
Light returns

Dawn is still sleeping. Yet the sunlight begins to return. Bob sleeps on as well. His light is also returning in a way your can’t see.

Two years ago my dad returned home from his stroke recovery care. His light continues as we celebrate the anniversary of his homecoming. His caregivers have expanded our family.

Can you feel the light returning? When you can’t see it, what evidence do you need? Ki to Happiness feels the light of consciousness enveloping all that the mind can hold.



Bright sunshine made all the difference in our short day yesterday. The moon showed her light all night. These dark days and long nights show us how much we need light.

I made progress in the light. I got outside in it and followed my inspiration, tending to tasks and errands that were less important than the immediate needs. Bob also made progress…he’s recovered enough from his stroke two weeks ago that he could put his contacts in his eyes.

How are you doing in this darkness? Making progress with the light available? Ki to Happiness sees the light within more readily in the darkness.



When I first began participating in social media, I posted a video of Bob vacuuming. It received the most attention of all. The women especially responded as if it was miraculous.

Seeing Bob resume vacuuming yesterday truly is miraculous. Using the vacuum, like his walker or cane, he was thorough, steady, and remarkable. Then he continued walking without any support, just two weeks after his stroke.

When has the mundane seemed miraculous to you? What miracles are you witnessing in this full moon? Ki to Happiness sees miracles in the mundane and the marvelous.


Full Gemini Moon

Tonight’s full moon is in Gemini. Our year concludes with this creative influx of energy. It’s a good time to make use of its freedom of expression as you honor the holidays.

This occurs as we start to shift toward the sun sign of Capricorn. It wants systems and traditions. While these two influences may feel disparate, the combination can serve the Total.

What traditions can you free up for a new expression? How can you honor the holiday systems creatively? Ki to Happiness fully embraces the system of yoga with creative expression on each Holy Day.


“Where am I going?”

Today is Rumi’s wedding day. When this poet passed away he reunited with his partner, Shams in the higher realms on this day nearly 700 years ago. He left us with thousands of poems, stirring our souls to meet his, and theirs. Here’s one.

“Where am I going on this glorious journey? To your house, of course.” Now feel with me the magic presence and truth of those brief words. Join me in celebrating this wedding anniversary.

Where are you going? Who will you marry when you exit this realm? Ki to Happiness is “going home to the One who sent me here” as Rumi says in another poem.


Sea Change

I have often felt myself to be like a cruise ship, with several levels. Under water, the keel represents my unconscious, whereas the sleeping quarters, and galley are above. Topside are all those public efforts, like this one. When my disparate activities align with the mast of my higher self, I feel that these levels are heading in the same direction.

My husband’s stroke and miraculous recovery represent for me a sea change. He is different. I am slowing down to adjust course. It feels like I’m dead in the water, as I sniff the wind for guidance as to how to adjust my sails. And yet we are afloat and continuing along our charted course.

Can you slow down to adjust to the changes in your world? What is necessary for you to align with you higher guidance? Ki to Happiness is in shipshape.


Spaghetti Leaning

After Bob’s first acupuncture session yesterday, he needed to rest. I kept an eye him as he integrated the energetic rebalancing. Then suddenly, he got up and walked on his own.

He was unsteady, and a bit off-balance. Seeing him this way reminded me of my grandmother’s expression, “lean on your own spaghetti.” In her fierce self reliance, she modeled her willingness to stand up and count on oneself, regardless.

How stiff is your spaghetti? How cooked? Ki to Happiness leans on her own spaghetti.


Land line

In Bob’s healing process, he needs to talk to a lot of people. He has resisted getting a cell phone all this time. He still tries to take care of everything on his landline, which he got in the 90s. It’s battery doesn’t hold power, and it crackles on the line.

The old technology is hard to replace. I placed an order scheduled for delivery tomorrow. Jai is going to share his cell phone plan with his dad and get him one today.

Do you still have a landline? When did you switch to cell phone? Ki to Happiness loves the old technology and embraces the new.


Early Christmas

Bob returned home to a hero’s welcome. Jai championed Bob’s hospital stay and relieved himself of it as all settled in. Cats, friends, family, food, gifts all around in Bob’s healing space made for a festive homecoming.

Once the medical, legal and financial conversations ended, the focus shifted to the holidays. Plans were shared. We have no plans ourselves. We are already delighted by our early Christmas.

What are your plans for the holidays? Can you celebrate the holiness in this day with me? Ki to Happiness spreads the Holiday Spirit.


Planetary parade

For Bob‘s homecoming today, I thought about asking any of you to come join us to welcome him home. Being an introvert, I knew better than to act on that thought. Then I learned that all the planets are lining up in their own parade of welcome.

I sent Bob an email with a picture of the celestial lineup. He is able to use his right hand enough to open an email and sees enough to appreciate the picture. He also walked 900 yards yesterday unassisted, with just his cane.

Did you know about this planetary alignment? What might it assist you in welcoming? Ki to Happiness aligns with the planets.