
Trash dump

The present global, cultural and societal issues bring me to my practices. I remember to “take the trash out” referring to removing thoughts and emotions that don’t serve my desire for peace and happiness. Yesterday, I needed to make that a literal reality.

Next door, there is an ignored trashcan that is stored under a set of steps to that building’s maintenance room. I dumped it over to drain the standing water so I could sort the trash, recyclables and compostable materials and carry them to their respective containers for proper disposal. In doing so, I released my emotions and transmuted them in alignment with my truest desire.

What “trash” do you need to take out? Can you transmute it into something valuable? Ki to Happiness practices repurposing emotions as energy that wants motion.


Cold and Bright

Bob and I took our lunch smoothies outside on our sunny deck. We sat bundled up in the cold brightness. Red, orange and pink maple leaves fell all around us in the gentle breeze.

Exposing as much skin as possible, we took in the vitamin D. Blessed with dry weather, we may have few opportunities to do so during these next dark months. We are fortunate to be able to adapt our activities to the natural rhythms.

Are you getting enough sunshine? Do you know how important vitamin D is for your immune system? Ki to Happiness recognizes the good fortune of being free to attune activities to nature.


Neighbors helping neighbors

On my way back from my walk, I saw dark smoke rising above my neighbor’s house. A terrible chemical smell permeated the area. As another neighbor left her house to enter her car, she expressed her concern about it to me.

I told her I would look into it, so she could continue on her way. Just then, yet another neighbor came up from the woods, demonstrating her concern. She and I went together, knocked on the door and found that all was well, as we learned that new wood burning safely in their stove for the first time this season was the culprit.

Do you know your neighbors? Whether or not you do, can you help each other? Ki to Happiness appreciates neighbors helping neighbors.


Hit Bottom

For most of us to change, there’s a need for what we’ve been doing so far to fail. If our present methods of dealing with our issues succeed, there’s a little motivation for trying another way. When we pray for others to change, the result is often a worsening of their conditions toward failure of their present means.

This is one way of interpreting the expression “be careful what you wish for”. Observing someone we love hitting bottom brings up our own sense of futility, helplessness, and hopelessness. As we learn to love and detach from the outcome of our loving, we may accept others as they flail and fail in confidence that the way to recovery often requires such. Withstanding those uncomfortable feelings, we embody faith in the Higher Self as it acts in its own timing and way through each of us.

What do you wish or pray for? Can you withstand the uncomfortable feelings that may result? Ki to Happiness wishes and prays for what Is, grateful and faithful for what may come.


Standard Time

I spoke with my brother, like I do on Sundays. His cats also had him up early earlier than necessary. While we lamented the autumnal ritual, we also appreciated its benefits.

It was much warmer for me as I sat outside, for privacy and freedom. Dawn had already broken bringing light and beauty to our chat. With greater light and warmth, my brother ventured out to find the celebratory package I sent him on his front steps and opened it so I shared in his delight.

What benefits have you noticed in the time shift? Can you choose to focus on that instead of the annoying drawbacks? Ki to Happiness chooses to focus on the benefits of the uncontrollable.


Falling back

We may have set our clocks back, but nobody gave our cats the message. They still wanted their early breakfast and tried to get me up. I anticipated such, so I went to bed early anyway.

When they woke me up, I told them they needed to wait for one more hour. They’ve heard me say such things before. The dream I had in between their efforts let me know I did fall back to sleep a bit.

Did you remember to set your clocks back? Are you able to adjust to changes with grace? Ki to Happiness prepared to gracefully adjust this year.


Pumpkin Smashing

After days of rain and wind, my peanut butter lined jack-o’-lantern collapsed into itself. Offering it to the good mother earth and her little creatures, I carried it over to our nearby park. It smashed as I put it down and distributed its contents for squirrels, birds and insects to enjoy.

Being a responsible citizen includes recycling, composting, and avoiding undue waste. I’m happy to do my small part. With each conscious act. we build heaven on earth, steering clear of the fear so prevalent by those who would attempt to control us.

How willing are you to be responsible for doing your small part? Can you feel how it contributes to the totality? Ki to Happiness evolves toward serving the totality in all ways, always.


Power and Powerlessness

When our area lost power due to the wind storm yesterday, I got active notifying Seattle city light, and posting to our neighborhood group page on Facebook. During or 2 1/2 hours of powerlessness I made every preparation possible to continue with our schedules in case we didn’t get power back on before our evening class. When all was taken care of, I prayed.

Just then, the lights flickered back on! I updated my post and saw that others were also praying, and their power also had been restored! My prayers turned to gratitude at the immediacy of the Higher Power.

Where do you turn when you feel powerless? Can you remember to reach out to your Higher Power? Ki to Happiness feels empowered as her prayers were answered.


Blue Zones

I’ve been watching the uplifting documentary series on Netflix about the blue zones where life expectancy is the longest. Taking tips from around the world to refine my lifestyle, I appreciate how yoga aligns with much of the guidance obtained by researching what has helped others live long and joyous lives. I especially appreciate the casual social interactions that seem to make a big difference everywhere.

Weather in Loma Linda, California, or on the other side of the planet in Sardinia, those who find a way to be kind to one another at the grocery store, or as they walk in their village or city demonstrate the benefit of simply smiling and saying hi. This encourages my naturally friendly state to continue in this way. Greeting the regular folks at the Walgreens, or the postman, as he delivers our mail, each smile and connection brings social medicine to us who otherwise may be isolated and lonely.

How long do you expect to live? What makes your life worth living? Ki to Happiness embraces the mystery of lifespan by infusing it with loving connections along the way.


All Saints Day

After the ghouls and goblins have expressed themselves, the energy is clear to venerate those who have departed our physical realm. Removing the leftover treats, decorations and supplies for Halloween, I refreshed my altar in keeping with today’s focus.

Ever since my dad passed away 9 months ago, I keep him with me as I wear his watch. He regularly used the expression “that’s the time“. Today I place his watch on the altar as “ that’s the time” for doing so.

Have you lost anyone this year? How can you best venerate them? Ki to Happiness joins with many cultures in honoring the dearly departed.