
New moon, solar eclipse

The heavens are at it again. The new moon in Sagittarius says start new creative projects. The solar eclipse pattern says tear down old structures. The net affect may be experienced as confusion unless we can see the bigger perspective.

I found it helpful to recognize that these patterns are occurring. Going with what is flowing, I did both. I pray for old structures that no longer serve us to conclude as we creatively experiment with new and improved possibilities. I dreamt of someone quitting smoking cigarettes, and instead, painting a picture of two of them.

What can you quit? Can you experiment creatively with a new possibility instead? Ki to Happiness prays and plays.


Takes time

A student returned to work with me yesterday. Five years ago we shared a moment of deep darkness together. I reached out in the darkness and offered the light of truth as I best understood it then.

We joined together again in the name of yoga. As we concluded our session, tears freely flowed as five years disappeared into the healing awareness that all is well. That darkness long ago has dissipated in the light of greater awareness. It takes time.

What healing do you need? How much time are you willing to give? Ki to Happiness allows healing to take all the time it takes.


Little Miracles

Yesterday I witnessed several little miracles. My eyes must have been cleansed of all that otherwise would have obscured the small and mighty Divine Interventions. I saw five years of tension in one relationship disappear into the love that is for the giving.

I saw schedules easily managed to accommodate my sudden needs. As if the Red Sea parted, obstacles got out of my way as I continued on my path. Helpers, both physical and spiritual gathered to usher me through to the safety of this moment.

How clear are your eyes? Can you see little miracles indicating Divine Intervention? Ki to Happiness has eyes to see the light upon all that Is.


December dreams

As I welcome December, this morning I have assigned myself a new challenge. A couple of my friends are facing their own challenges this month, which will inhibit their ability to participate in push-ups. So I am committing to doing 25 a day for those who are unable.

Some of you may have seen my participation in these particular challenges ever since my friend passed away at the end of July. Now my efforts are for those who have let me know they are unable to participate. You are welcome to join me. The benefits are many. Yoga naturally includes push-ups in Sun salutations. 25 of those a day could keep the December blues away.

Are you able to do push-ups? Do you know there are people who are unable? Ki to Happiness gives her efforts for those who cannot.



The countdown to Christmas has begun. While some observe Hanukkah with candles, special foods and small gifts, others look forward to the “coming” of Christ consciousness. Gifting Tuesday follows Cyber Monday. Lots of ways to be with this time of year.

Walking in the mild sunny woods yesterday, I felt the sun as a giant candle lit for us all. Having awakened long ago to the Light within, all that is coming is already Here. Cyber love I send daily. Sharing my most precious gifts with you, I receive them all returned to me, multiplied.

How can you best open to this time of year? What do you sense is “coming”? Ki to Happiness gives all that has come.


Those skills

As our little family gathered yesterday for our Thanksgiving feast, we all pitched in. I took the meal out of the oven and placed it on serving trays. The men carried full trays into our seating area. Cats sniffed about the tree as we toasted and counted blessings.

Those skills and others we have honed in our years together. We took our family photo together with all three cats in their costumes, laughing and nearly falling out of the frame. Simple pleasures and those skills make for a good holiday on any date.

What skills did your Holiday require? Did you find them coming up from somewhere deeply within? Ki to Happiness is grateful for those skills, often hidden, with which to make every day Holy.


Christmas Tree

Entering into the farmers market after teaching yesterday, I saw the fresh live Christmas trees. Their scent drew me in. Inspiration led me to gather everything else first.

With my tote bags full, I grabbed the tree that wanted to come home with me. I gave the exact amount of cash and threw the tree over one tote bagged shoulder to walk home. I shared my toted items with one family central to our community. I now share the tree and the refreshing joy it brings with you.

What part of the holidays inspires you? Can you participate in just the way you want? Ki to Happiness sniffs out the holy in these and all days.



Yesterday, my Facebook account hit 5000. Many of my friends never look at Facebook anymore. So I asked if folks wanted to stay friends this way. It’s been amazing to get the feedback.

As a non-technical person, I resisted social media. I only came to these platforms when it became necessary to have a digital presence here. Little did I know that I would make real true long lasting meaningful friendships, reconnect with long friends and family as well as develop our hybrid yoga classes to see Hatha Yoga Center through a pandemic! Thank you all for all your comments, questions, likes, shares and donations.

What technical support do you need to continue your practices? How can Facebook be utilized toward your highest vision? Ki to Happiness continues to practice with or without tech support to hold the highest vision of peace on earth for our whole family of human-kind.


Black Friday

On this day of celebrating consumerism, I will continue my tradition of making gifts, and only shopping secondhand. Our next batch of Reiki infused candles are in the works. Farmers market treats await our sons visit.

Simple pleasures uplift my soul. I’m so grateful for all who gave thanks yesterday. We lift each other up as we choose into the attitude of gratitude. Resonating together, our bonds strengthen.

How will you observe this black Friday? What gift do you truly wish to offer those for whom you are grateful? Ki to Happiness offers deeper bonding to all grateful hearts.


Giving Thanks

This day is designated on the American calendar as Thanksgiving. In these Covid times, it is a day of adjusting traditions. While many are traveling, there will also be empty places at the table.

With greater simplicity, perhaps there can be even more gratitude. As we each consider truly what we are grateful for in our hearts, we grow more compassionate. Free from restrictions, our hearts heal into choosing gratitude for all our many blessings to share with all, near or far.

What old traditions will you observe? Are there new traditions to include? Ki to Happiness traditionally teaches yoga at 10am at Hatha Yoga Center, now as a hybrid class.