
UD Street fair

The longest running street fair in the country resumes today after the two-year Covid hiatus. In anticipation, our area was full of preparation yesterday. Lots of traffic snarls, shoppers, pedestrians, booths being set up, security guards and cops everywhere.

This morning all is peaceful and quiet. It reminds me of the end of school picnic when our school would have carnival rides and booths for cotton candy, snow cones and contests to win stuffed animals. The kid in me anticipates skipping through the crowd after teaching my morning classes.

How is the kid in you? After yoga, how about some skipping? Ki to Happiness let’s her inner child out in safe places at right times.


Cat’s Eyes

Sometimes the world and its problems feel like a big puzzle. All the pieces of the puzzle are intricately connected, but only in one way. I can only figure out a bit at a time.

When I try too hard, I feel stress, like you. Then I look in my cat’s eyes and smile. There’s nothing more to figure out.

How’s your puzzle? What shifts you from stress to smiles? Ki to Happiness chooses yoga and animals.


Cooked Garbanzos

In Bali, the cooks are considered the home doctors. If the cook has suffered loss, illness, or stress, they do not go into the kitchen as those energetic ingredients are not welcome. Someone else prepares the food, to allow time and space for the cook’s healing.

I share this as another practice I participate in. Sometimes dodging issues require soaking the garbanzo beans one day and cooking them on another. Once cooked, all other ingredients are added… peace, contentment, acceptance of life on life’s terms, in addition to turmeric, cumin, chili powder and cinnamon.

What is cooking in your kitchen? What is the state of the cook? Ki to Happiness cooks what the Doctor orders.


Old Friends

Mercury retrograde often brings contact from old friends. Last night my soul sister and I spoke at length, pouring out the stories each needed to have heard by someone with unique understanding. While we were on the phone, another call came in.

It was from Bob’s old friend. He was unable to reach Bob so he called me. I returned his call, and all three of us enjoyed our conversation.

Have you been enjoying the blessings of mercury retrograde? Can you act on the nudge you feel to reach out to your old friends? Ki to Happiness receives Gods love through her buddies.


Yin Chiao

When tension and stress build like they have during this most recent eclipse pattern, our immune system becomes compromised. It’s as if all of our energy is needed elsewhere. Recognizing such, I like to have immune support on hand.

At the very first sign, I reach for the traditional Chinese medicine, Yin Chiao. This herbal blend helps to boost the immune function. With enough energy, I feel strong enough to exercise my freedom and vision toward solutions and new beginnings.

When tension and stress deplete you, how do you replenish? What do you reach for at the first sign of trouble? Ki to Happiness reaches for her herbs and calming yoga.


Waning and Raining

After that amazing lunar display of the eclipse, the energy is starting to diminish. Now in its waning phase, the moon’s light dims and our subconscious material quiets. The sky has opened up and rained its mysteries on the Earth.

In the aftermath, we are left to reflect, re-organize, and re-create. Our attention is free to focus back on the Earth now. Let’s make use of all we’ve gleaned.

Can you feel the energies subduing? What do you need to re-organize or re-create? Ki to Happiness feels Grace raining down upon us in the waning moon.


Scorpio Full moon eclipse

We are entering into the full moon eclipse in Scorpio. Those of us who are sensitive have been feeling the intense destabilizing energies for days. It wants to dig deeply into hidden material and bring it to Light.

As this Light shines into our depth, evolution is possible. The energy required to hold on is freed for repurposing. New beginnings open up.

How have you been navigating these unstable energies? Can you open up to the new beginning? Ki to Happiness stabilizes with Hatha Yoga.


What a Bargain

I look around my world with new eyes. Having passed through the great challenge of this last week, I am dripping with gratitude for every little thing. May everything be just as it is.

I am reminded of one of the great Sufi poets. After assessing his life he looks around and says “what a bargain, I think I’ll buy it.” Anytime I vibe with the old sacred voices I know I’m on the right vibration.

How does your life look to you after your most recent challenges? Are you dripping with gratitude? Ki to Happiness is saying Thank You to All that Is.


The 13th power

On Friday the 13th there’s a special power available. If we can overcome fear and superstition of our feminine nature, we can harness that power for the good. Receptivity and openness are required.

I open myself to this power every day. In doing so, I feel today is another day to step back and receive guidance. I open to my Higher Power.

Are you comfortable with Friday the 13th? Can you embrace the feminine within? Ki to Happiness opens to Guidance and Grace.


First Light

Working away with my practices in the dark, I heard a bird announcing first light. The joy in the bird song drew me up and out of myself. I looked out the window and saw heavy gray somber clouds, slightly illuminated by dawn.

A new day is upon us. It is to be welcomed, says the Winged Ones. With joy and sound and anticipation, I open up to this day.

How do you greet first light? Can you open up to the potential in this day? Ki to Happiness has been reminded to sing.