
Class of the Week

In between snowfalls, we had 11 students attend Bob‘s morning class yesterday. This morning’s fresh accumulation will no doubt hamper students today. It came as a bit of a surprise, not specifically forecasted before I went to bed.

All three cats settled around me for my morning practice as we all witnessed the spectacle. Gorgeous and pristine, it covers the slushy melt and frozen earth with a fresh white blanket. The biggest class of the week may have already happened, but the few who venture out today will be blessed by this peace and beauty. 

Do you change with the weather? What remains constant? Ki to Happiness remains steadfast in practicing and teaching. 


Safety First

Icy roads linger after the snow melt froze. Few will attend class in person so the live stream may benefit those who want it. We stay open to those who venture out. 

Treacherous sidewalks had me opting for walking on the clearer streets in my neighborhood. I was raised with the expression “safety first”. While that hasn’t always been my mantra, at long last I am willing to take heed.

 How safe do you feel with yourself? Have you noticed that your Higher Self always wants you to be safe? Ki to Happiness feels safe following Guidance from Higher Self.


I’m Possible

One of the projects I’ve been working on with my chiropractor has resolved. When we first took a look at my x-rays, he said it would be impossible. My immediate reaction was “do you want to bet?”.

Yesterday during our session, he said that it is done. As usual, the impossible just takes a little time, persistence, and willingness to follow guidance. Inside the word, impossible, are those words ”I’m possible”. 

What have you been told is impossible that you have found your way to accomplish? What has been required for you to achieve it? Ki to Happiness accesses possible healing with assistance, time, visualization and Hatha Yoga.


Snow Day

Heavy snow greeted my fresh eyes on this new day. The cats and I sat marveling at its spectacular beauty. We are safe and warm inside as we revel in the quietude for morning practices of pranayama, chanting, meditation and prayer from the comfortable seated posture that all the years of asana afford.

Drinking tea, I taste it having steeped in this peace to warm my soul on this cold morning. Together, these practices will hold me through the day until I teach classes this evening to the brave and stalwart students who will attend.  The promises of the path are abundant for those with eyes to see and ears to hear.

What promises of the path have you experienced? Which ones do you look forward to as you continue? Ki to Happiness experiences love, harmony and beauty and looks forward to sharing it with others.


Keep practicing

The beautiful snowfall disappeared in the day’s warmth. The prediction of more coming in the cold night and sticking did not occur in our area. Students continued to attend our classes, if in smaller numbers.

My private sessions, all at a distance continued without being hampered. Bob and I bundled up with extra layers so we could continue with our afternoon walk. Altogether we deepened our commitment to keep practicing yoga including serving others.

With threatens to hamper you from practicing the habits you want? Knowing that there have always been these hindrances, can you use the challenge to strengthen your commitment? Ki to Happiness keeps practicing.


Snow salutations

Our morning snowfall beautified Bob’s classes and didn’t stick. We were able to venture out in the afternoon safely on foot and e-bike , without slippery pavement to meet our few humble needs. The evening snowfall landed on cold ground and has accumulated to less than an inch

More is predicted later tonight, but so far it seems likely that all can continue without disruption. We will be saluting the snow in my morning class at 10 AM. Our safe and clean studio will welcome all who venture out. 

Can you modify your practices to adapt to the changes in your area? Would it serve you best to stay home and practice with the live streaming classes, those already posted or join us in person? Ki to Happiness appreciates having options and offering them to you.


Imbolc 2025

This weekend, we are at midwinter. Some observe it as Groundhog Day (2/2) others as Imbolc, which can last several days starting 1/31 and continuing past St. Brigid’s feast on 2/3. In celebration, we had our first snow yesterday as if the weather pattern aligned with our calendars.

We sat inside our snow globe of the Hatha Yoga Center and gazed upon the marvel of rain, turning into snow, then back to rain in between sun breaks. The cats watched the marvel with us as we drank fig date smoothies with yogurt and crunchy granola. Walking out into it, we witnessed eagles soaring above seagulls and crows.

Do you have the time to marvel at the spectacles of nature? What forces of nature inspire you most? Ki ti Happiness takes the time to reflect on midwinter and is inspired by all forces of nature, seasonally cycling through life.


Welcome, February

As this new month begins, we sit on the edge of potential winter storms. Having prepared in every way, perhaps nothing dramatic will happen at all. Whatever the case, our safe and clean studio will continue to provide a space for yoga practices.

I took the wind chimes down and secured the remaining ferns. Their sights and sounds will cheer us again when the threat has passed. I have hyacinth bulbs waiting to be planted when all is clear.

How prepared are you for the potential storms? What act of hope reminds you that “this too shall pass”? Ki to Happiness is ready and hopeful.