
Same as it ever was

I am most confident in the realms of my expertise:counseling, teaching yoga, offering Reiki, bodywork, cooking, serving my community. When I venture into realms without expertise, I experience my edges, limitations and shortcomings, like most others do. Fortunately I can use my expertise on myself to move through my edges.

I like to do that privately yet I don’t always have that luxury. This morning I dreamt I had not yet turned on my live stream since I still had my eyes closed as I lay in bed. I relish the downtime which I can process my material so I’ll be confident as I serve again soon.

Do you have enough privacy to process your material? In what way are you ready to serve today?Ki to Happiness is just like you, sometimes confident, sometimes not, needing help from others and needing time alone, the same as it ever was…