

We have settled in to our new place enough that I was able to get creative in the kitchen. With all the inflation and supply chain issues, I treasured finding discount produce at our neighborhood QFC. I got eggplants, yellow peppers, limes, apples, tomatoes, squash, and bananas all at super reduced prices.

I brought them home and immediately started processing all of it so that nothing spoils. Our refrigerator and freezer are filled with babaganoush, roasted peppers and squash, with an eye to serving some at our upcoming open house. Whomping the ingredients together to enjoy later brings me to a sense of home.

What brings you a sense of home? How are you dealing with the high cost of food and supply chain issues? Ki to Happiness whomps and shares natures bounty.


One Good Day

I awaken this morning in gratitude for a blessed rest. I sit into my practices reflecting on yesterday. After surprising information from our new landlord, Bob’s yoga class calmed me down.

I proceeded to have my best day here so far. Like my capsized ship right sided itself and finally the rough waters have calmed enough that the sailing is becoming smooth again. I’m sure I’ll continue to stand watch for a while…

When was your last good day? Are you still dealing with rough waters? Ki to Happiness stands watch.



While in my practice, a sudden rustling in the pines cued my animal senses. Sniffing the air, I awaited the opening of the sky. Rain, dumped on our morning, sending cats away from the windows at first, then enticing them back to witness the downpour.

Another heat wave has passed. Today we will adjust our yoga practices toward rain dances, singing and splashing. Together with the pines, all is refreshed.

Does your life afford you the time in space to enjoy the simple pleasures of nature? Are you aware that you are one of nature’s simple pleasures? Ki to Happiness dances and sings, splashing delight about in the refreshing downpour.


Small steps

In this recent heat wave, it’s been too hot to do much. Changing my yoga practices to utilize the cooling breath gave me enough relief to take small steps toward progress. I located our nearest drugstore for a couple items which satisfied our humblest needs.

With today’s fresh candle lit on my altar, and some tuna fish for the cats, I await students arrival with new cups for their water. Homemade lemonade chills in the fridge to refresh our upcoming hot afternoon. It isn’t much, and it is just the right amount of progress for the small steps taken.

How do you change your practices when you cannot change the weather? What small steps can you take to align with your present circumstances? Ki to Happiness chooses cooling breaths in the heat, taking small steps in the right direction.


One glimpse

Amidst the ongoing details of life as we settle in our new space, I stopped tending to my chore. Something caught my eye in the multiple mirrors on our East and West walls. The infinite reflection of images repeated as they bounced back and forth forever.

As if I slipped into another dimension, I held myself erect in wonder. One glimpse into this portal empowered me to extend gratitude outward eternally. My slender strong body, clear mind and balanced emotions welcomed my spirit to guide me toward the awareness of perfection in all things, just as they are.

What do you see in the mirror? Can you use your looking glass to open up the portal into the Infinite? Ki to Happiness shares the blessing of one conscious glimpse.


God’s Paintbrush

I start my practice in the dark each morning. In a new location, the cats and I watch as first light enters. Today, dawn offered us wispy pink clouds, as if from God’s paintbrush.

The crows flew their morning pattern southward, winging their way from their roost, out against the canvas of sky. I fly my pattern here, to you now dear readers. Enjoy today’s artwork and the artist will know.

How does your day begin? What might help you enhance your appreciation of the great artist’s work? Ki to Happiness appreciates this unsigned, ever changing canvas.



One of Bob‘s first students from the late 70s attended class yesterday morning. He was still living in Seattle when I arrived in the late 90s. The three of us worked together on a piece of performance art back then, deepening our connection as he continued to take classes from both of us.

To see him in our new location after he’s been living out of state for over a decade brought a sense of continuity through all we experience. I could see in his mouth the downturn of days, uplifted by his silly sense of humor. I recognized myself in his feet, in the way that each student’s foot prints are indelibly stamped on my soul.

What do you recognize in yourself that you can only see when you look at someone else? How deep are the connections in your community? Ki to Happiness remembers herself to everyone’s efforts along the path.


As the crow flies

Our new location is along the flight path of the crows who roost north of us then fly to their respective territories during the day. Like clockwork, I’ve been watching their patterns as I am up with them before dawn for my practices. Then in the evening, I have adopted the new practice of going out to our nearby creek to watch them go home just before sunset.

In our old neighborhood we fed them regularly. I told them we were moving 3miles north as the crow flies. It seems like some of them fly overhead and look down upon us, offering us their blessing.

What natural patterns do you observe from where you live? What new practices do they inspire? Ki to Happiness takes inspiration from nature.


Waning Moon

As the moon subsides it’s super fullness, the intensity of the last few days calms. Now is a time for integration of the energies stirred. In quiet reflection, we may make the most of all that has come to light.

Yoga practice and teaching has sustained us through our transition to our new location. Like sea creatures all piled up on a rock, we rest in the summer sun and heal from the pounding waves and current of change. Yoga is our rock.

What is your rock? Can you rest on it as you heal? Ki to Happiness rests and integrates with Hatha Yoga.


Archangel Michael

All the great religious paths honor those entities of protection and healing. Archangel Michael is revered by the pathless path as well. In times of need for justice, he may be involved by anyone.

Once during an initiation process when all my guides and guardians were invoked, I experienced him as the leader of an army of protectors, insuring justice and healing for all who petition. From time to time I have called on him, and they all show up. In the light of this full moon, ask for the justice, protection and healing you desire and allow his magnificent wings to wrap you in a field of grace, trust and faith that all will be well in right timing.

What has come up for you in the light of this full moon? Who do you turn to for protection, justice and healing? Ki to Happiness asks and receives an abundance of Archangel Michael’s grace.