
Nora’s One

Today we meet our newest family member. Nora came to the world one year ago today. We will celebrate with our son and her mom and dad, who is our niece and her husband.

In many indigenous cultures, the first birthday is the most important. Surviving birth and the first year of life is challenging and treacherous even in our modern world. Whether our plans unfold as scheduled or not, meeting her and being together will be a blessing.

Who is your newest family member? Who is your oldest? Ki to Happiness is grateful for both our youngest and oldest for all we share.


Departing and Returning

Bob’s class last night included a new student, another who is departing and also returning students. One who is regularly in attendance wanted something “special“. Truly, just have us all in one place at the same time practicing yoga was already special. 

There was a moment in class in which specialness erupted on its own. Joy and laugher came through us all as an attendee experienced success with a practice, inspiring us all. Contagious, another who’d been unable in the past with the practice also succeeded. 

What makes your yoga practice special?  What inspires you to keep practicing? Ki to Happiness finds specialness in the confluence of different students inspiring each other,



One of the five Niyamas or observances on the yogic path is contentment, or Santosha in Sanskrit. Choosing to be content with life brings us peace. That vibration draws more contentment to us, more awareness of our many blessings, and a stronger ability to choose contentment repeatedly.

Capitalism, or what some are now calling our present economic system “Creditism” is based on discontent.  Feeling the lack of sufficiency to meet our needs promotes more consumption, if on credit. Repaying our debts with interest brings us into the cycle of further discontent.

Can you choose to be content with what you have? What helps you strengthen that choice? Ki to Happiness wants what she has: freedom to choose contentment.


Fall Preview

While parts of the country are having record-breaking heat, we are setting records for lowest high temperatures. Crisp air with chilly precipitation refresh our plants and trees. It lets us prepare for what is coming.,

There will be higher temperatures and more summer weather here, but this Fall preview brings us blessings. We are invited to reflect on our summer and make sure we’ve done all we intended. In doing so, we can adjust our plans to align with Life on Life’s terms.

Do you embrace the weather conditions in your environment? Can you align or do you resist? Ki to Happiness aligns, accommodates and accepts, changing herself serenely, growing in wisdom.



After Bob’s birthday weekend, I scheduled some self care. My chiropractor is happy with my structural progress so we’ve planned our path forward for maintenance. My Ayurvedic doctor administered shirodhara, relieving stress and calming my nervous system.

He applied warm herbally infused oil onto my head and feet first. He then began the application of flowing oil onto my third eye for a long time. The resulting images, visions, dreams all gave me access to otherwise unconscious material for me to process consciously.

 How do you take care of yourself after serving others? What does self-care mean to you? Ki to Happiness boosts the self-care of daily yoga practice with Ayurvedic and Chiropractic care.


76 trombones

Bob’s birthday filled him with delight. Well attended classes, followed by gifts and treats with students from every decade of his instruction brought joy and celebration. Better than 76 trombones, 76 postures and 76 rolls on the mini basketball indulged him in his favorites.

A couple of surprise visitors required Bob to bring out his old scrapbooks. He shared pictures of his youth in his “family of the year”as he won the hoop shoot contest in 1958. New pictures and memories are recorded digitally for future sharing.

How would you celebrate 76 years on the planet? What could be better than 76 trombones? Ki to Happiness takes 76 free deep breaths in the afterglow.


Bob’s 76th

Today is Bob Smith‘s 76th birthday. Hatha Yoga Center is ready to welcome all who wish to join him for his morning classes. Immediately following, we will celebrate him with treats and time together.

My efforts of cleaning and cooking, cutting his hair and attending to details have all been done with love. Bob inspires me as he continues to progress in his life long immersion in the yoga of his understanding. His dedication, especially post stroke, encourages us all to persevere and serve the One in All.

What inspires your practice? Whose dedication encourages yours? Ki to Happiness honors those who persevere.



Walking down the street the other day, I had a keen sense that good news would be coming. It has come, which reinforces my sense of being in tune with life’s flow. I’m using this reinforcement to persevere on the path ahead.

Bob is not aware of some of my efforts. That’s OK, he doesn’t need to know that there are lots of people about to arrive for his birthday tomorrow. He knows all he needs to as he experiences my overflowing joy.

Have you experienced a glimmering? In what ways do you receive validation that you are in tune with life’s flow? Ki to Happiness grows in faith that all will be well with surrender into Divine Will. 


Flesh and Blood

Bob saw someone sitting on our deck. He went out to investigate, anticipating someone trespassing. What he found was his own flesh and blood in the form of his son stopping by unexpectedly for a visit.

I heard their voices talking outside and came to check it out. In delight, we embraced and they came inside. They thoughtfully waited til I invited them in so as not to disturb my resting. 

Do you appreciate unexpected visitors? Can you appreciate them and their sense of timing? Ki to Happiness welcomes Jai as if he were her own flesh and blood.


Calls for Love

Students checked in during last evenings class feeling afraid. The political circumstances have lots of folks on edge. Division in our land continues to widen, even as efforts are being made to united us.

Fear in all its forms is a call for love. Offering love to my students brought them into a space of greater safety. Being able to take that safety with us allows us to be our own portable safety zone.

Can you find safety within yourself? What love would you do so? Ki to Happiness calls for Love to replace all fear.