
Gentle Rain

This morning’s warmer temperature is accompanied by gentle rain. Lots of leaves fell down in the wind that came with this weather system. Our deck is carpeted in red, crimson, and orange maple leaves.

The cats and I bask in the moist air with our windows open. Soon, I will close the windows so to warm our home and studio. The freshness will linger to bless this new day. 

What helps you start a new day? What do you need to release so that you can come into the present moment of each new days’ opportunity? Ki to Happiness opens the windows and breathes consciously in gratitude for so many blessings.


Practicing Together

Our studio manager attended class last night. It was great to see her and thank her for all her efforts to support HYC.  The best part was simply practicing together.

I enjoy the benefits of practicing alone, however, the benefits multiplying when meditating, praying or moving our bodies in similar ways with others. The sense of community, connection and camaraderie extend beyond the experience. Rippling outward, we affect broader reaches of our influence.

Can you stay committed to your practice whether you do it alone or with others? What benefits do you observe either way? Ki to Happiness benefits from practicing whether alone or with others.


Practicing Together

Our studio manager attended class last night. It was great to see her and thank her for all her efforts to support HYC.  The best part was simply practicing together.

I enjoy the benefits of practicing alone, however, the benefits multiplying when meditating, praying or moving our bodies in similar ways with others. The sense of community, connection and camaraderie extend beyond the experience. Rippling outward, we affect broader reaches of our influence.

Can you stay committed to your practice whether you do it alone or with others? What benefits do you observe either way? Ki to Happiness benefits from practicing whether alone or with others.


Divine Intervention

When in need of assistance, I have learned to reach out and ask.  Sometimes my physical helpers don’t call back or are ill equipped. In such circumstances, I petition the patron saints for Divine Intervention. 

It’s important to surrender the issues and outcomes to a Higher Principle in faith that all will develop correctly in right timing. Watching for signs of Grace, I have witnessed those prayers be answered in spontaneous phone calls, and solutions appearing easily with no need to force, push or insist. Acting on those answers in gratitude, the way forward appears.

Are you willing to ask for help?  Can you receive the help in the way it arrives? Ki to Happiness asks for help through prayer and listens for Guidance in meditation.


Level Up

Last night, one of my new beginning students attended an all levels class. He had already demonstrated his ability to practice safely and follow instructions. There were three other men in class who welcomed and helped him as well as the women in attendance.

In successfully leveling up his practice, the whole schedule is now open to participation. His desire is to change himself which is more likely to occur with three practice sessions a week whereas we have just two beginners classes scheduled. His enthusiasm uplifted the others and rekindled their joy in the practice.

Did you start your yoga practice as a beginner? How long did it take for you to level up? Ki to Happiness begins anew with each practice daily for maximum change while maintaining the progress Hatha Yoga has provided on all levels of consciousness.


Cats and Coons

I wondered why my cats were acting so different this morning. Each in their own different constitutional way, they let me see the need for security. As I opened the blinds, I saw several raccoons on our deck feasting on stolen food.

That helped me understand why Paka jumped on my head super early. Another of our cats stood watch near the bandits, as our 3rd feline stayed as far away as possible. The scaredy cat wouldn’t eat, whereas Paka gorged then regurgitated and our watcher waited for calm security to have breakfast.

Which cats’ constitution do you share? Are you alarming, watchful, or scared? Ki to Happiness appreciates the 3 constituent qualities of nature which the Yoga Sutras call Doshas, and identify as Tridoshic, meaning all three: Pitta, Kapha, and Satva.


Reclaiming Today

While still a teen, I married on this day. The brutality of that union set me on a course of courage as I learned the process of healing. I’ve shared this process with lots of folks as a psychotherapist and yoga teacher.

In previous efforts to reclaim the day, I have especially appreciated those in my life who celebrate their birthday today. When my ex-husband passed away eight years ago, I reclaimed the town in which the unholy union took place. Today, I embrace my history and safely behold the mystery of how brutality is transformative as I reclaim today.

What part of your history do you need to reclaim? Can you behold the mystery in its transformative power? Ki to Happiness embraces today and is grateful for all that has led to it.



I’m getting to know several new students after returning from my trip. We are doing well together and looking to many more classes in the future. One of them arrived late for my beginners’ class due to parking confusion and uncertainty about which door to enter.

In the disturbance of her joining us, I shifted into compassion for what it takes to do something new. The other students shifted with me as they remembered what it was like for them to attend for their first time, as well as what it’s like to return after some time away. All of us found the joy of yoga practice, as class continued in the union of understanding that the hardest part of the yoga path is beginning, again and again.

How do you handle the stress challenge of doing something new? Can you allow yourself to have beginner’s mind, without expectation? Ki to Happiness remembers “the first days are the hardest days” with every beginning.


Lease and Release

We met with our legal counselor yesterday to discuss signing our next lease. At this point in our lives, it necessitated some estate planning as well. Bob and I both both recognize our irreplaceable partnership and want a clause to release the survivor from fiduciary responsibility when either of us are no longer able to continue.

We don’t usually talk about such things. Our common values and style of conflict resolution made for easy agreement about the issues. We aligned over our weekly burrito date and informed our wise counselor of our discussion.

What relationships are irreplaceable in your life? Can you talk about what that means for the future? Ki to Happiness releases the future into the Higher Power with the support of wise counsel.


Baby Boomer

I was born at the tail end of the baby boom. Lately I’ve been seeing how I share many of the characteristics of my generation. It’s humbling and challenging to stay relevant, keep up with the societal changes and continue to value my skill set.

I witness my older baby boomer husband approaching these issues in his way. I learn from his choices how to improve upon my own. Fortunately the path of Yoga has been around for so long that these issues dissolve into asana, pranayama, meditation and prayer regardless of any demographics.

What generation do you belong to? Can you value the characteristics of it and other generations? Ki to Happiness embraces the timeless path of Yoga and offers it to all generations.