

I looked at my phone yesterday and suddenly dozens of DMs arrived. I realized immediately I had been hacked and got busy to rectify the situation. In 11 minutes I was unhacked.

Keeping my breath balanced, the stress response of increasing my cortisol level calmed. After sending off notices to those who may be affected, I took a vigorous walk in the woods as I chanted to release the remaining increase in cortisol. I am relieved to have reacted, responded and recovered quickly,

How is your stress response? How swiftly can you recover? Ki to Happiness employs balanced yogic breaths whenever imbalance threatens.


Up with God

God must’ve been lonely last night. I got up at about 11 PM unable to sleep. Instead of lying there in bed fretting about a poor night’s sleep, I got up.

I took in the rain, pouring down outside our windows. I felt drenched with blessings, although dry indoors. I marveled in the peaceful night as I laid back down, vibrating with the miracle of life.

How well have you been sleeping in these incredible energies? When you are up in the night, what do you do with yourself? Ki to Happiness keeps God company.


Merry merry month of May

Welcome, May! This Beltane, the fire on my altar sits amongst the flowers from our anniversary after watching the Marilyn Monroe biopic. My husband’s early programming paraded about in the solar eclipse energy as I witnessed.

My own early programming is also stirred up as my grandma’s name is May. While she was no Marilyn, she continues to walk with me through my life. She keeps me hoofing.

Who walks with you? What of your early programming continues? Ki to Happiness walks with the memories that help me keep my chin up.


New moon solar eclipse

As the energies shift today into the new moon, we will experience a solar eclipse. When we are unaware of these energies, we may feel them in our subconscious and act out in frustration. Becoming conscious of these energies empowers us to do something else.

The recommendation is to do something creative, whatever that means to you and your artistic soul. Especially doing so with regard to your own personal habits you might find the next month filling with personal progress. Plant the seeds of your conscious intentions today for beauty, harmony and love.

Can you channel your frustrations and hindrances into a creative outlet today? What intentions would you like to set for the month of May? Ki to Happiness plants seeds of consciousness.



I didn’t work with my writing coach yesterday. It’s our week off , yet we are friends, so we try to talk anyway. Despite emailing, texting, and calling I heard nothing back.

In her absence I felt the undertow of love I have for her pulling me toward the awareness of how significant she has become in my life beyond her excellent coaching. I made sure I let her know that this morning in my response to an email I received from her in the night. Sometimes absence makes the heart more aware of the fondness between us.

In the absence of a loved one, what do you do with the undertow? Have you done all you can to let them know how important they are to you? Ki to Happiness expresses her love in the awareness brought forth from absence.


Walking with Bob

In my husband‘s younger days, he was an exceptional athlete. In addition to his fine yoga practice, in his adulthood he also continued to be able to run like a gazelle. He utilized these abilities to their full extent coaching basketball for our son and his team for years, as I assisted.

It’s humbling and painful for him to walk now after his stroke. Yet his athletic spirit keeps him on his new program. I’m rewarded by walking with him, if slowly, as for a time it wasn’t possible.

What abilities have you lost in your life? Are you able to channel your essential spirit into your new activities? Ki to Happiness walks in peace together with Bob


Fact or fiction

When Covid restrictions hit, I needed help revising my old manuscript so I signed up for a writing class called Whose Story is It-Fact or Fiction, offered by an old friend who is an award winning author. As we dug into the class material I embraced the awareness that all stories are partly fiction. That freed me to continue rewriting and revising.

These days truth seems to depend on who you ask. Facts are only as good as the researchers who often have a vested interest in swaying opinion. Within each of us, we hold the truth of our soul, which frees me to continue here.

What do you need to free yourself up so you can continue offering the truth of your soul? How willing are you to embrace your story as it is, partly factual and partly confabulated? Ki to Happiness learned a long time ago from one of her mentors “We are all making it up, so make it good”!


20 years

20 years ago Bob and I graduated our 1st Yoga Teacher Training group in Bali. We had the local priest come to bless the ceremony. As we planned our wedding in Seattle for the following month, we asked the priest to bless our intended wedding rings at the graduation ceremony as well.

We didn’t realize that the priest would actually marry us then and there. Surprise! 20 years later, I’m still surprised.

What surprised you 20 years ago? Was it blessed? Ki to Happiness shares her surprise blessing daily through Hatha Yoga Center hybrid classes and private sessions.


Every Day

I practice yoga every day. I’ve been doing so for decades. I do so so that when the rest of my life happens, I continue with my practices and they serve me to stay well balanced, centered, and connected to my highest guidance.

Last night another cat was left outside our home inside the building. I slept poorly, tossing and turning in my unconscious connection to his disturbance. My practices got me up early as usual so I could go to his aid, and then shift directly into all of our ritual practices together.

What do you do every day? How does it help you when you face challenges? Ki to Happiness spontaneously turns toward those practices she ritualistically engages with every day.


Farmers Market

I found ranuculus and anemones at our local Saturday Farmers Market. The fresh bouquet beings to bloom. It will open its petals to greet our 20 year anniversary 4/26.

I love the farmers. I gladly share my abundance with them as they so steadily do with our community. Bob and I continue to cultivate our bond so it blooms for all to enjoy, like the bouquet.

What are you cultivating? How can you best share it? Ki to Happiness offers steady abundance of unconditional love from the Invisible Supply.