
Resolve Itself

With the new moon upon us, the chaos and drama leading up to it may have resolved itself. New issues may appear to replace the old ones. With calm intentions, no doubt those issues will also resolve themselves in right timing.

Without forcing the river of change, doing one’s part to take action on the guidance received, we work together with the Universe for progress.  The planets align, and parade in their Divine timing, not mine. Accepting one’s role may be humbling, yet also freeing.

What actions are you guided to take?  Can you accept your role? Ki to Happiness takes action to support Divine timing. 


Pisces new moon

Today’s new moon occurs while we have the planetary parade. With it brings emotional drama. During times like this it’s very important to stay centered and grounded, so the emotions don’t take you off your true intention

I find it helpful to watch for the spaces between issues to find center naturally emerging. For instance, scheduling conflicts suddenly found resolution, so I chose to pay attention to that, or when the cats knocked over the tripod light stand without breaking and the cats came back on my lap, I shift my focus to all being well. I witness the righting of one’s ship, the calm between storms and set my intentions for a month of peaceful progress.

How are you navigating these dramatic energies? What helps release drama and chaos and return to your truest intention? Ki to Happiness practices choosing where to put attention through daily yoga practice so times like these don’t derail me.


Stretching at the Barre

After the winds and rain calmed down, the students attending my evening class wanted stretching in our safe studio, fully empowered with light and heat. After sun salutations for warm-up, we headed to the barre, which offered support and alignment attention. Releasing tension and stress from their bodies, class ended with smiles and hugs.

Providing a safe container for these practices brings me joy. Sharing the gift of yoga, we all welcome its natural ability to reset bodies and minds back on track for each person’s Highest intention. All report feeling better after class than before, without exception, always.

How quickly can you recover after the storms in your life? What always helps? Ki to Happiness always recovers with Hatha Yoga.


Still Here

This atmospheric river has challenged power and connectivity. During one of my private sessions yesterday, the call failed 17 times. I was able to send texts saying I’m still here, repeatedly.

Class attendance stayed up even as the storm raged outside. Our live stream maintained its connection. With 33,000 in our area without power, I’m happy to report that I’m still here, Hatha Yoga Center is still here, and that our power, heat, and light are also still here.

How are you doing in this storm? What helps you stay grounded and centered in each of life‘s storms? Ki to Happiness practices yoga and gratitude through every kind of storm.


Great Day

I had the best day in recent memory yesterday. Nothing special happened. Living my life, grateful for my yoga practice, talking with friends and family far away, and otherwise staying with my healthy habits all deepened my roots in Joy on many levels.

Simple pleasures are the best as we choose gratitude for our many blessings. Paying attention to them, they multiply. Even with the atmospheric river of wind and rain, I felt joy at staying in.

What has been your best day in recent memory? Did anything special need to occur for you to have that great day? Ki to Happiness deepens her roots in Joy through healthy habits and conscious gratitude.


Joy Inspite of Everything

The Late Tom Robbins used “Joy in spite of everything” as his mantra. Since his passing, 2/9/25, I’ve been noticing joy upon awakening, as I feed my cats, throughout the day between efforts, and even with the small issues of my life. It’s within.

Meditation helps me frame it up, like music does for silence. Choosing to pay attention to the space between notes lends itself to being aware of the peace between thoughts, Practice doesn’t “make perfect” but opens the energy window to the perfection that IS.

Can you dare to be joyous in this world? Are you able to find stillness and silence enough?Ki to Happiness smiles.


Invisible Helpers

Every day when I run into my human limitations about affecting change that is beyond my ken, I reach out to the invisible helpers. Ancestors, Saints and Archangels are available to hear our specific prayers and intervene on our behalf, when we make right offerings to them. Invoking them and lighting a candle with the symbols to which they respond, I then release my burden with confidence that I’ve done all I can.

As a child, I depended on my elders, found inspiration in the lives of Saints, and learned to call upon my guardian angels before bed. These simple childhood methods have grown along with me, and round out my practices of yogic meditation. These disembodied entities are available to us all, offering comfort, healing, guidance and energetic support.

What help have you been missing? What entities might most give you that help? Ki to Happiness turns to those who’ve gone before us and those that they have relied upon.


Happiness Supreme

A Course in Miracles states that Divine Will intends for us to choose “Happiness Supreme” as we “let miraculous forgiveness replace all grievances”. In doing so, “no one is healed alone”. With the world as it is, that’s a pretty heavy lift sometimes.

That’s why I like to get up early and allow myself to be honest about my grievances. Fear is a call for love so in self compassion I bring all my fears to the Divine before my day of service begins. In this way, my portable safety zone I can extend to others through yoga and private session.

What are your grievances? Are you willing to allow miracles to replace every single one of them? Ki to Happiness extends safety and service having healed through Grace, one more time that happens over and over again.


Shared Loss

One of our community members lost her sweet dog yesterday. She shared the news just before bed. Having suffered such loss in the past myself, I am full of compassion.

Earthly life is full of birth and death, joy and sorrow, every kind of polarity. Remembering this, I am ever grateful for our cats, and every animal I’ve ever loved, who are still with me in my heart. That gratitude extends to all the people I have also loved and lost, making me appreciate the moments of true love, mutual support and connection while we are here together.

How are you doing with your losses today? Can you share them enough to lighten the load and feel the joy of having loved, even for a flickering moment those who have departed? Ki to Happiness loves anyway, even in the face of loss.


Channel Change

I got into a frustrating situation yesterday. I dealt with it directly and made the necessary changes for forward progress. Afterwards, I called my mom to change the channel of my biochemistry.

Without talking about my situation, we simply visited, deepening my roots with my origins. We laughed a bit and reminisced, as well as chatted about aspects of our lives. With improved biochemistry, stimulating positive neurotransmitters, I walked into the world of birdsongs and 50 degree weather, my heart full of gratitude.

How do you change the channel? Who helps you deepen your roots in the attitude of gratitude? Ki to Happiness takes action for forward progress, calls mom, takes a walk, listens to birdsongs, pet the cats and practices yoga.