

Death becomes my companion as another dear friend has passed away. I’m grateful for the yoga practices that have allowed my soul the kindness of daily preparation. Still, I cried, wore black, cut my hair, and reached out to those in our network to inform and commiserate.

What I had not prepared for is the shift in perspective which has occurred since my friend and colleague departed the physical plane. I rested after processing the first waves of grief into an immense joyous remembrance of all the good times. This joy replaces all else, nothing else remains but this final gift from my friend.

Have you experienced this shift in consciousness following the death of a beloved? How does it effect your relationship with those still living? Ki to Happiness thanks her friend for this final gift.



In seventh grade my family moved from St. Louis far away into the middle of nowhere. Being the new kid on the block again, I felt alone, isolated, and missed my familiars. Then I met Karen.

We played softball together, started riding bikes the mile between our houses and learned we were born a couple of weeks apart. We survived high school together, then went our separate ways only to reunite decades later. The pandemic separated us again again only to reconnect over our shared loss of a good friend, and for birthdays.

Who have you become separated from during this time that you can reach out to? On what level can you reconnect? Ki to Happiness reconnects through the innocence of friendship.



Hatha Yoga Center‘s Sunday morning classes have been ongoing since 1977. Many in our community have ritually participated in their own version of church. Two months post stroke, Bob found the stamina to resume teaching both classes, if partially and with my supportive demonstrations.

Witnessing his process reminds me to pace myself. He’s needed to respect energy flow ever more sensitivity to avoid falling. I’m learning from his process so perhaps I can avoid those consequences as well as others from our life choices.

How sensitive are you to your energy flow? What life choices need to change to court consequences you are wanting? Ki to Happiness builds stamina in learning from other’s processes.


Mountain climbing

The revisions required in my manuscript became a huge insurmountable task. Feeling overwhelmed, I started breaking down the task into 20 little tasks related to 7 pages of my coaches comments. I reduced those into 3 sections, with breaks and treats between.

That was the first step up this mountain. The second step addressed the first comment. At the third step, I feel the lift from the first two. Before I knew it I climbed to the top.

What mountain are you climbing? Can you break it down into little steps? Ki to Happiness is enjoying the view.


Come Together

Great division in our country brings me into a desire for us to all come together. Putting aside our differences and opinions, we can all agree to disagree in peace. The Olympic’s opening ceremony yesterday demonstrates this on a global scale.

Often the hardest divisions are within ourselves. Reaching across the aisle internally connects parts of our brains together. Holding space for regular internal committee meetings between the disparate aspects of oneself may benefit ourselves, our country, and our planet.

How is your internal committee today? Time for a meeting? Ki to Happiness invites us all to come together in peace.


Problems, Presence, Solutions

Bob’s physical therapy requires that he use a stationary bicycle. In our tight quarters, he chose to put it in the commons area where one of our neighbors doesn’t want it. I anticipated such, and got on the problem looking for a solution.

I proposed different options which Bob considered. We took measurements of our top choice and headed in that direction. As we moved toward that a different solution presented itself as if on its own.

What solution wants to be discovered? Can your problems open you to creativity? Ki to Happiness thanks the problems in life for opening me up to the Presence inspiring creative solutions.



This month I joined the Mission 22 meditation challenge. In two days I have reached the goal for the month. I feel for those who have not found their way to meditation yet.

I started meditating about 35 years ago.When the administrators of the group challenge reached out for assistance, I volunteered immediately. After attending to two other challenge members, my heart is full to overflowing with gratitude for the practices that unite us.

What fills your heart? Can you allow yourself more time for that? Ki to Happiness shares heartful appreciation for all uniting practices and practitioners.


Ground Hog Scholarship

On this mid winters day, we will learn how much longer the season will continue. We are fortunate to have power, heat and hot water in our home and studio. That is thanks to one born on this day, who wouldn’t take any payment.

We calculated the amount of money his services would have cost us and are offering a scholarship to that extent. Maybe you or some handy person you know could benefit from a 3 month unlimited pass for classes. Whether the Ground Hog sees his shadow or not, practicing with us may warm and brighter the rest of winter.

Do you know someone who could benefit from this scholarship? Could you have them reach out to us here? Ki to Happiness sees the shadows and the Light.


Lunar New Year

Much of the world today honors the new moon in Aquarius as it heralds the Year of the Tiger. This ushers in fresh energy for a shift in the direction of powerful passion. Fearless and restless, Tiger years bring about action.

Some feel the optimism of the Tiger already. Always up for a challenge, this upcoming year will benefit from Tiger’s dauntless spirit. This is good news for those of us exhausted from the carrying the heavy load during the past year of the Ox which required hard work and plodding determination.

How can you best use your passion? With an optimist outlook, what action can you take to serve the Highest? Ki to Happiness welcomes the Terrific Tiger with fearlessness.


Teachers and teachings

As a yoga teacher and trainer, I am often asked about my lineage. Being a psychotherapist first led me to honor the many lessons I’ve learned from serving others. My time at the Kripalu Ashram in Massachusetts ritualized that honoring with each class, concluding with the expression Jai Bhagwan, meaning I recognize the teacher inside the student, and I’ve learned.

Mostly what I’ve learned from my students and clients is how to meet them, access the healthy Spirit of Guidance within them and support Its expression. Each formal teacher I’ve had has demonstrated this toward me, or I moved on. Integrating all the lessons keeps my toolbox full of creative possibilities to share with those who are interested.

How do you learn best? Who are you teaching? Ki to Happiness offers you all Jai Bhagwan, I thank you for all I learn from you.