
Fact or fiction

When Covid restrictions hit, I needed help revising my old manuscript so I signed up for a writing class called Whose Story is It-Fact or Fiction, offered by an old friend who is an award winning author. As we dug into the class material I embraced the awareness that all stories are partly fiction. That freed me to continue rewriting and revising.

These days truth seems to depend on who you ask. Facts are only as good as the researchers who often have a vested interest in swaying opinion. Within each of us, we hold the truth of our soul, which frees me to continue here.

What do you need to free yourself up so you can continue offering the truth of your soul? How willing are you to embrace your story as it is, partly factual and partly confabulated? Ki to Happiness learned a long time ago from one of her mentors “We are all making it up, so make it good”!