
In like a lion, out like a lamb

This is the last day of March. As the month began, we were still in winter. The weather was blustery, windy, cold, with the possibility of snow in many areas. Now, as we have to turned the corner in to Spring, the winds may be subsiding, and the temperature is rising. There’s more sunshine! The flowers are blooming in our region and the cherry blossoms display their grandeur.

On another level of reality, the month began with the initial concern over the Lion of this virus that’s on the planet. There were many opinions, differing approaches, conflict among the different voices, anxiety and fear. And now, at the end of the month, we are finding our way to make peace with being at home and healthy as Lambs.

Are you aware of how well you have adapted? Have you acknowledged yourself on your flexibility? Ki to Happiness appreciates both the lion and the lamb.


A great pilgrimage

Many of us have had a long-standing desire for a specific spiritual journey. A retreat from your usual patterns and habits for deep reflection may have called to your soul. There may be a holy place on the planet that you have had a desire to visit. A particular sacred spot for you to deeply immerse yourself in your spiritual practices. Many of us find appealing the facilitation by a guru, teacher, catalyst or guide.

Kabir wrote poetically about this in the late 1400s. A brief poem entitled A Great Pilgrimage follows:

I felt in need of a great pilgrimage

So I sat still for three days

And God came

To me.

Has your soul longed for a great pilgrimage? Did you know that you are on one now? Ki to Happiness deeply immerses in health and happiness during this opportunity to retreat in place!



Today I honor my maternal grandmother‘s birthday. She was born on this day in 1902. Last night to celebrate her, I watched the movie 1917. Considering the global environment when she was just 15 years of age, combined with the flu epidemic of 1918, I am aware that it is miraculous that I am alive. Her behavior was often perplexing to me as a young one in the 60s. And yet as the years go by, I come to understand and appreciate her more and more. I don’t miss her. I feel her with me in my strong limbs, in my willingness to sing and dance, in my black Irish humor and even in my choice of mate and residence.

What have your ancestors gone through? How might that support you as you continue to stay home and stay healthy?Ki to Happiness honors those who’s shoulders we stand upon.


Facing fears

As we stay home and stay healthy, there may be new information that you are discovering there. You may find that there are places in your house that you have not spent much time in. Perhaps you’re afraid of the clutter, or afraid of the others with whom you are sequestering . There may be deeper intimate issues coming to surface. And if you are alone, you may be facing your shadow material. Here is your opportunity for growth.

Here is your opportunity for evolution. Take a breath and acknowledge the fear, the resistance, the avoidance. Recognize the truth in the history of all you’ve been through. And in the light of that, allow yourself a moment to consider that your future could be different in your past. Certainly, your present is different than it has ever been. Imagine yourself for just a moment utilizing the safety you feel right now, right here expanding and increasing.

From the safe space, take a moment to glimpse, or peak, at that what you are afraid of. See it in the new light of possibility. What does it look like now? How safe do you feel? Ki to Happiness faces fears with safety.



I just sent you all an email about Hatha Yoga Center Live Streaming Group on Facebook! Friend us, and ask to Join and you are approved! Jump start your Yoga practices from the safety of your home Now! Go to to make a donation, or purchase classes from our store online. Ki to Happiness is staying home and staying healthy!


Flattening the curve

As we face another day staying home and staying healthy in the state of Washington, I am aware that we are doing a good job of flattening the curve of the present epidemic. It has been increasingly effecting every single one of us. I wanted to congratulate you for doing your part. It looks like it is working. Keep it up. Also, it looks like the whole country is catching on more and more. And also maybe doing just what is necessary: Staying home and staying healthy.

Did you know that your efforts are making a difference? How appreciated do you feel? Ki to Happiness acknowledges every positive act.


Home stay

In Bali, Indonesia, there are usually small simple lodgings that are for rent for the tourists. They are called “home stays”. Different from hotels, motels, or bungalows, they are small detached separate dwellings on the property of the family compound.

For over 20 years as a yoga instructor conducting retreats there, all of our students have loved the simple family environment in which they lodge, and meet their simple needs. I am in envisioning us all creating our own homes stays where we are, safely sheltering as we sequester.

How safe are you where you are? Have you provisioned for your simplest needs? Ki to Happiness has plenty in this home stay.


Staying home

In our state of Washington, today we begin our official “staying home, staying healthy” order. Later this afternoon, the already deserted streets and shuttered buildings will be joined by others, turning the lights off, perhaps boarding up the windows and departing.

Just two weeks ago, this seemed utterly impossible. Unbelievable. Untenable. And now, I am able to except it with grace. And have adjusted all that I can in this direction in preparation. As usual, the impossible takes a little while.

How peaceful are you at home? Are you happy to be there a while? Ki to Happiness is in the heart’s healthy home.


Black moon

Now, we enter into our first black moon of the spring season. During this time, without the moonlight, we have an invitation into deeper realms of our intention. As we stay home, and stay healthy, it’s of utmost importance that we also stay conscious of our truest desires.

Peace, joy, bliss, happiness, are all within. This time of greater solitude, silence, and social distancing may not only save your life, but also perhaps bring you into this awareness. 

What would you like to have result from this time of staying home and staying healthy? When this, too, has passed, how would you like to remember yourself navigating this global pandemic? Ki to Happiness envisions a more conscious world.


Fire, Aim, Ready

Now that a large portion of Americans are staying home, we are entering into uncharted territory. Like you, I also had no warning, no sense of this coming, and as such it is all very surprising, if not shocking. The adjustments required here have included shifting the way that I serve.

The old adage “ready, aim, fire” doesn’t work. Instead, reverse it. Fire your energy toward the future, aim it toward what you truly value, then ready yourself for the result. Refine and repeat as needed.

What energy are you ready to fire? Which values do you still hold to aim toward? Ki to Happiness is ready.