

Today is the celebration of the Epiphany. Three wise men followed a star in the east, bringing gifts of frankincense , gold and myrrh to welcome a newborn child. They followed guidance, and found something miraculous, which has been celebrated now for a very long time. Their “Aha moment” has become the inspiration for us to utilize of the word “epiphany”to mean striking moments of insight, awareness, enlightenment, and Satori, often brought about in the simplest ordinary events, like a child found wrapped in swaddling cloth lying in a manger where animals keep watch.

The gifts were brought from far away, bringing benefits to ensure the child would have enough resources to live, and grow, into a healthy and loving brother to All.

When have you experienced “Aha moments”? What gifts might you offer to that occasion of discovery? Ki to Happiness honors each enlightened moment with right offerings.