
Forewarned is forearmed

Taking heed of the bomb cyclone warning, I prepared with candles, food, thermoses of hot water and charging all electronics. Having been through many powerful storms, I am aware that being forewarned is being forearmed. I rested well enough in the warmth of my preparations without heat as we lost power just following my evening class.

The cats awakened me to begin finding my way in the chilly darkness. My practices provided enough warmth and light to ignite my grateful heart. My prayers are for the return of power, but even more so for the Higher Power to quell the threats of World War III.

Are you willing to take heed of warnings? Can you listen to your Higher Power? Ki to Happiness listens and takes heed.


Keep practicing

As my day unfolded with classes and clients, a family drama unfolded. I played my part and then let it go. Returning to my practices directed my attention to myself.

I share this as an example of the serenity prayer in action. Accepting the things I cannot change, courageously changing what I can, I became serene in the wisdom of knowing the difference. Hatha Yoga practice gave me a place to put my attention, insisting that body, mind and spirit align and integrate.

What helps you develop wisdom? Which circumstances help you to deepen your commitment to yoga practice? Ki to Happiness keeps practicing as it consistently brings me into alignment.


Sorting and Reorganizing

I went through our storage area, sorting and reorganizing. Many of the objects have not been used since we moved here a couple of years ago. Pitching, recycling, and gifting those items opens the space to bring order to what remains.

Digging through the stuff gave me a keen sense of how much we have healed since our frantic move here. No longer clinging to the remnants of what once was, there’s room for what is. Now the space is freshly smudged and efficient for what will be.

What are you storing? When’s the last time you went through it to determine its value? Ki to Happiness releases the past, ceases from clinging and retains the valuable.


Standing in it

I heard from an old friend that she’s triggered by my way of greeting her for her birthday. I’m so sorry that the love I mean to give results in negativity. I immediately apologized and asked for forgiveness.

I didn’t give excuses, explain, defend or express my motives. I stood in the discomfort and appreciated the honest communication. I forgive myself and her for the way that our love has changed. 

Can you allow yourself to stand in the discomfort of someone expressing their need for you to change? Are you willing to apologize and seek forgiveness without expression your side of the issue? Ki to Happiness stands in the truth of loving even when it is not received as intended.


Self Care

Working with one of my clients, I shared something of my practices. The daily ritual of yogic meditation is a corner stone of my Self care. Making and strengthening my connection to my Higher Self is a commitment I made to myself long ago and rewards me with untold benefits.

Doing so is not a convenience. At times when I have been traveling or staying with others, it may have seemed rude. When I’m ill or injured or tired, it does Me without me doing It, awakening me from sickness, damage or fatigue into the awareness that a part of me is unsullied, unblemished, well, healing, and whole.

What are the cornerstones of your self care? Can you commit to practices that work for you so as not to outsource them to others who are naturally limited? Ki to Happiness cares for her Self, and thanks all others who take responsibility for their Self care.


Taurus Full Moon

Today’s full moon encourages us to stay grounded and take good care of ourselves. That can mean different things for everyone. Reflecting on what feels nurturing can guide us to making good use of this energy.

 Taking walks in nature, exercising the body without straining, and healthy eating all work for me every day. Expressing gratitude and attending to the many blessings in life also ground me. The yoga sutras advise “a holy disregard of the unholy” which also steers the mind towards gracious peace. 

What feels nurturing to you? Can you choose that today? Ki to Happiness feels grounded and nurtured with Hatha Yoga practices.


Storm Watch

One of our cats wanted me to get up super early today. I did my best to stay in bed until my usual time of awakening. When I crawled out of my cocoon, I saw the winds whipping the leafless tree limbs and heard the gusts rustling our holiday lights against our windows.

After feeding all three cats, we watched the storm together. Safe inside, our noses opened to the fresh forceful air entering the open windows from somewhere far away. Yoga practices turned toward pranayama and meditation on nature for all of us.

How does nature inspire your practice? What do you learn from observing the storms in your life? Ki to Happiness breathes and contemplates life’s lessons.


Dark wetness

All the leaves are down. Dark wetness settles in. Yoga practice continues to light our way through this season as election fallout deepens.

Some are using the political differences to sever familiarly ties. There are those professionals recommending separation at the holidays. Yoga shows us to unite beyond politics, in humble humanity.

What lights your way through darkness? How humble is your humanity? Ki to Happiness practices Hatha Yoga, warms the heart with its light and radiates humble peace beyond politics.


Garbage Disposal

About 10 days ago, our garbage disposal stopped working. Our property management company will complete the installation of the new one today, requiring an electrician. These few days without it help us recognize how much we appreciate it and look forward to having a new one to use freely..

The small home appliance has made clean up much easier in our home with cats and tea drinkers. Left behind wet cat food and loose tea both disappear when it functions correctly. We welcome the disruption of the electrician before classes and clients so we return to the convenience and ease it will afford.

What do you appreciate more when you are without it? What disruption are you willing to face in order to get it back? Ki to Happiness willingly faces disruption to become more functional on all levels, not just in the kitchen.


Bright Spot

In speaking with my brother yesterday, he shared a picture of his home, all lit up for the holidays. He said that illuminating it was the bright spot in his week last week. In solidarity with him, I put up our outdoor lights.

My brother and I are very different. We make the effort to support one another and find common ground. That in itself brightens both of our worlds.

Can you find common ground with those who are very different from you? What would brighten your world today? Ki to Happiness shines light on similarities, making peace with differences.