
Land line

In Bob’s healing process, he needs to talk to a lot of people. He has resisted getting a cell phone all this time. He still tries to take care of everything on his landline, which he got in the 90s. It’s battery doesn’t hold power, and it crackles on the line.

The old technology is hard to replace. I placed an order scheduled for delivery tomorrow. Jai is going to share his cell phone plan with his dad and get him one today.

Do you still have a landline? When did you switch to cell phone? Ki to Happiness loves the old technology and embraces the new.


Early Christmas

Bob returned home to a hero’s welcome. Jai championed Bob’s hospital stay and relieved himself of it as all settled in. Cats, friends, family, food, gifts all around in Bob’s healing space made for a festive homecoming.

Once the medical, legal and financial conversations ended, the focus shifted to the holidays. Plans were shared. We have no plans ourselves. We are already delighted by our early Christmas.

What are your plans for the holidays? Can you celebrate the holiness in this day with me? Ki to Happiness spreads the Holiday Spirit.


Planetary parade

For Bob‘s homecoming today, I thought about asking any of you to come join us to welcome him home. Being an introvert, I knew better than to act on that thought. Then I learned that all the planets are lining up in their own parade of welcome.

I sent Bob an email with a picture of the celestial lineup. He is able to use his right hand enough to open an email and sees enough to appreciate the picture. He also walked 900 yards yesterday unassisted, with just his cane.

Did you know about this planetary alignment? What might it assist you in welcoming? Ki to Happiness aligns with the planets.



Instead of returning home yesterday, Bob’s team of advocates motivated the hospital to keep him. This is good news. With a little more time and all the good attention he’s receiving safely there, his stroke recovery can continue to proceed unhindered.

After spending all day getting ready and facilitating the team, I hit a wall of relief at 5pm. Recognizing my efforts were enough, I stopped. Exhaustion brought me speechlessness and an early bed.

How do you react to relief? How can you manage when you hit a wall? Ki to Happiness becomes a wallflower, standing by the wall of relief, exuding fragrance from shy blossoms.


Story Water

Bob will be discharged from the hospital today. It is uncertain where he will go yet. I have prepared our home to receive him. I am also prepared for him to go into a different facility for more attention and recovery if at all possible.

Both of us shared our fears about his return to this multi level tight space without a private restroom while disabled. We spoke at length and shared our separate stories until they flowed like separate streams into one river. Our stories are now mixed together on their way to the Ocean of Oneness.

What story do you need to tell? Who’s story do you need to hear? Ki to Happiness flows toward the One with each shared story.


Walking and chanting

With all that’s going on after Bob’s stroke, I was alarmed to find his class without a teacher. Having done all I could to secure a sub and a back up sub, I felt at a loss and had a sense of futility as I walked home from my house call private session.

Suddenly, I felt inspired to share my walking and chanting practice on our Hatha Yoga Center live streaming group page instead of keeping it to myself. Within moments I felt fine. That feeling walked me right back into the Hatha Yoga Center so I was able to shift right into covering that class myself.

What helps you shift from futile to fine? How quickly can you reach for that tool? Ki to Happiness quickly shifts with walking and chanting.



As Bob heals from his stroke, collateral healing is occurring. A Course in Miracles states that no one is healed alone. In speaking with him, now that he’s able, mirth and joy burbled up from the endless supply within us both, anyway.

Two old friends with whom there had been estrangement have returned to my heart. Whatever the issues that may have kept us apart, the loving connection brings us back together. While this is happening, Bob is relearning how to stand, use his arms, smile and drink water.

What’s healing in your world? Can you open yourself up to witness the collateral healing? Ki to Happiness shares this healing with you.



I cannot push the clock. I cannot see the future of what will occur as Bob recovers from his stroke. As his certified stroke assessment specialist said many times, there’s no crystal ball with which to see what will occur.

What I can do is stay stable, tell the truth, and stay strong. Push-ups might seem like a waste of time, or a vanity. Right now, they are embodying my spirit of pushing through these challenging times.

Do you have a crystal ball? What can you do to push through the challenges you are facing? Ki to Happiness has several crystal balls all of which say keep pushing.



Bob Smith, founder of the Hatha Yoga Center in 1977 “has been stroked”, as his teacher Ram Das put it. Now that Bob is in the hospital, we will begin to know the extent of the consequences. It may take a long time for him to “get back”, like the Beatles’ song and the name of Bob’s last viewed documentary.

My role as codirector of HYC since 1999 is to see to it that he has a place to “get back” to. As Bob’s wife, it means carrying his legacy forward, whatever may come. My yoga practice and our community sustains and supports me so I can persevere.

What sustains and supports you? How can you best use your time while you are waiting? to Happiness continues to use common sense, which directs me back to Yoga.


Common sense

This morning I am practicing common sense. It’s become all too uncommon. Allowing myself to adjust and adapt to the present needs, I return to the basics.

As a holistic counselor, those basics include drinking water, walking, and staying calm in the face of sudden change. It applies to me just as much as anyone else. Breathing slowly always grounds us.

How is your common sense? Can you help it become more common by exercising it? Ki to Happiness is breathing slowly and using common sense.