
Deep Sleep

When the senses are stimulated repeatedly and completely, deep sleep is desired for processing. Cell phones and computers benefit from “sleep”, resetting them back to normal functioning. Similarly, humans recharge during deep sleep which is more available with “good sleeping weather”. Cooler temperatures and cloudier skies contribute to slumber, chilling the brain and calming the visual cortex.

Instead of pushing beyond these natural rhythms with caffeine, sugar or electronics, bombarding our senses with more stimulation, allowing downtime has many benefits! Assimilating information, integrating the lessons gleaned, and eliminating the waste products of stress are all more efficient. Like the digestive system, fasting at night allows these processes to occur without more input slowing the works.

Awakening refreshed, a new day awaits! Breaking the fast, taste buds delight! Sunlight is welcomed! Bird songs call the soul! The smell of firewood burning warms the heart and hearth. Smoke rising from chimneys against the autumn sky brings the awareness that others join us in these simple rites of the season.

This new day awaits! Enjoy it! And also enjoy the urge to nap. Turn in earlier like the sun. Happily heal into this, here now. Another Ki to Happiness suggestion…