

Once the chocolates have all been consumed, and the roses have lost the petals, what remains is the love that we have shared, romantic and otherwise. The regular practices sustain us, in the direction of our loving intention.

I would like to utilize the next several blog posts to share with you some of the details of my regular practice. How we start the days influences the way the whole day unfolds. To prepare, it’s very helpful at night to make the way ready for the morning.

For instance, I drink warm water first thing. At night before bed, I make sure I have filtered plenty of water, and that I have hot water at the ready to blend for the right temperature. Going to bed early means I will have a chance to wake up early enough so that I can have the time to myself that I need.

What practice would you like to have first thing? How can you prepare at night for such? Ki to Happiness upholds regularity of practices!