

In the lingering light of this full moon, today we are remembered to the guardian angels. A couple of days ago we were celebrating the archangels, who preside over these personal assistants. Learning how to pray, to stay connected to a higher power, and be guided safely, we benefit from their presence, whether we know it or not.

I remember as a small child hearing about my guardian angel during bedtime prayers. In the slumber of my spiritual life during my adolescence, I forgot. In my 20s, during my initiations into awakening, I became aware of others who embodied the spirit of the guardians for me, during my challenging years. Now, I happily share this awareness today with you. We have more help than we know, if we simply open up and ask.

Who taught you how to pray? What helps you stay connected to Spirit? Ki to Happiness remembers the Guardians on this day.