
6 year olds

We are celebrating our cats’ birthday. They were found hungry, abandoned, and in need by our veterinarian’s family. We made our best guess at their birthday, so we observe it each year at this time.

Their presence in our life brings us joy.  They contribute to the Hatha Yoga Center community as they are social, friendly and love to participate in their ways. We honor them with fresh catnip and their favorite food, extra grooming and lots of time together.

Do you include animals in your community? Can you celebrate their contribution? Ki to Happiness cherishes life in all its forms.

One reply on “6 year olds”

Yes, our wonderful dog Blue. He goes on most every errand with me.
I feel safe, calm, and so grateful to have adapted him 3 1/2 yrs ago.

I miss our 4 cats. The blessed us with 18yrs of affection.

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