
Steaming Treatment

After teaching two well attended classes yesterday, I heard from my Ayurvedic physician. He had an opening in his schedule, so I booked a session to continue my panchakarma to balance my constitution. This time, he chose the steaming treatment and some new herbs.

I left feeling renewed and confident about my overall health, as well as a deep sense of gratitude for his expertise. His office is less than a block away from our studio. I celebrated my good fortune of teaming up with him as my husband and I walked and talked in our neighborhood afterward.

What might help you find balance? Are you open to try the ancient practices in today’s modern world? Ki to Happiness finds balance with the old and the new healing methods to bring about balance in health. 



In the bright afternoon autumn sunshine, I assessed the remnants of the plants on our deck. Removing those who have given their all, I rearranged those that are hardy enough to remain. Grabbing the broom, I swept up the fallen red maple leaves and debris.

Newly refreshed, the deck awaits decorations for the upcoming holidays. Soon there will be Evergreen garlands and poinsettias lit up with 1000 lights to brighten the dark. The process of ungardening opens the space for renewal. 

What do you need to ungarden in your life? What can you envision filling the space in the future? Ki to Happiness removes the remnants of past efforts, retains the hardy, and refreshes for renewal.


Problem Solvers

We humans have evolved to be problem solvers. When there’s a problem, sometimes it takes a while to research and come up with an adequate solution. That may require several attempts.

I like to avoid escalation. Quieting the reactions to the problem, we may contain the issue to its elements and find the solution more efficiently. Shifting into gratitude, we evolve.

What problems do you need to solve? How efficient can you be in the process? Ki to Happiness evolves with each growth opportunity.


Reiki Master

I first experienced Reiki to treat an injured knee. It’s helpful and healing vibrations led me to want to learn the method. Meeting my Reiki master, I became attuned to the Reiki vibration and wanted to become masterful with it myself.

I practiced what I learned for a long time before investing in uplevelling my attunement. Becoming a master myself fulfilled my desire so that I can initiate others into this natural healing approach. Today is my master’s birthday, which I celebrated with her as she contacted me in acknowledgment of my daily offering of Reiki candles on my Facebook page.

What have you mastered? How do you celebrate those who have inspired your mastery? Ki to Happiness deeply bows to all who’ve inspired mastery.


Election Results

This morning we awaken to the election results. More than half of the country will be celebrating as the others grieve. Apparently, we the people have spoken, as we certainly were given an opportunity to vote with ample advance notice so to do plenty of research.

I was raised in part by my grandmother, a suffragette who worked the polls until she dropped. My mother benefited from her political activism and has contributed time and money to get others to vote. I stand on their very strong shoulders and appreciate everyone who did, even as I understand those who abstained.

How will be election results affect your day? What steps can you take to stay grounded and proceed in peace in your life? Ki to Happiness will walk in gratitude and peace through this and every election.


Election Day

Today we have an other opportunity to express our democratic right to vote for the candidates of our choice. We’ve gotten mail in ballots to send through the post office or to deposit in ballot boxes. We may go to the polling places in person on this long awaited day.

As some abstain from participating, out of apathy, or considering none of the choices as worthy, or seeing a uniparty instead of different options, other citizens would vote repeatedly if given a chance. Pundits and prognosticators have been expressing their views for weeks if not months. Tensions overflow in this most stressful election in our lifetimes as we await the results, and what ensues following.

What helps you deal with stress? How quickly can you recover from overflowing tension? Ki to Happiness votes for peace daily through yoga and will continue to do so whatever the outcome.


Big Winds

This morning begins with gusts clearing away the gorgeous autumnal leaves and remaining Halloween decorations. The well grounded trees remain as their supple limbs sway and yield. The big winds will uproot those that are ungrounded and break the brittle.

Nature teaches us to stay well grounded and flexible. Big political winds are also blowing. Yoga grounds us as we safely care for our body mind spirit and increases flexibility on all levels, so we withstand the “shocks of infatuation and sorrow” as stated in the ancient Sutras of Patanjali.

What helps you ground? Can you also remain flexible? Ki to Happiness practices yoga with loving detachment to the outcome and the heart set on the Everlasting.


Falling Back

As we set the clocks back an hour, we used the extra time to do some seasonal cleaning. Bob and I worked together separately, each doing our part. A good nights rest followed.

The cats forgot to turn their clocks back, so they wanted me up super early. When I got up, the clean refreshed energy greeted me with the result of all of our efforts. The studio is preparing for the next holidays, as we synch up with time’s onward march.

What did you do with your extra hour? What helps you align with the changing times? Ki to Happiness changes with the times and stays consistent with yoga practices.


All Souls Day

Today is the third day of celebration of Dia de Muertos. After Halloween and All Saints day, we honor all the souls who have passed away in the last year. In doing so, we are invited to reflect on our own mortality so we will leave a legacy worth remembering.

In this past year, sudden adult death syndrome has taken lots of souls perhaps before they prepared. We may offer prayers for their safe passage to their next energetic iteration and uplift their contribution to this earthly plane.  In truth, none of us know how long we will be here which makes it important that we all prepare for the mysterious journey beyond.

Who have you lost this year? How would you like to remember them? Ki ti Happiness remembers all who’ve passed in gratitude to their having done their best and wants to be remembered similarly when the time comes.


All Saints Moon

After last night’s Halloween celebration, today we venerate the Saints. Being raised as a Catholic, I always had a fascination for their stories. Researching and studying them continues long after I left the church.

Their miraculous stories inspire faith. I have learned to invoke them for specific purposes and to honor them in the way that they relate to.  As I remove the jack-o’-lanterns and ghosts, I light my candles to celebrate them, thank them, and set intentions for a new moon .

 As you clear away the Halloween festivities, what intentions would you like to set for the next month? Where would you shine your light to dispel darkness? Ki to Happiness thanks all the Saints for their divine intercession and grows in faith.