
Pet and Purr

After a heart filled day of teaching yoga and attending the beautiful wedding, I returned to my husband and our three cats. We talked a bit before bedtime. Once I was all tucked in, I heard an unusual and unidentifiable sound.

Padma came to get me to check. Paka stayed right by his sister who’d gotten tangled in the pull string for the blinds in her favorite window over their feeding area. I got her free as Bob helped clean up the mess from her struggle, as we all started healing from the trauma.

At the end of the day, what is most important? Can you shift your focus to attend to it as needed? Ki to Happiness heals with moments of petting and purring.


Someone else’s wedding

As I prepare for attending my first wedding since Covid, I reflect on the many weddings I’ve participated in before. I’ve been a guest, a bridesmaid, a bride, and an officiant. Today I will sit at the table of honor with the mother of the bride’s matrons, a new role for me.

Marriage is a choice, whereas infatuation is spontaneous. Commitment to love requires repeatedly choosing to express that choice even when something else spontaneously draws our attention elsewhere. Like my chosen “uniform” of yoga togs, we put on love as our favorite outfit again and again, selecting it instead of the other choices in our closet of vast options.

What will you put on today? Can you choose love? Ki to Happiness married the One in All and wears that commitment like a ring on every finger and toe.


Keep looking

When we are hungry, it’s too late to go shopping. The physical need is likely to override disciplines regarding portion size and nutritional value. We become vulnerable to eating whatever is around,

Similarly, with other human needs, if anticipated and prepared for we are less likely to take whatever comes our way and we have energy to keep looking for valuable ways to meet our needs. As we accept responsibility for our needs (Shelter, clothing, right livelihood, a sense of belonging in addition to food, drink, exercise and rest) these companions guide us.

What human needs do you anticipate? Which of these companions require more preparation? Ki to Happiness accepts responsibility.


Cats comfort

Bob and I worked together on a challenging puzzle. Both of us separately and differently approached the puzzle pieces. After doing all we could, we took a break.

The cats came to comfort us. As if they were assigned separate and different roles, one stayed with Bob on her perch as one got all up on my head and another went back and forth between us. Their comfort stitched us back together into hugging and snuggling as the puzzle pieces started to fall into place.

How is your puzzle looking today? What comfort might help you enough to let the pieces fall into place? Ki to Happiness responds well to the comfort of cats, hugs, snuggles and yoga.


Karma’s Immediacy

My girlfriend’s birthday is coming up. I sent her a special piece of jewelry. She’ll wait to open it on her 66th.

After sending it, I felt relief as if the jewelry maker released me from my role in getting the piece into the right hands. In my next meditation, I received the vision of millions of watermelon tourmaline crystals set in an infinity choker to adorn the world in the illuminated rainbow colors. As if what I gave was returned to me, multiplied.

What gifts do you offer? Are you open to receiving those gifts back to you multiplied? Ki to Happiness is dazzled by karma’s immediacy.


Fullness moon

This full moon lands on the 39th anniversary of my psychotherapeutic career. Having spent the last couple of Covid years reworking my manuscript about it, I feel filled with memories of the thousands of hours deeply witnessing other’s personal processes. I am forever benefited by my clients’ courage and bravery to look within and change what they can about themselves to become a better representative of their wholeness.

My teachers, therapists, and mentors all have contributed to my own interpersonal process which effects how I offer my professional services. My peers walk beside me on a broad garden path all heading toward on open field of loving acceptance of all that is. Like the serene moon, sometimes bright, sometimes dark, constantly changing.

What fullness do you feel with this moon? How can you best embody it? Ki to Happiness embodies body mind spirit integration to the he best of her ability today like everyday.


Double Snuggle

In the Pacific Northwest, the month of June is referred to as Junuary due to its chilly wetness. This year has been record-breaking with atmospheric rivers dumping down on us with temperatures in the 40s. Any weather is good for practicing yoga indoors, with enough heat and ventilation.

At the end of the day, after practicing and teaching, it is perfect weather for snuggling my cats. I curled in close to Paka, our Irish Red long haired ginger Maine Coon. Then I felt the big two legged cat, Bob, double snuggle me from behind, a first post stroke.

What can you do in any kind of weather? What blessings may come? Ki to Happiness counts the double snuggle blessing twice.


Old Media

Sorting through some of our memorabilia, I have come across VHS tapes and DVDs of our yoga instruction since the 90s. Some have been digitized. All instructions have been repeated and are available on Facebook in our Live streaming group page.

Still it’s hard to let them go. They represent decades of effort and intention well manifested. As I release them, I do so knowing that the effort and intentions are available for our next manifestation.

What have you done with your old media? Can you let its essence remain? Ki to Happiness enjoys the roses’ perfume long after the petals are gone.


Night Visitor

When resting long and deep, all levels of consciousness get resourced and processed. Our wakefulness is refreshed, the unconscious parades it’s dreams about, the dreamless deeper sleep integrates both. To awaken to this depth is called Turiya in Sanskrit, meaning the fourth level, beyond the other three.

Maha avatars, the Great Ones, hang out in Turiya. Their appearance in that state of consciousness is less dreamlike, and more of an apparition. Rarely have I had such a visitor as I did last night so to resource and process my life material for sharing with you.

How well rested are you? Can you allow yourself more downtime for deep replenishment? Ki to Happiness shares the gift of the Night Visitor.


Ginger Tea and Treats

Hatha Yoga Center hosted a farewell gathering for our graduating Kiwi, who returns to New Zealand tomorrow with her JD. In preparation, I peeled the ginger root and put it in a tea pot with boiling water to steep. Bob suggested I plate some treats he got for the occasion in addition to the vegan Mexican wedding cookies I planned to serve.

In 23 years of countless HYC gatherings, for the first time Bob contributed in this way. I share with you my delight in his thoughtfulness of others, his foresight to gather his offering, and his generosity. His stroke recovery goes far beyond the physical.

Who’s delighting you? Can you share that? Ki to Happiness shares the treats beyond the physical.