
New moon in Aquarius

Trying a new and inventive way to keep my Facebook and blog relationships fresh. Let’s see if I can publish this now.


Aquarius New Moon

Last night, we entered into a new lunar cycle. The new moon in Aquarius invites us to set intentions for creative ways to participate in community. Erratic, unpredictable, and inventive, Aquarius invites us to imagine new ways to harmonize with others in our roles and relationships.

I find the courage to change myself, and compromise with others when I can sets me in good relationship with others. Doing so now projects a good trajectory for the whole next month. I envision a world of everyone taking part in bringing about love, harmony and beauty in peace.

What is your role in your communities? What can you change about yourself or compromise to uphold your highest vision? Ki to Happiness aligns with her desire for a peaceful world by starting with herself.


Composing Myself

Sometimes the little things in life pile up. Cats misbehave, eyes itch, spouse irritates and healing takes time. Fortunately, yoga practice strengthens one’s ability to witness the pile, and offers ways to diminish one’s attachment to it.

I remember that I am not my reaction. Composing myself, I align with my intention. I am a Spiritual being having a physical experience, experimenting in this learning lab of life and can respond to all with breath as I ask for Guidance which always comes in the form of peace.

How big is your pile today? Can you take time to compose yourself? Ki to Happiness gets up early to have plenty of time to experience peace.


Private Progress

Working with one of my private clients yesterday, I delighted in her progress. Instead of her responding to my prompt reminding her of our session, she reached out to me first. She directed the session, stitching us back together to where we were last time together, and then moving into her present material.

As she considered her options moving forward, I helped her tether her choices to the effect each option has on her habits as she experiments. When our choices lead to healthier habits like consistent yoga practice, we are in alignment with our values. She appreciated that approach to privately track her own progress, internalizing our efforts.

How aligned are your habits with your values? Can you track your own progress privately or do you need assistance? Ki to Happiness privately progresses and helps others do the same.


Strength and flexibility

A lifetime of yoga practice gives me a healthy baseline of strength and flexibility. Adapting my practices, I’m finding my strength returning with flexibility on its way. Thank goodness for my helpful team of teachers covering some classes for me and my partner tolerating my daily details for 7 weeks during my recovery from one simple fall.

I see my doctor for my eighth treatment today. I look forward to sharing with him my improvements from simply three days of adding mudras to my daily practice. I am forever blessed to have found him nearby, able and willing to use his multiple skills for my healing benefit.

What is your baseline of strength and flexibility? What can you do to bolster both just in case you, like me, experience, a simple injury? Ki to Happiness recommits to daily yoga practice in gratitude for its many benefits.


Healing and helping

My healing journey now includes greater strengthening practices. In addition to my Mudras, I did a little painting with both hands to help beautify the Hatha Yoga Center. I let the right hand do the bulk of the work, then the left hand did the same work more slowly with less accuracy.

Safely using my left wrist gives it the feeling of membership and purpose. No longer keeping it separate, it is included in my totality, a part of my body and my history. Helping the right hand heals the left.

What part of your self do you keep separate? What will help you include it in your totality? Ki to Happiness lets the healing parts help when ready.


Mudras and mantras

My healing now requires that I begin physical therapy. For me, that means resuming my practice of mudras together with mantras. Forming my hand into sacred symbols as I chant is a practice I had to let go of until now.

At our winter solstice gathering, when my injury was fresh, I did my mudras for one last time with chanting. Returning to the practice, muscle memory stitches me back together, strengthening my atrophied tissues. Yoga practices continue to sustain me, as I refine and adjust them to my present needs.

How flexible can you be with your practices? When you let go of a practice, do you let yourself return to it when you are ready? Ki to Happiness uses hands and voice for sacred purposes when handstands and backbends are limited.


Be Held

I worked with a new person privately yesterday. She and I chose an audio video platform so we could see each other as well as hear each other. At first, we simply sat and beheld one another’s presence.

As she shared her material that brought her to the session, I listened intently. I reframed her issues and mirrored back to her the healthy impulses she openly revealed. We concluded and rescheduled, satisfied with the progress.

Can you simply behold the others who come to you for assistance? What could be more therapeutic than being held in sacred intention? Ki to Happiness holds sacred space to open up and behold another’s truth.


Groundhog’s Day

Looks like we’re about to have an early Spring. That’s what the groundhog prognosticates by not seeing his shadow today. It sure feels that way out here in Seattle, far away from his home in Pennsylvania.

I understand that Punxsutawney Phil has a poor track record. The unusual tradition of letting a rodent’s ability to see his shadow of indicating Spring’s arrival needs to be checked. One day at a time, going outside, smelling the Earth waking up and seeing robins and shoots emerging from the soil inform me that this year, he may be right.

Do you trust the groundhog or your own senses? Can you observe traditions yet do your own research ? Ki to Happiness trusts her senses which have a pretty good track record one day at a time.


St. Brigid’s Day

Last night I placed a shawl out on our deck chair to collect the energy of Saint Brigid’s Eve. On the eve of her feast day this Irish saint from the fifth century is thought to traverse the Earth to offer her blessings to all who leave a cloth out for her, which is called a Brat Bride. All through the year, the Brat Bride may be used to protect and heal the wearer.

Later on, I will serve special potatoes with cabbage mashed together to draw her healing potential into my form. I share this with you in case you didn’t place a cloth outside, but want to participate in this midwinter celebration also called Imbolc. Simply asking for her protection and healing as you intentionally sup on mashed potatoes will garner her blessing.

Can you take a moment to observe midwinter? Can you celebrate the early signs of spring in your area? Ki to Happiness observes bulbs sprouting, robins chirping and Light returning.