
Formal prayers

When we learn memorized formal prayers, it facilitates the likelihood that when we are in challenge, we may find a way to spontaneous prayer. Like many, I was educated with memorization of the Lord’s Prayer and the Lady’s Prayer.The formal prayers I learned, I have relearned a new.

Each line in the Lords prayer is associated with a particular chakra, or energy center. When I get into the bath, with my crystals programmed, and my supplies around me, I begin singing my renewed version, which is translated directly from the Aramaic language, as I wash my body, each chakra with its particular line.



On my altar, I have other tools such as daily readings. I’ve been working with A Course in Miracles for over 30 years. Daily reading one lesson at a time, is a great way to anchor that awareness into our daily lives. ACIM redefines several Christian terms for modern application. You may, of course, have your own favorites, which you will be enjoying reading.

I also have little icons of Saints and Deities from a variety of beliefs systems. They love the tea and the incense I offer to them. I am honor the saint of the day, some of whom I have blogged about here.

Meanwhile, I run a bath into which I use several crystals, which I have cleansed and programmed for amplifying the next rituals that I will be sharing. You may wish to prepare some for our next practices.