
Pink Smog

Our air quality suffered a bit from the smoke drifting in from nearby during this fire season. Morning dawned pink, which looked lovely yet warned us of the need to adapt activities toward greater safety. I kept the windows closed as I turned on the fans and air purifiers for morning classes.

All the students appreciated the efforts so they could practice yoga in a safe environment. Pranayama could be used to cleanse lungs as requested by one student. The pink sky shifted toward pale blue as the air cleared a bit while we practiced in the comforts of the purified air.

When you can’t change the weather, can you change your activities? What is necessary for you to care for yourself whatever the dawn brings? Ki to Happiness is flexible, not only in yoga postures.


Hard Reset

Working on some projects yesterday, my computer crashed. It needed a hard reset. Fortunately, it restarted and is working well again.

The stress surrounding the project and the computer issue brought me into also needing a hard reset. I walked in nature practicing pranayama, smudged with sacred sage, and replaced the tense energy with Vanilla essential oil and fresh plants. Today begins anew, having made progress on many levels, full of gratitude for my helpers on all planes of consciousness.

Have you noticed how the outer world reflects your inner realm? What do you do when you need a hard reset? Ki to Happiness resets with nature, yoga, and gratitude.


Hidden Talents

Before my morning class, I shared my most recent guitar efforts with one of the students with whom I’ve been practicing Another student who is also a guitarist listened with interest. I opened up about my history of playing and singing with the whole class to include everyone.

I asked them all if they also played and discovered that six out of nine were musicians. They delighted in learning of their mutual hidden talents. Then they exchanged information so that they could get together and play sometime.

What are your hidden talents? What would it take for you to express them? Ki to Happiness supports expression of God/Goddess given talents, skills and abilities in our whole community.


Big Brother

Today is my big brother‘s birthday. He is happy and content with his life and his choices. He responded to my birthday greeting immediately.

He has three cats just like we do. He listened to some old music from our childhood so I did too. In solidarity we are grateful for “A Quiet Place to Live”, which is the title of a Carole King song.

What is your relationship with your siblings? Amidst your differences, what do you share? Ki to Happiness loves comparing notes with her brother throughout life, delighting in his delight.


Multiple Methods

A friend of mine assisted me with an issue I’ve been having with technology. Without instruction, I reached out to my support team. Over the holiday weekend, I received no response.

My brother who is an OG IT professional, told me one way. In speaking with my friend, I learned a few other ways. I like having multiple methods to choose from, 

What do you do when one way doesn’t work? Are you open to multiple methods and variations? Ki to Happiness perseveres until issues are resolved and finds many ways to do what is necessary.


Sunset smiles

In the midst of a busy and productive Labor Day, we had lunch with friends. Over our tasty and nutritious Thai food, we shared some recent consciousness expanding experiences.I revealed some images that came through my most recent Ayurvedic treatment, and they disclosed their experiences with clinical MDMA.

One of the remnants from our talk is the importance of corpse posture, preparing us for the sunset time in our lives.  Practiced daily, we can smile at sunset, recognizing that we have done with our lives, exactly what our Higher Self intends. Corpse also invites us to make course corrections to ensure we aren’t wasting our precious life on our lower impulses without the need for controlled substances or expensive treatments.

Have you done all you are supposed to with this precious life? What do you need to do so you can smile at sunset and the sunset time in your life? Ki to Happiness sits and smiles at sunrise and sunset.


Happy Labor Day

I’ll be laboring on this Labor Day. I do so to facilitate the many who have the day off. Students and clients are able to make use of my services while they have a little downtime.

Being raised in a working-class family, I identify with those who labor. I love my work and enjoy serving others, today and everyday. As the poet Rumi says “stop trying to get off work”, meaning keep waking up to conscious Oneness and help others do the same whether you get paid for it or not.

How will you observe Labor Day this year? Who does your work serve? Ki to Happiness awakens and works to serve the One in all. 


Deeper and deeper

Meeting our youngest family member, Nora, brought delight to us all. She played in the water at the interactive Aquarium displays and gazed with wide eyes as we rode the Great Wheel. Adults got along and assisted each other throughout our excursion.

Deep healing occurred as old family rifts disappeared. Memories surfaced of our many years together and apart, mingling like the different species of fish. The highest point occurred as we reflected on the depths of our connections.

How healed are your old family rifts? What experience could deepen your healing? Ki to Happiness integrates the healing with yoga.