
Nadi Sweda

My most recent Ayurvedic treatment included steam applied to one specific nerve path. Removing inflammation from it left me wiped out. After a good night sleep, I feel renewed and balanced at a deep constitutional level.

Unusual benefits arise in other parts of my body.  Far from the site of treatment, other little cranky areas stabilize and heal. Supporting the body with gentle natural approaches allow it to respond in surprising ways. 

Can you be gentle with your need for healing? What requires support in order for your body mind spirit to heal itself? Ki to Happiness utilizes the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda for modern needs.


Constitutional Changes

About a month ago, I started making some lifestyle changes. Tuning up my eating, sleeping and recreational activities has already resulted in gradual progress. I detect improvements in my constitutional balance.

In working with my Ayurvedic physician, these changes have been guided and monitored. Today I have my last treatment as I continue with supplements and root into these new habits. I appreciate the allopaths who said it couldn’t be done, as I took the challenge to heart, and committed myself to seek a 2nd opinion.

What changes would you like to make ? What guidance and monitoring might you need? Ki to Happiness is grateful for 1st opinions as they lead to getting 2nd opinions.


Furmata A Capella group

We had a date with some of our community members to go out and listen to the University of Washington’s a cappella group, Furmata. This competitive group came in second place in the nation this year. Next year, they may come in first if last night’s show is any indication.

The whole group opened the first number before they shifted into duets and trios. The first duet had both Bob and myself in soft tears. By the time the trio ended, I was reaching for tissues to mop up, as I watched Bob wiping his cheeks as well.

What moves you to tears?  When is the last time you were moved by artistic beauty? Ki to Happiness is moved to tears by love, harmony and beauty.


Cyclone #2

The second cyclone did not have the same strength as the first one. We retained power, and made good use of it with Hatha Yoga Center fully functioning. Laundry, cleaning, and cooking all resumed with joy at these simple creature comforts.

We went out for our burrito date, happy that our neighborhood joint reopened, albeit without guacamole. The old guy in front of us in line insisted he be compensated for its lack in an ugly demanding way. We witnessed the interaction and surmised he must not have lost power, been humbled by the storm or experienced the gratitude of power restoration like we did.

What loss has humbled you? How does your gratitude grow? Ki to Happiness grows grateful and humble through each loss. 


Early Thanksgiving

Our power is restored, thanks to the diligence of the Seattle City Light workers. The firemen arrived shortly afterwards to disarm the alarm that responded to the restoration of electricity. We celebrated by contacting all those who supported us through our 48 hour ordeal, and we started to clean up, sort out, and dig through the aftermath.

After a fresh hot meal, we declared it as our early Thanksgiving. Slowly, our space warmed up beyond 55°. We reset the Wi-Fi, and charged up all back up battery chargers, just in case. The second cyclone that came in last night did not take out our power so today continues the immense gratitude of returning to our humble normalcy.

How grateful are you for normalcy? How quickly can you express that gratitude? Ki to Happiness thanks early and often, resetting attention on to our many blessings.


Gratitude amidst Hardship

After the morning efforts of serving clients and students without power, there was a flickering before another transformer blew. It triggered the fire alarm in our building to go off with its excruciating siren, necessitating our evacuation. It took the fire department over two hours to come and turn it off with so many other pressing community needs.

We secured the cats in the quietest area, and walked in our neighborhood, breathing consciously, assessing the damages and interacting with neighbors. Friends went out of their way to drop off a backup battery charger so we can have cellphone contact with the outer world. Another morning practice in the cold dark centers me in gratitude for many things–candles, water, shelter, food, warm clothes, yoga, neighbors, friends, family, cats, health, cellphones and back up power supplies.

What centers you in gratitude?  Can you count your blessings even while you are facing hardship? Ki to Happiness evacuates from stress when necessary to access gratitude. 


Forewarned is forearmed

Taking heed of the bomb cyclone warning, I prepared with candles, food, thermoses of hot water and charging all electronics. Having been through many powerful storms, I am aware that being forewarned is being forearmed. I rested well enough in the warmth of my preparations without heat as we lost power just following my evening class.

The cats awakened me to begin finding my way in the chilly darkness. My practices provided enough warmth and light to ignite my grateful heart. My prayers are for the return of power, but even more so for the Higher Power to quell the threats of World War III.

Are you willing to take heed of warnings? Can you listen to your Higher Power? Ki to Happiness listens and takes heed.


Keep practicing

As my day unfolded with classes and clients, a family drama unfolded. I played my part and then let it go. Returning to my practices directed my attention to myself.

I share this as an example of the serenity prayer in action. Accepting the things I cannot change, courageously changing what I can, I became serene in the wisdom of knowing the difference. Hatha Yoga practice gave me a place to put my attention, insisting that body, mind and spirit align and integrate.

What helps you develop wisdom? Which circumstances help you to deepen your commitment to yoga practice? Ki to Happiness keeps practicing as it consistently brings me into alignment.


Sorting and Reorganizing

I went through our storage area, sorting and reorganizing. Many of the objects have not been used since we moved here a couple of years ago. Pitching, recycling, and gifting those items opens the space to bring order to what remains.

Digging through the stuff gave me a keen sense of how much we have healed since our frantic move here. No longer clinging to the remnants of what once was, there’s room for what is. Now the space is freshly smudged and efficient for what will be.

What are you storing? When’s the last time you went through it to determine its value? Ki to Happiness releases the past, ceases from clinging and retains the valuable.


Standing in it

I heard from an old friend that she’s triggered by my way of greeting her for her birthday. I’m so sorry that the love I mean to give results in negativity. I immediately apologized and asked for forgiveness.

I didn’t give excuses, explain, defend or express my motives. I stood in the discomfort and appreciated the honest communication. I forgive myself and her for the way that our love has changed. 

Can you allow yourself to stand in the discomfort of someone expressing their need for you to change? Are you willing to apologize and seek forgiveness without expression your side of the issue? Ki to Happiness stands in the truth of loving even when it is not received as intended.