
Historical indictment

Justice takes a long time. When the former president was in the White House, his hubris seemed to protect him as if he was above the law. Years later, these 30 counts against him indicate he was incorrect about that.

No current or former president has ever been indicted. This singularity will ensure that we all remember him as special and unique. In my humble life, I recognize that I am neither special nor unique, and may be easily forgotten even as my love and contribution continues long after I’m gone.

How patient are you with respect to justice? What do you want to be remembered for? Ki to Happiness unconditionally loves and joyously contributes as Justice takes her sweet time.


Energetic bombardment

Our students and clients have been dealing with anxiety and tension during this time of energetic bombardment from the solar system. The solar flares and the planetary alignment makes it hard to rest. Utilizing the energy propels progress, instead of allowing it to grind away at our nervous system.

It has manifested with scheduling conflicts and myriad details competing for attention. Focusing on one issue at a time, these energies can be useful. Potentially an evolutionary leap forward awaits our active participation.

What have you been doing with these energies? Are you using them or are they using you? Ki to Happiness aligns with the stars and shines like the sun.



Today I celebrate 39 years since my awakening into spirit. I give my maternal grandmother credit for pulling some strings for me behind the scenes. She would be 121 years old today, but she departed the physical realm before she turned 82.

Since that morning 39 years ago, in my humble little apartment, I have aligned with spirit as the center of my life. It always was, but I didn’t realize that until my awakening. Instead of swimming upstream against the current, in kindness to my soul and with self compassion, I have learned to go with the flow of guidance and surrender my efforts to the One in All.

What do you hold as the center of your life? What supports that center? Ki to Happiness aligns with spirit through daily Hatha Yoga practice.


Reclined Hero

In Bob’s 530 class last night, he had us practice the posture called Reclined Hero, or Supta Virasana. It’s a simple posture for kids, and often impossible for adults. Laying back on our backs with heals tucked in by our hips is too much knee flexion for many heroic adults.

Those of us gathered slowly found our way to release our heroic efforts and settle into the pose. Some required a bolster under their hips, or under their chest, to diminish the extreme stretch through the quads. Having sent off my taxes, worked on my manuscript, and taught my morning class, this practice brought me sublime restoration.

How heroic have your efforts been lately? What will restore you? Ki to Happiness restores and reSources with Hatha Yoga.


Death and taxes

At this time of the year, many of us are dealing with our taxes. They are one of the only two certainties in life as grandpa told me. I’m glad he informed me long ago before he demonstrated the other certainty.

I’d love to have more representation regarding how my taxes are directed. Voting doesn’t seem to make that happen, so let me give a shout out here to the underpaid cops, teachers and civil servants that keep our society in tact to the best of their abilities. In our new live work situation, I wish I could direct my taxes to the kind folks who respond to the reports on the Find It, Fix It app, as they do a great job of attending to otherwise neglected issues in our society.

How represented do you feel as you pay your taxes? Who would you like to receive some of your contributions to our society? Ki to Happiness contributes praise and donations to the unsung heroes at all times of the year.


Quiet pulse

Our son, and one of his best friends came by yesterday. It’s been years since we’ve seen this particular friend who is now married Visiting with them and his new wife over tea brought up a lot of memories.

I reflect on our history together in the quiet pulse of morning. Their visit feels like a gift that has taken years to open. These young men remember our years of making a family around them to shield them as they developed.

What do you reflect on in the quiet pulse of morning? What gifts might you open that have taken years to develop? Ki to Happiness appreciates the gift the morning practice opens.


Choosing contentment

Bank crises, political upheaval, lousy weather all can combine to diminish one’s inherent joy. Doom scrolling, lethargy and reactive discontent easily can deepen the sense of futility of any positive efforts. Throw in a stubbed toe or a head cold and misery can unconsciously take hold.

I bundled up against the cold wind and rain and cut the blooming long legged daffodils to grace our altar. I organized my notes on my manuscript, in preparation of the next revision, whether or not it ever gets published. I trimmed my cat’s claws as I chose contentment, one of the most challenging and simple spiritual practices common to all the great paths.

What stops you from contentment? What will help you strengthen your practice of choosing contentment instead? Ki to Happiness gazes upon the daffodils and reflects on their long dark winter spent underground as they reveal their inherent beauty.


Sitting together

Celebrating small miracles, I wanted to share that my 74-year-old husband sat with me yesterday as I showed him something on his cell phone. He resisted having a cell phone until his stroke. He has found benefit in having one, at first for his medical communication and gradually other purposes.

I showed him how to download a particular app which will enable him to report undesirable unhoused encampments at our near park. This will help keep our neighborhood and business safer while I am away. While it may not seem like much to some, for us, it is miraculous to be able to sit together, and work on these issues in harmony.

What small miracles are happening in your life? Who would you like to sit together with in harmony as you work together for common purposes? Ki to Happiness shares the small miracles to encourage yours.


As if in a dream

After teaching my 530 class, I started setting up for my 7 PM with the familiar students arriving in the spring evening. As I put away a few props from the first class, I turned to greet a new person, joining us for the first time. She seems so familiar, and yet out of context from where I usually see her, across the street at our grocery store.

I shop there a little bit every day, and over our eight months of living and working here I’ve gotten to know several of the regular staff members. One of the managers indicated that a small group of four of the morning crew wanted to come to class. I never imagined of all the many staff members that this particular woman would enter our class as if in a dream, becoming reality.

When have you awakened to find your dreams have become real? How open are you to accept the reality if it’s not exactly as you dreamt? Ki to Happiness awakens to reality which surpasses dreams.


Domestic bliss

In my kitchen, cleaning up after us, I had a moment of pure joy. I put away my tea set which I used through the winter and brought out my cherry blossom set for Spring. I wiped down the counters after doing the dishes and looked around.

Everything in order, I took a breath. I remembered my grandma saying, “we should all be happy we have a pot to piss in..” She was right, and I am happy to have that and my tea sets and a clean counter…

What does it take for you to be happy with what you have? When’s the last time you experienced domestic bliss? Ki to Happiness remembers Grandma.