
Seat mates

Traveling yesterday, after changing seat assignments, I made friends with my seat mates. They’ve been friends since junior high, and they relished my journey to reunite with my graduating class, including friends from junior high. We chatted about locations they may enjoy in my hometown and shared the shuttle to the rental car agency.

Making new friends who are old friends made me appreciate my upcoming reunion with my old friends. Whatever occurs during this reunion, it’s been a long time coming. I already appreciate the growth and the greater gratitude for all of my friends, companioning me through this journey of life.

Do your old friends know how much you value them? Are you open to making new ones as your life journey continues? Ki to Happiness practices the yoga of friendship, seeking the union of our Higher Selves to the One who arranges seat mates.


Distress and DeStress

Students arrived late and distressed. I had some stress in my morning as I attempted to check in for my flight. In the aftermath of the recent computer hack at our airport, systems were still not interfacing.

De-stressing with yoga, a walk in nature after getting checked in worked for me. As I led class, I emphasized exhaling to release the tension. Distress comes when we identify with the stress instead of with our limitless Higher Self as I learned and taught from the Yoga Sutras.

How do you release stress? Can you de-stress without distress? Ki to Happiness identifies with the limitless Higher Self.


Farewell and Welcome

I taught my 10 AM class as one student said goodbye before moving out East and a brand new student said hello. Hatha Yoga Center has had thousands come and go since 1977. It’s like a river, always changing with the flowing of attendees joining and departing, and also always the same, with the banks of consistent scheduled classes.

They say you never step into the same river twice. Similarly, no two classes are identical. And yet with the ebbs and flows of community membership, the predictably of safe and sane practices define the nearly 50 years of HYC.

How good are you at goodbyes? How about hellos? Ki to Happiness witnesses the constant changes from the consistence of Hatha Yoga practice.


September’s End

We took a bike ride yesterday on the Feast of the Archangels.  Chilly now, at September’s end, we looked for the sun breaks as we avoided shade and shadow. I always feel my guardian angels with me when I ride, keeping me safe and directing my route. 

We returned with a few items we were in search of on our ride. New lighting now illuminates some dark places in our living space, and a grow light shines on our Money Tree from 2012 in its new location. Both doors are now functional and lights cast out darkness for the seasons ahead. 

How does September’s end affect you? Were you aware of the Feast of the Archangels yesterday or can you commemorate them today? Ki to Happiness thanks all helpers, physical and astral for all the guidance, protection and lighting the way through the open doors, casting out darkness.


Double Rainbow

As our brothers and sisters in the south east deal with the aftermath of hurricane Helene, Pinehurst was graced with a double rainbow. It stretched from north to south, visible as we looked east. I sent the hopeful energy to all of our relations.

We stood in amazement as we watched the crows winging their way back to their nesting grounds in Bothell. We wondered whether they could see the different colors in the rainbows. They seemed to as they flew under the arching display of rain and shine.

How have your relations fared in this major storm? How can you send them hope and support as they dry off and rebuild? Ki to Happiness sends support on the rainbow to all our relations to the South and East.


About Face

Talking with one of my friends yesterday, I shared with him some details of a recent stress challenge.  His face contorted with the information which gave me all the validation I needed. I thanked him for the face and asked him to make the same face again for me.

He did, and soon were smiling and laughing. I’m so glad that our two faces are free from anything that would inhibit unbridled expressions. Confusion, disbelief, repulsion gave way to connection, humor, and deeper bonding within moments, sharing more than words ever could.

What does your face say about you? Can you accept its imperfections enough to allow freedom of expression of your facial muscles? Ki to Happiness smiles with her eyes remembering the validating face of friendship.


One Door Opens

For the first time in over two years, our south east door is able to open. It’s also able to close and lock. It’s not watertight, and still needs attention from property management, but we’re celebrating this improvement.

As the subcontractor came to the task, he opened the door with force which resulted in the wedged wood flying out from the jam. On our first night here when a locksmith was necessary in order to get the door to close, he must have wedged this strip of wood in without informing us. Fortunately our studio manager found the code so we don’t need a new lock. 

How patient are you with necessary fixes? When inconvenienced and impatient, how gracefully can you apologize? Ki to Happiness opens one door of progress and closes the door of impatience, inconvenience and unmet necessity.


Rain Towels

The gentle rains turned into a true downpour right before my beginner’s class at seven. The students from my 5:30 class ran to their cars covering their heads with their jackets. New students arrived dripping wet.

I grabbed a handful of towels from our comfort station. Each of the six brand new students appreciated them as they dried off. These towels are generally used for those students who perspire a lot in classes, and now they are also rain towels.

What items help to bring comfort for your yoga practice? Tissues, towels, water, heat/fan and what else? Ki to Happiness practices comfortable safe yoga and offers that to others.


Meditation Vision

At the end of my morning meditations yesterday, I saw my hand reaching out to ward the door of my local Ayurvedic clinic. I took that as a sign that I was to schedule my concluding Shirodhara session. It took something, but I was able to get in on the same day.

Receiving guidance is one thing. Acting on that guidance immediately strengthens the connection between me and the Guidance Giver. My Higher Self knows I’m listening and willing to surrender to its Divine counsel. 

What guidance do you receive from your meditations? How willing are you to take action on that guidance? Ki to Happiness listens in meditation and prays more Guidance as well as the willingness to surrender to It.


Self censorship or privacy

I notice myself editing what I say with each person I interact with. These days there are a lot of volatile conversations beyond the usual subjects of sex, religion and politics. In our present pre election/post pandemic circumstances, all three subjects are conflated.

Personal philosophies and opinions about subjects are best held privately within. Art, music, and the voting booth are to be safe avenues for expression. The more we protect our privacy through self censorship, the less we need invasion of privacy or external censorship in the present volatility.

Can you protect your privacy through self-censorship? Do you want others invading your privacy and censoring you? Ki to Happiness expresses herself as appropriate and respects others right to do the same.