
Consistent Habits

Doing my yoga practices first thing in the morning has become a cornerstone of my life. It gives me an instant feedback loop into how I am doing on all levels: body, mind, emotions and spirit. That feedback encourages me to make the changes needed for my health and happiness with which I serve others as a yoga teacher and holistic counselor.

This is the life I have chosen and grown to know so well. When other teacher’s don’t have a daily practice I pray they find their way to the consistent habit so they resource themselves from within to be a good model for others. Asana, pranayama, meditation and devotion practices of mantra and prayer work for me and have worked for others on the pathless path for thousands of years.

What habits do you want to develop? How can you start today with consistence? Ki to Happiness is grateful to have learned to be kind to body-mind-emotions-spirit by consistently practicing habits of yogis.