidays grace us with change in our usual habits and schedules. Regular rhythms are disrupted with holiday hours, and travel. This annual disruption gives us a chance to tuneup habits for the new year, some with resolutions.

It’s a liminal space between significant days on the calendar. Like the consciousness between wakefulness and sleep, there is a dreamy quality to it, which reveals our otherwise unconscious material. Worked with, we are emboldened to leave the past behind, and bring lessons learned into the present as we prepare for 2024.

What do these days between holidays reveal to you? How can you best integrate the lessons you are learning about yourself for the new year? Ki to Happiness learns the value of downtime for facilitating healing.


Full moon in Cancer

As if the Christmas holiday wasn’t emotional enough, the Full moon in Cancer brings up all the feels. It’s important to not take everything personally. Especially when other people’s feelings may be directed at you.

It may be helpful to take a pause, and reconnect to your intentions from two weeks ago. When the moon was new, we set intentions for this time. Remembering yourself to your truest desire may help you respond instead of react.

What feelings has the full moon brought up for you? Can you pause to respond in alignment with your truest intentions? Ki to Happiness remembers herself to her Higher Self, aligning with the desire for peace and goodwill toward one another.


Full moon in cancer

As if Christmas is not emotional enough, the full moon in Cancer brings up all the feels. It helps to be aware that this full moon is happening right now, so that we don’t take everything personally. That can be very hard to do especially when some of what may be directed at us, could be delivered in a personal way.

Detaching from one’s reaction gives each of us a chance to thoughtfully respond. Keeping in mind one’s truest intention, as set a couple of weeks ago when the moon was new, can help. Then, as Now, my truest intention is for happy holidays, peace, and goodwill toward one another.

What feelings have come up for you since Christmas? Can you reflect back two weeks ago and reconnect with your intention then? Ki to Happiness remembers herself to her Highest Self.


Boxing Day

After the feasting and festivities, today we participate in cleanup including boxing any excess items to give away. This Canadian tradition inspires us to think about others with greater needs than our own. It gives us another chance to participate in a Giving Tuesday.

I have an excess of gratitude for the connections we shared yesterday. Our niece reached out to us for the first time with pictures and stories of her 4 month old infant. Our son exchanged gifts with us before our feast and after a lovely FaceTime chat with my brother and mother.

What do you have an excess of? How can you share that with others in need? Ki to Happiness shares her gratitude for all those who’ve connected with us during these holidays.


Merry Christmas

Hatha Yoga Center wishes you a merry Christmas. On this rare day without classes, I started my practice extra early. Surrounded by stillness, I feel miracles stirring.

I send you the miracle of light and warmth returning, healing forgiveness, and joy. Even if there’s good cause for something else, choosing to see the miracles around us invites more miracles to occur. Christ consciousness anew each day is awaiting our willingness to open the gift of choice.

What gift would you like to open today? Can you open yourself to the gift of Christ consciousness, known by many other names, which lives within? Ki to Happiness wishes you all a miraculous holiday.


Christmas Eve

I’ve been watching some of the new Christmas movies. I can’t recommend any of them. I do appreciate a theme I’m observing.

I observe wealthy, privileged Caucasians, choosing to love those who do not match those descriptions. Middle-class, hard-working, not necessarily Caucasians have been choosing to love those who do not match those descriptions. Love has been winning, bridging the caste system divisions.

What bridges have you crossed by loving? What differences would you like to let go of?Ki to Happiness bridges the differences between us with love.


Season’s greetings

Having traveled the world, and experienced many different cultures, I have learned to be open to a variety of traditions. That frees me up from having any set expectations about how celebrations are to occur here. It’s a gift I give myself each holiday season.

I also offer that gift to each of you. Without expectations, there is no disappointment. Instead, there is an acceptance of life on life‘s terms. Sometimes lovely, sometimes not, accepting life gives me chance to learn from its wisdom which is why I’m here.

What do you expect from the holidays? Can you free yourself from that expectation and save yourself from disappointment? Ki to Happiness lives and learns from life itself.