
Marching Forth

As the news cycle reports escalating conflict many watch with growing tension in the body. Traumatic personal history may be triggered and result in a sense of futility and paralysis. Don’t let this get stuck in your body.

Instead, march forth. Conquer your fears by safely taking yourself out for a walk. Feel the power in your body, the love in your heart and the Spirit of Guidance. Follow wherever It leads you to act, contribute and serve as only you can.

Where does your love want to be expressed?What Guidance do you receiving as you walk? Ki to Happiness shares her Higher Power with you through loving service.


Small delights

As our society begins to slowly reopen I have enjoyed patronizing a couple of my old favorite places. I had tea with my administrative assistant at a cafe. I brought vegan burgers back to share with Bob.

During two years of restrictions, I reserved all of my extracurricular exposure. I drank plenty of tea and had a vegan burgers at home, as I only exposed myself to Hatha Yoga Center participants and the grocery. Visits with my family were my biggest risk.

What delights you? Can you allow yourself life‘s simple pleasures? Ki to Happiness sips tea and reads poetry to her cats after morning practice.


Pisces New Moon

On this day of the new moon in Pisces, emotions run high. Instead of suppressing them or over identifying with any feeling in particular, simply allow them. Harnessing their energy, set clear intentions on this day for the full moon.

My morning started with a missing cat. Finding him and bringing him back home to his brother and sister, all is well. I send this reunification energy to all brothers and sisters so all may find their way home.

How are you feeling? What can you do with those feelings to further your cause? Ki to Happiness feels the joy of homecoming after the anguish of separation and sends that out to all who need reconciliation.


Ask questions later

March first! It’s time to start moving, the calendar page indicates. After the past two years of mandates and restrictions, we may wonder in which direction.

Over decades of practice, I know the way. There’s really only one direction. Toward the One. March first, toward the One in All, ask questions later.

Are you ready? Where does your heart want to lead you? Ki to Happiness follows the light.


No parade

Today is the last day of vaccination mandates and required testing in our area. If all numbers continue to proceed in this direction, we will release mask mandates in 3 weeks, too. There will be no maskless parade or a burning of cards.

Instead, a cautious reopening, like the slow bloom of an end of winter flower guides me. Gratitude for the many blessings this great challenge brought forth is the fertile soil feeding this blossom. It’s fragrance permeates even before it’s colors are revealed.

How will you mark the end of the Covid times? What will you remember about it in the future? Ki to Happiness sniffs the Spring and thanks the Winter.



With the federal CDC guidelines going into effect immediately, our local restrictions will be released after all on 3/21/22. Hatha Yoga Center looks forward to more of our community members rejoining us in person. Yesterday we welcomed our Groundhog Scholarship winner back for classes.

As we continue to offer hybrid classes, we also look forward to continuing to see your names on the live stream screen. Knowing that you’ve been out there practicing with us has kept us open, hopeful, and grateful. We are thankful for community members that have found their way to our YouTube offerings and website classes as well.

Will you return in person or continue with HYC at a distance? What will help you ease the transition back into a more open society? Ki to Happiness is with you in spirit if separate physically.


Cold snap

We start to thaw from our cold snap. In the university district, students are celebrating with late night outings, wearing less clothes as they socialize at bars and restaurants. On the other side of the globe, pets are being carried to shelters for protection from bombs they didn’t make.

I hold steady in meditation and serve as an instrument of peace with my clients and students at the Hatha Yoga Center. My cats and husband are nearby. We are a zone of safety for one another as each is respected as sovereign beings awaiting Spring.

Are you willing to choose peace and relinquish power dramas? Can you provide safety for the innocent animals, including the one in your heart? Ki to Happiness chooses peace and protects the innocent.



The Russians have invaded Ukraine. Our news cycle shifts away from the pandemic focus to this horror. From one crisis to the next crisis our attention is yanked.

Staying centered with my practices, I am grateful to be exiting the pandemic era. I paused yesterday to welcome back a couple of community members. Reunion amidst global turmoil reveals they have Ukrainian and Russian ties.

Can you pause between crises and look around you? For what are you grateful? Ki to Happiness reunites with her global family through her local community.


Semi permeable

The cells in our body are semi permeable. This allows stuff to be kept out and that’s not good for the cell while the good stuff is allowed in. This natural process has been occurring our whole lives unconsciously.

In all of our different relationships, we can apply this metaphor consciously. This requires fluidity, in addition to a firm sense of self. Yoga supports this awareness, as each posture is to be firm and soft, with the heart set on the everlasting.

Are you needing to be more fluid or firm? What feedback are you getting from the outer and/or inner realms? Ki to Happiness aligns with natural processes.


Good from Bad

One year ago today we were burglarized. Trauma gripped us in the loss as emergency helpers rushed in. After 20 minutes the cops recovered my cell phone and computer, in two hours my website assistant helped change all my credit cards, in two days our HYC manager switched all bank accounts, in two months all smoothed out and in 5 months we got a new door. Thanks to our son, our neighbor and our tallest community member, we had a temporary fix until then.

In the drama we wouldn’t have imagined the good that has come from that crime. Our community bonded even more deeply, our family is grateful to have each other’s back’s, and donations surprised me and my new accounts with abundance. w

Are you aware of good that has come out of your bad experiences? Has enough time passed for you to have this perspective? Ki to Happiness thanks you all for contributing to this joyous anniversary with your time reading my words and reflecting on your life.