
Committee Meeting

In working with one of my clients yesterday, I introduced the concept of holding committee meetings with aspects of self. She hadn’t considered doing that before. It helped her let go of the black-and-white thinking, which is common for those of us who were raised in dysfunctional families.

When we acknowledge that we have several different reactions to any given distraction from our inherent peace, we become empowered. Learning to preside over one’s committee of reactions gives us pause to respond from our totality. In doing so, all the colors, shades, and hues become available for us to choose from which frees us to experiment.

When’s the last time you had a committee meeting with your various aspects of self? Can your Higher Self preside over all your internal reactions so you can respond instead of react? Ki to Happiness pauses to choose from a rainbow of responses, coloring her world with playful experimentation.