
Giving me eyes

One of my teachers and mentors uses the expression, “giving me eyes “, as a way to indicate a willingness to have eye contact. Now that most of our facemasks are off, we may be noticing the avoidance of eye contact, residual from our 2 years masked. It is as if our eyes are tired of having them as the only way in which we could express ourselves.

My cats insist on eye contact. When my eyes are on my screen, one or all three of them may jump up on me to make sure that I stop and look at them. In the night Padma kitty snuggled close to me, then purred, looking up at me. Giving me his most loving eyes.

To whom do you give your eyes? How are these beautiful faces looking to you without masks? Ki to Happiness gives her eyes to God-is with her morning yoga practice.


Dream Big

Today’s astrological influence encourages us to enjoy water as two planets are conjunct in Pisces. Jupiter, the benefactor and Neptune, the underworld meet to bring us into new dreams. Open yourself up to the Highest Vision of your life as you bathe, hydrate or steep yourself in the beauty of a body of water.

My Highest Vision includes you. I dream of a world of cooperative upliftment. In it, the joy of One sparks the joy of another, so together we enter the Kingdom/Queendom of Heaven while here on Earth.

What’s your big dream? Can you let yourself be near water today so you can remember it? Ki to Happiness dreams the same dream over and over.


Best Yet

Bob taught both of his classes yesterday morning despite having a physical setback. His low back hurt after walking 4 days in a row. I demonstrated for him and stayed closer than usual, enough to keep an eye on him.

The students didn’t notice. They were focusing on their own practices. Afterword, the report that I got from them was that each had the best class yet and they had their best practice yet with progress in handstands, shoulder rotations and pranayama.

Have you ever been in great physical pain? Were you able to continue to offer your best, and in so doing stimulate the best in others? Ki to Happiness has and applauds Bob, all the students and you for all your efforts.



One of our cats didn’t make it back inside last night after her playtime with Bob and her brothers in our foyer. As I awakened and looked for her and her usual spot, instead I saw a flash of her tail through the window. Her brothers and I went right out immediately to tend to her.

She received our love and care. After sometime in my arms and some hypervigilance, she ate her breakfast. I witness her resilience as she heals from the stressful night.

How quickly can you recover from the stress in your life? What loving care supports your resilience? Ki to Happiness breathes in the present moment’s safety.


April Showers

My supreme Ally invited me to her daughter’s wedding shower. I’m honored to be included and have made arrangements to arrive late after teaching my two morning classes. My gifts have already been opened in advance.

I will not be a statue and sit in the corner as the 60somethings do at such events, reminiscing about past showers, weddings, and divorces that have no showers. I will take my place as a supporter for my Ally and her daughter, just in case there’s a need that arises. The rains have come in time to bless us all.

Do you know your place? How joyously can you take it? Ki to Happiness knows her place and delights in fulfilling her role appropriately.


Buddha’s Day

On this day we honor the Buddha. He renounced his privileged birth to reconcile the great social divide he witnessed as he ventured out of his father’s opulent palace. His enlightenment engulfed those with and without abundant resource as he experienced the Great Beyond.

Since then, we all have the potential he attained with his buddha mind. We can all rise above I, me, and mine and beyond you, and yours into absorption in the infinite awareness of All that Is. Living from this awareness, we celebrate freedom and unification.

Have you ventured outside of your palace yet? Can you see how abundantly wealthy you are to be able to read these words? Ki to Happiness opens up to the blessings of those who have boldly paved the way for our enlightenment.


Vacuum up the stars

After signing the lease our property management sent in the janitors to vacuum for the first time since Covid. One of the other tenants in our building had little kids in weeks ago, and they made a mess with food crumbs, dirty shoes and confetti stars. I resisted the chore myself so as to avoid further resentment toward our landlords and instead made up it was our own galaxy.

Now that he has vacuumed up the stars, we are living in a different galaxy. In this one, Bob walks to the Cherry Blossoms on the Quad, we teach his classes together and the fresh clean foyer welcomes students and clients. Resolved to continue here with Hatha Yoga Center for 2 more years, we settle in to this galaxy.

How is your galaxy? What creative choices do you make to avoid resentment? Ki to Happiness shares her strategies with you.


Lease and Release

Our lawyer presented us with our next lease. Despite the gouging 15% increase, we signed it. That’s the thanks we get for anchoring this commercial building all through the pandemic, despite multiple burglaries and assaults.

So what? Bob walked to the cherry blossom festival on the University of Washington quadrangle by himself without a walker or cane. It’s his first time to leave our block in four months since his stroke.

What upset do you need to release? Can you choose to focus gratefully on the progress that you have been making instead? Ki to Happiness winks as she thinks of Lease and Release on a bridge when Lease jumps off leaving only Release.


Scam detector

Last month has been full of scammers. Maybe you noticed. I am not good at detecting them, after all these years of breaking down judgment of others, and unifying with one another’s essential spirit.

I have a helper who I run potential scams by. She helped me discern that the yoga warrior contest was a scam, so I withdrew. I have invoked additional assistance from St. Isidore of Seville for further internet protection.

Are you good at detecting scams? Could you use a help? Ki to Happiness discerns her need for protection and assistance so as to get it on all levels.


Epic Sunday

One by one, the students come. New and old, students are joining us in their own timing as hybrid classes are becoming more attended by those brave and healthy enough to participate. With permission, we resumed partnering to the delight of those involved.

I also worked privately before and after classes with clients needing adjustment and attention. I prepared lunch in advance, so I could serve it and then exit to attend to my clients. Plenty was left over for us so we could join in after our work was done.

What kind of normal are you returning to? How prepared are you? Ki to Happiness delights in the old epic Sunday rituals at HYC with live classes, partnering, attending to clients and serving healthy vegan treats.