
Waxing and Waning

As the moon continued to fill all day, the pressure and tension built up. Irritability and sensitivity could have erupted into conflict for some of us. Awareness of its cycle of waxing and waning empowers us to avoid overreacting to temporary conditions and circumstances.

I started my 530 class as the energy continue to build. At the moment of fullness, the class ended with a resonant Om. The second class began with a sense of intensity, which dissipated as the moon started to wane.

How did the super blue moon affect you last night? How different do you feel this morning? Ki to Happiness avoids identifying with that which is temporary.


Blue Moon

Tonight‘s full moon is the second one in the month of August. When we have two full moons in a given month, it’s referred to as a blue moon. This happens about every 33 months, so is fairly rare.

Like all full moons, it brings to fruition the emotional material which has been percolating since the last new moon two weeks ago. This is occurring now during Mercury retrograde while there are also several other planets appear to be heading backwards. In this way, it gives us a chance to reflect, and review much of our subconscious material to bring it to the light of Higher Consciousness.

What does this full moon bring up for you? How can you best transform your subconscious material into alignment with your Higher Consciousness? Ki to Happiness greets each emotion as a guest in her heart’s home and pours the guest a cup of tea,


Light Rain

As I taught my morning class in the cool, clear air, the students and I delighted in the freshness. After the bodies warmed up and we deepened into the student’s particular requests, we sat for brief meditation. I directed our consciousness to open to the sense of light entering through our crown chakra and grounding it through our spines down into the Earth.

Just then, the skies opened and released the rain. Perfect timing for us all to witness this magic. In our sensitive state, our perception shifted to see the glory in this most mundane weather moment.

What helps your perception shift? Can you open to the Light constantly raining down on us? Ki to Happiness sees, hears and feels the glory with the shift Hatha Yoga practices offer.


Cooler and clearer

Now that the heat and smoke is dissipating, cool sweet air enters our screened windows. Classes will be more comfortable for students. Meteorologist Cliff Mass says we won’t have another hot and smoky day til next year.

The improvement in the environment lures me out to the Apple trees in the alley behind our building. I’ll pick some and turn them into applesauce like my grandmother did in all the summers of my youth. i’m sure I’ll share some with students, as well as the plentiful plums another member of our community gave us for Bob’s birthday.

What does the sweet air lure you towards? From your summer’s bounty, what might you offer others? Ki to Happiness offers Hatha Yoga, apples and plums.


Smokey skies

I start my morning with windows closed to keep out the smoky air from our studio. Later, as students arrive, we will use our two air purifiers as well as multiple fans for comfort. The forecast says this will be our last hot and smoky day.

We managed well yesterday during our largest class since the COVID pandemic. With 18 physical students present, we had enough space and air circulation with purification for to practice safely. I look forward to safe, full classes today as well as in the future as temperatures drop and air quality improves.

How are you keeping your practices safe in the heat? What can you do about the smoky air? Ki to Happiness limits her exposure to these conditions for the safest practices.


My side of the street

I’m fluent in love languages. As an additional birthday gift to Bob, I spoke to him in his native love language of duty. I dutifully swept our sidewalk and cleaned out the gutter for his return from golfing.

Never mind that the other side of the street is littered with remnant of an unhoused tweeker. Ignore the neighbor’s trashed yard which has never been been tended to. Doing what I can without infringing on other people’s property is the love language I silently speak to my hood.

What does your side of the street need? Can you do something about it while respecting your neighbors? Ki to Happiness dutifully does her part.


75th birthday

Today, Bob turns 75. My preparation’s lead to a peaceful morning practice since all in place for his celebration. Gifts, flowers, festive food, and his golf outing are all ready. I’ll do my part as he basks in the loving attention he deserves.

He was born into a very different world in 1948. Our country had just come out of World War II and his dad with PTSD chose a lovely young woman to marry and make a life with as he healed. Their good fortune and generosity provided Bob with a solid foundation with which to live an epic life.

Do you know how to play your part in someone else’s celebration? Can you share your loving attention with the founder of Hatha Yoga Center which Bob Smith started in 1977? Ki to Happiness serves the One in serving Bob on his special day.



The sun is setting earlier and getting up later. The air is cool and crisp without wildfire smoke. Flowers are drooping their heads after offering their beauty all summer long revealing seeds.

I love witnessing the subtle seasonal changes. Without big international trips like years before, I bask in the continuity of place as time marches on. Similarly, yogic practices stabilize my consciousness as my face in the mirror reflects 62 years of smiles, tears, sunshine and storms.

Can you feel the subtle changes of season beginning? What brings continuity to your life amidst these shifts? Ki to Happiness welcomes Augtober.


Life and death

The portal between life and death has opened for me since my dear friend’s passing. I blogged about it’s synchronicity with the timing of hearing from a childhood friend just two days ago. Yesterday morning I learned that one of HYC’s community members suddenly passed away at the exact moment that another former client reached out with a passionate life affirming message.

The coincidence prompted me to reach out to my brother and share my love with him. Afterwards, with permission, HYC converted the remaining classes on our deceased student’s account into a scholarship fund for others who work in emergency response or hospice. Life and death seem to be holding hands at the portal between worlds for me to observe and to share with you.

What does this observation on the open portal between life and death motivate you towards? Who do you want to express your love for? Ki to Happiness loves each of you, dear Readers, for taking the time to read these words and for referring any potential recipient of our scholarship fund to Hatha Yoga Center.


Sad go happy

I had back to back contacts yesterday. The first announced the passing of my dear friend. The second one reunited me with an even older friend.

My sadness at the loss of a dear one left me as the happiness of reconnection took its place. As I taught my morning class, I felt ever broadened and scooped out, wide enough to hold the sky. Available for what came next…a cancellation of a private session exactly when one of our students needed some extra attention.

Are you emotionally available to keep up with the changes that keep coming at you? Can you allow yourself to detach from one reaction to be open to the next now moment? Ki to Happiness embraces the changes required to live in the moment respond consciously.