In the midst of the plumber, electrician, and hacksawing husband (my 3 heroes of October) with all household normalcy in upheaval, I bashed my foot into a metal object. Swelling and bruising were immediate. Pain racked my body, not just the local area.
As my foot heals, I am amazed at its natural process. Pain subsides and between shooting sensations there is an appreciation for how all encompassing it is, increasing sensitivity, alarmed by small threats, ever watchful. Now there’s more time staying off it, irritating it less frequently, and safety returns.
Without the wolves at the door (and the pain is no longer hijacking all my attention) I’m safe. I can rest. Healing can occur on all levels.
Safety first! Second, broadening and deepening of the healing process. Next, gratitude for such! And now, enough creative juice flows to share this with you here, in this blog.
How does safety effect your creativity? And, as an outgrowth, your happiness? When do you feel unsafe? How can this awareness facilitate your movement out of harms way? Let Ki to Happiness reconnect you to your safety! First…