

The forces of division must feel the edge slipping. It seems that there is a desperate grasp for control. We’ve all lived with this for a long time. Efforts toward reuniting will be necessary as we move forward.

Internal efforts of healing the division within may be to best place to begin. Containing the different aspects of oneself and choosing how to engage with the world results in feedback. Taking the feedback under consideration, we may adjust our way of engaging.

What feedback have you been receiving lately? What adjustment is necessary for you to engage me in a way that might result in the feedback you truly desire? Ki to Happiness engages with yoga offerings toward Union and reUnion.


Bye Thay

Our world released the great teacher Thich Nhat Hanh on 1/22/22. Those who love him know him as Thay. This humble Light Bringer illuminated our consciousness, showing us the way of compassion and forgiveness.

In his physical absence, he left behind many who followed him closely as well as lots of books and poetry. His energy is available to all to join in through conscious breathing, walking and meditation. I feel him in silence.

What is your experience of the great teacher? Can you take a moment of silence and feel his energy with you now? Ki to Happiness honors Thay as she says goodbye and thank you.



There was unstable atmospheric pressure in the area yesterday full of tension. New communication devices were not cooperating, operators were cussing. Frustration mounted.

I put on my boots and coat and headed down to the woods. My feet started running along the wet path. Suddenly, lightning struck and thunder crashed as I sought shelter from the hail pinging down like snow wearing tap shoes.

What do you do with the tension that arises in moments of instability? Can you run with it instead of resisting? Ki to Happiness wonders at Nature’s stability within instability.



We all need a place where we are safe and protected enough to reflect, take stock, re-organize our priorities, so we can align with Guidance. With enough time in that place, we may introject aspects of it into our lives. Finding that place outside, we can recreate it . Ultimately we may find it within.

In my travels, I found sanctuary in anonymity and freedom. In my home, I find sanctuary in solitude and practices. This morning, I also find it right here.

What does sanctuary mean to you? Is it something you carry within you? Ki to Happiness extends the safety and protection found within to All.



Somewhere in the midst of working, practicing, and attending to my family needs I noticed an old injury popping up. My middle finger on my right hand took a crushing into the jyotish gem I’d worn for years a long time ago. The little bump started growing and paining me lately, making me aware that it was changing. I resolved to seek attention for it.

I felt to show it to someone as my first effort. After my fasting day, I reached with my left hand to palpate it, and couldn’t. It had resolved itself!

While you are busily attending to your duties, what may be resolving itself without you knowing? Might my sharing of miracles help you see them in your life, too? Ki to Happiness solves and reSolves.


Breaking Fast

After one day without food, I feel refreshed. Breaking my fast with one small apple, I delight in its sweet crunch as I chew it until it is liquid. Entering and exiting a fast is just as important as the fast itself.

Fasting for spiritual purposes is done along many paths. Simply taking one day a week off from heavy foods gives the body a chance to rest and do some deep cleaning. It give us a needed reset on our habits, enhancing gratitude, kindness, and the witness perspective.

What is your experience of fasting? How can you best reset and refresh? Ki to Happiness eats slowly and mindfully, deepening the habits that nourish body and soul.


St. Anthony ‘s moon

Today’s full moon arrives on St. Anthony of the Desert’s day. Years ago I learned to petition him for assistance with a particular malady. I committed to fast on his day annually in order to receive his assistance.

At first my need was urgent. I wanted an immediate cure. Instead, slowly the problem subsided. In the light of this full moon, I’m reflecting on how it’s been over two years since I’ve had any symptoms of what once was called incurable.

What are you reflecting on in this full moon? How comfortable are you with the timing of the miracles in your life? Ki to Happiness fasts and slows into Right Timing.


Anybody Here

MLK day is upon us. He marched in Seattle in 1961. The path he walked is a pilgrimage available to all. I danced to the song that was written just after his assassination. It plays on in my memory, reminding me to keep my dreams alive.

He was not a Yogi or a monk yet he inspires us to hold our heads high and keep walking toward freedom. His humble eloquence moves our spirits to join with him. We share his dream and are inspired to walk in his stead.

How will you observe MLK day? What will help keep your dreams of freedom alive? Ki to Happiness remembers the Dream.


1st Mercury Retrograde ‘22

Astrology empowers us with information about unseen influences. Mercury is the planet who’s influence effects our communication and transportation. Presently it appears to be going backward, as it does three times each year.

Despite it being a new year, it is time to take a step back and look at issues around transportation and communication. Mercury retrograde encourages us to reflect, refine, and revise. It may feel a bit like one step forward and two steps backward. Don’t take it personally.

What do you need to redo? Reflecting on what the holidays brought up, how can you revise your plans for 2022 regarding transportation and communication? Ki to Happiness dances with one step forward and two steps back.



In my first post graduate training, I learned the single most valuable tool in psychotherapy is witnessing. We listen to others and facilitate their process as we witness the effects their stories. Over time with repetition, clients may learn to do the same for themselves.

As we strengthen our ability to witness, we become aware that there’s been a witness state of consciousness present all along. Identifying with this state becomes preferable. Detaching from identifying with our stories opens us to the possibility of realigning with the constancy of the Witness within. This benefits both therapist and client.

Who has witnessed your struggles? What issues need someone’s active witnessing? Ki to Happiness cherishes the Witness of All.