
Helper’s helper

I love to help other people. As an Aquarian, my nature is to serve humanity, as each other is like my brother or sister. I’ve learned how to help from others who have helped me.

Today I will work with a new helper. She and I will put our energies, guardians, guides and healers together to confer for my benefit. I joyously open to receive the gift of help to top off my full cup of resources to overflowing, spilling the abundance everywhere I serve.

Are you a helper? Who helps you? Ki to Happiness heals and helps as others have helped me heal.

One reply on “Helper’s helper”

Hooray for helpers being helped- for givers receiving!
One of the gifts you bring, Ki, is that in walking your talk, your presence inspires me to be more naturally receptive to good advice. This guidance has been coming from the outside, the inside . . . Whether or not is is being sought.
I’m happy to hear about your session today:)

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