
Night Visitor

When resting long and deep, all levels of consciousness get resourced and processed. Our wakefulness is refreshed, the unconscious parades it’s dreams about, the dreamless deeper sleep integrates both. To awaken to this depth is called Turiya in Sanskrit, meaning the fourth level, beyond the other three.

Maha avatars, the Great Ones, hang out in Turiya. Their appearance in that state of consciousness is less dreamlike, and more of an apparition. Rarely have I had such a visitor as I did last night so to resource and process my life material for sharing with you.

How well rested are you? Can you allow yourself more downtime for deep replenishment? Ki to Happiness shares the gift of the Night Visitor.


Ginger Tea and Treats

Hatha Yoga Center hosted a farewell gathering for our graduating Kiwi, who returns to New Zealand tomorrow with her JD. In preparation, I peeled the ginger root and put it in a tea pot with boiling water to steep. Bob suggested I plate some treats he got for the occasion in addition to the vegan Mexican wedding cookies I planned to serve.

In 23 years of countless HYC gatherings, for the first time Bob contributed in this way. I share with you my delight in his thoughtfulness of others, his foresight to gather his offering, and his generosity. His stroke recovery goes far beyond the physical.

Who’s delighting you? Can you share that? Ki to Happiness shares the treats beyond the physical.


Yoga’s Gift

When I was a kid, my mom took me to my first yoga class. The gift of that experience continues to inform and guide my life. As a nine-year-old, I felt naturally strong and flexible in postures.

My own gifts aligned with the gifts of yoga. Feeling like my insides fit the outer world, boundaries disappeared. Oneness, the ultimate gift, keeps giving itself to me with each practice.

What gift has yoga brought to your life? How can you best share that gift? Ki to Happiness shares the gift that keep increasing the more she gives it away.



In my active outward life yesterday, I taught class and had a couple of private sessions. My inner life needed some downtime for processing the effects of the new tool I’ve begun to experiment with. Additional issues required backup.

I called out for help, and my helpers needed help, so they called out for help. Working together, they’ve woven a safety net. I blog from its support now, leaning back into its comfort.

What kind of back up do you need? When you get it, can you allow yourself to rest in it? Ki to Happiness feels the golden interconnection of others backing me up.


Miracles and Magic

I started using a new tool yesterday. I will let you know how it goes. I always experiment on myself first, before offering something new to someone else.

Whatever the result, already I notice a deeper connection to possibilities. There’s a feeling of benevolence occurring behind the scenes. This evokes my belief in miracles and magic.

Do you believe in miracles and magic? What helps you connect to possibilities? Ki to Happiness experiments.



Hatha Yoga Center has two community members who’ve graduated from law school. We witnessed the festivities yesterday, proud of them and their accomplishment. Now that they have finished, it’s time to begin again anew.

Graduation indicates something is over. Commencement, however, signals the start. Today, like every day, we start the rest of our lives built on the past.

What begins for you today? What lessons from the past will help? Ki to Happiness commences to live evermore consciously.


6 months of recovery

Six months ago today my husband had a stroke. To celebrate his recovery, he triumphantly donated his walker to others in need. Not only has his ability to walk improved.

His “stroke of genius“ has resulted in his healthier lifestyle with more cardiovascular activities and hydration. These improvements have impacted our relationship. I feel better overall, too, as no one is healed alone.

Who’s recovery helps your healing? Who benefits from your recovery? Ki to Happiness heals with all who recover and recovers to help heal all.


Night Life

Early to bed, early to rise describes an aspect of the yogic lifestyle. It has taken a lifetime for me to get over my fear of missing out (FOMO). Now when the impulse comes to doze off, I follow it to bed.

At 1:40 AM I awakened to what I was missing out on. Graduation weekend after the pandemic had hordes of people in the streets partying. I celebrated them by sleeping some more until it was time to practice.

Have you overcome your FOMO? Can you celebrate those who disturb you? Ki to Happiness loves the daylife after having had plenty nightlife.


Mercury Direct

The last three weeks have been a time of communication and transportation hindrances. With the eclipse pattern, the Mercury retrograde phase has been exceptionally challenging for many. Now movement forward may resume.

Making use of the issues in the last three weeks, the movement forward may be surprising. Hidden materials have become revealed in the eclipse pattern. This is for the integration of those materials into your path and process.

What have you been meaning to say the last three weeks? Where would you like to go with that? Ki to Happiness wants to say thanks to all that has been as I slowly and cautiously walk into today.


Buried Treasure

Routine maintenance in our building required some preparation. As I tidied up and sorted through some possessions, I came across a buried treasure in an obscure storage spot. Seeing the old holiday tablecloth, I slowly unwrapped a time capsule from 2016.

Seeing Christmas cards from 5 1/2 years ago, I have a keen sense of how much growth has occurred in our yoga community on many levels. Coiled within the Poinsettia table cloth from my grandparents were two tiny Christmas stocking decorated with buttons from my childhood. They now sit on my altar for my personal early Christmas representing intergenerational healing and a lifetime of support.

What would a time capsule from Christmas 2016 contain for you? What treasure may be buried in your life that could facilitate your intergenerational healing? Ki to Happiness celebrates Christ Consciousness today and everyday, discovering the treasure of Light buried within.