
Fixing Errors

In attempting to fill out forms digitally, I made a mistake. I needed help to fix my error so I reached out for assistance. My helper also made a mistake in filling out the digital forms so we will repeat our efforts with corrections.

This has occurred just as mercury has gone retrograde. During such astrological phenomenon, it is quite common to have issues with communication, transportation, and electronics requiring that we slow down and redo, revise and repeat (anything “re-“.This awareness empowers to witness the karmic validation that we all make mistakes, and together we can find a remedy.

What errors do you need to fix? Can you slow down and get help to find a remedy? Ki to Happiness remembers that we all make mistakes and together, can correct them.

One reply on “Fixing Errors”

I made the mistake of trying to do to much & see too many people in over 90 degree and humid weather which wiped me out. I injured my already injured shoulder. I slept a lot last weekend & during the week. I am so grateful to be home in my garden I will be gentle with myself, pace myself, and do the exercises that I can do.
This is not a new error.

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