

Welcome May! The merriest of months. As we stay home and stay healthy, we are able to make use of this ancient ritual. Plenty of our reserves of good cheer have been already utilized during this time of sequestration. As such any emotional material that you are no longer wanting to hold onto could be easily released.

Beltane invites us to dance around the fire. Celebrate the warmth and the light that are returning. This may require release of any emotional baggage or problems. Simply safely build a small fire. (In a fire pit, cauldron or fireplace). While it is burning, write down all that you are ready to release, especially anything that has come up during this time of staying home. Watch as the flames consume the paper, smoke rising, with your written words. When all has turned to cool ash, offer it to the Good Mother Earth.

What can you release? Now do you feel like dancing? Ki to Happiness does!