
Election Day

Today we have an other opportunity to express our democratic right to vote for the candidates of our choice. We’ve gotten mail in ballots to send through the post office or to deposit in ballot boxes. We may go to the polling places in person on this long awaited day.

As some abstain from participating, out of apathy, or considering none of the choices as worthy, or seeing a uniparty instead of different options, other citizens would vote repeatedly if given a chance. Pundits and prognosticators have been expressing their views for weeks if not months. Tensions overflow in this most stressful election in our lifetimes as we await the results, and what ensues following.

What helps you deal with stress? How quickly can you recover from overflowing tension? Ki to Happiness votes for peace daily through yoga and will continue to do so whatever the outcome.


Big Winds

This morning begins with gusts clearing away the gorgeous autumnal leaves and remaining Halloween decorations. The well grounded trees remain as their supple limbs sway and yield. The big winds will uproot those that are ungrounded and break the brittle.

Nature teaches us to stay well grounded and flexible. Big political winds are also blowing. Yoga grounds us as we safely care for our body mind spirit and increases flexibility on all levels, so we withstand the “shocks of infatuation and sorrow” as stated in the ancient Sutras of Patanjali.

What helps you ground? Can you also remain flexible? Ki to Happiness practices yoga with loving detachment to the outcome and the heart set on the Everlasting.


Falling Back

As we set the clocks back an hour, we used the extra time to do some seasonal cleaning. Bob and I worked together separately, each doing our part. A good nights rest followed.

The cats forgot to turn their clocks back, so they wanted me up super early. When I got up, the clean refreshed energy greeted me with the result of all of our efforts. The studio is preparing for the next holidays, as we synch up with time’s onward march.

What did you do with your extra hour? What helps you align with the changing times? Ki to Happiness changes with the times and stays consistent with yoga practices.


All Souls Day

Today is the third day of celebration of Dia de Muertos. After Halloween and All Saints day, we honor all the souls who have passed away in the last year. In doing so, we are invited to reflect on our own mortality so we will leave a legacy worth remembering.

In this past year, sudden adult death syndrome has taken lots of souls perhaps before they prepared. We may offer prayers for their safe passage to their next energetic iteration and uplift their contribution to this earthly plane.  In truth, none of us know how long we will be here which makes it important that we all prepare for the mysterious journey beyond.

Who have you lost this year? How would you like to remember them? Ki ti Happiness remembers all who’ve passed in gratitude to their having done their best and wants to be remembered similarly when the time comes.


All Saints Moon

After last night’s Halloween celebration, today we venerate the Saints. Being raised as a Catholic, I always had a fascination for their stories. Researching and studying them continues long after I left the church.

Their miraculous stories inspire faith. I have learned to invoke them for specific purposes and to honor them in the way that they relate to.  As I remove the jack-o’-lanterns and ghosts, I light my candles to celebrate them, thank them, and set intentions for a new moon .

 As you clear away the Halloween festivities, what intentions would you like to set for the next month? Where would you shine your light to dispel darkness? Ki to Happiness thanks all the Saints for their divine intercession and grows in faith.


Hallowed Eve

Tonight’s festivities on Halloween are originally meant to clear the energy for tomorrow’s feast for All Saints. Whether we observe with costumes, skeletons, pumpkins, black cats, and pointy hats or not, the veil is thin between the physical and non physical worlds right now. Especially with the new moon upon us, how we observe these days will be affecting the future.

The most stress inducing election in our country of recent times occurs soon. Tempers flare, mailboxes have been set on fire in two states, and hypersensitivity to any word choice fill the news. Becoming conscious of these energies, we may be able to choose peace and union, and move away from the unconscious projections of war and division.

How will you observe this Halloween?What would you like the outcome of these energies to result in next month and beyond? Ki to Happiness clears the energy in preparation for celebrating the many Saints who inspire, heal and guide us toward peace.


Fall Flowers

The red maple trees are bursting with their true colors on our block as geraniums are still offering red blooms. Summers end blends into deep fall, with sun breaks and warmth as well as rain, wind and darkness. Life and death are holding hands, full of energy that transcends the physical manifestations.

Yoga reminds us with every practice to stay centered on our truest intentions, come what may. Conscious breathing, balancing postures on arms or one leg, and meditation give us feedback about how to improve ourselves to stay aligned with the Everlasting energy we most essentially are. We are both flowers and fall foliage, light and dark, life and death, as we identify with our Highest Self and its energy.

What feedback has your practices been giving you? How can you align with your Everlasting energy? Ki to Happiness receives feedback and aligns with its Guidance.



At a Halloween party a long time ago, I made new friends with whom I still have contact. We each coupled up for a time with others who attended that party. Although the couplings dissolved, the true friendships continue.

As we celebrate this friendship anniversary today, I’ve heard back from four others who attended that momentous gathering. Over the years, we have shared pictures and memories of that evening. We have also made lots of new memories since that time, deepening our bonds.

Do you still have contact with your old friends? Are you deepening your bonds with them or have the years divided you? Ki to Happiness is grateful for the internet for making it possible to sustain friendships across the miles and decades.


RIP Phil Lesh

As a tribute to the Grateful Dead’s bassist, Phil Lesh, I played guitar and sang some of his songs. He has exited his physical body at age 84. I’m blessed to have seen him multiple times, including most recently in 2018 with my brother.

As a young deadhead, I danced with his bass line as if it animated my spine. I played Box of Rain with it pouring down outside yesterday, tears flowing in joyous memories of times in our cover band which we called Shotgun Ragtime Band. My fingers responded to the spine’s signals and my voice channeled the lyrics and melody, setting free the vibration to unite with all the other Deadheads honoring him.

Did you ever go to a Grateful Dead concert?  What music in your life has inspired unity, connectedness, and togetherness? Ki to Happiness is grateful to live with memories of the Dead.


Tune Up

My meditations of late have revealed Guidance to tune up some aspects of my lifestyle. Like everyone else, changing habits is challenging for me. My recommended changes may seem small to others, yet they still require attention, consciousness, and uncomfortable choices.

For the last five days, I have tuned up my bed time habits, relinquishing my noise cancelling headset. I have also instigated new exercises and different food choices. I’m listening to my body mind more closely and am grounding all Guidance in my actions and attitudes.

What do you need to tune up? How comfortable can you be with being uncomfortable? Ki to Happiness comforts the discomforts with commitment to tune up habits in alignment with new Guidance.