After teaching two well attended classes and conducting a private session in my nook, I rested. I got up, but felt low energy and didn’t want to make dinner. I pulled out some tempeh for myself, already baked from last week, and nibbled on it as I saw the taco shells on the kitchen shelf.
Soon I was in a flurry of taco preparations, which led to also making artichokes with garlic ghee, cilantro cornbread, roasted tzatziki potatoes, and tofu curry. Bob enjoyed his vegan tacos among the smorgasbord of options. One small nibble of tempeh fueled me with enough inspiration to use what we had on hand and prepare to feast all week.
What do you have on hand? What inspires you to assemble it into new and different creations? Ki to Happiness starts with one bite, and ends up with a feast.