
Future Past

In my 20s I had a vision of a healing retreat center. I had a desire to create it with my associates. We drew up plans and looked at various locations. Each of us had different skills to offer. After five years, our association disbanded.

With today’s drone technology, I saw a documentary last night capturing footage of such a place from long ago. I’ve been to the cite but couldn’t see it from above then. In recognizing the similarity between it and my vision, I realize I was remembering the past.

What desires have you not met? Where do visions come from? Ki to Happiness meets the vision of the future with the lessons learned from the past.


Power and Agency

During this Thanksgiving week, I am grateful for the power to utilize my agency. Yoga practices give us ample opportunity to rehearse for life. Prioritizing my higher self and it’s guidance, all issues become exercises in choosing to follow the Higher Power.

Yesterday when there was blood in my cat’s urine, and the website still didn’t work, I turned to my husband for a hug. He didn’t have one to offer, feeling so low in these dark, cold, wet days as Covid restrictions continue, with few students and fewer donations. I was relieved for his honesty. I used my agency to do the spiritual push-up into my gratitude practices.

How powerful do you feel? Can you make use of that power to choose where you put your attention? Ki to Happiness employs her agency to align with the Highest Power: ThanksGiving!



Welcome to the Thanksgiving week. I’m so glad we have this time in our country when we pause to reflect on the many blessings in our lives. In my own private country of Self I honor Thanksgiving daily.

I am thankful for your eyes on these words. I am thankful for Hatha Yoga Center community, near and far, new and old. I am thankful for all of these practices ever nudging my consciousness toward that which lives is all of us.

How does your Thanksgiving week look? What can you give thanks for now? Ki to Happiness is thankful for Us.


Mt. Rainier

In first coming to Seattle in the 80s, I was unable to see the mountain. When I moved here in the 90s it escaped my view for years. In driving to the mountain, I still couldn’t see it. It’s vastness engulfed my experience to the extent that it was not visible.

During my third trip to India in the 00s I was blessed by many yogis, Sadhus and Rishis (seers). Sleeping in a large communal tent on a cot during the Maha Khumba Mela, I saw Mount Rainier! She came to me! As if the vision of the Holy Ones had entered me, I could see what they see.

What are you looking for? What will it take for you to open up to find it within yourself? Ki to Happiness seeks That which lives in us.



All writers agree that revision is a necessity. It’s completely normal that the first effort is rough, that’s why it’s called a rough draft. In revision, we refine that roughness.

In yoga practice, we also refine our roughness. We bring the breath into areas that have otherwise been neglected, stressed or misaligned. In doing so, we revise our embodiment.

What rough draft needs revision in your life? How can you best refine yourself in the direction of your desired embodiment? Ki to Happiness revises daily with yoga and writing.


Lunar Eclipse

We awaken into a world that has just gone through the longest lunar eclipse in over 600 years. This brings us into the awareness of all that we may wish to release from our heart, finding it unworthy to remain there. Now there is more room for all that is completely worthy to fill the heart.

Some of us are working on a more personal interior level of individual issues. Others are working on the social exterior level of collective issues. Together, may we use these energies to release personally and planetarily all that is unworthy so that we may go forward.

Have you been working more on the individual or the collective level of consciousness? Can your heart open to all that is worthy personally and collectively? Ki to Happiness awakens to the open heart worthy of collective peace.


Back Up

Our IT guy got the website back up! It brings me to the awareness that we are not alone. We need others every day in order to do what we do. I need someone’s eyes to read these words.

My clients need me. Our students need us. And yet I also have need of both clients and students. This is not codependency. It is mutual interdependence, based on the connection between and among us all.

Who needs you? Who do you need? Ki to Happiness needs to thank you for our mutual interdependence.



Hatha Yoga Center website has been down for two days. Soon it will be back up. We are as open as always since 1977. Thank you for recognizing that, and continuing to participate online on our Facebook page.

Those of you who know us are aware that we are practicing yoga and teaching yoga every day in the traditional way with or without digital aspects. I’ve been blessed to have traveled to India in order to learn traditional Hatha Yoga in its birthplace. No Wi-Fi in the Himalayas when I was there. No mats, straps, or blocks either.

In this digital age, how well do you adapt to technological challenges? Can you continue on your efforts without digital interface? Ki to Happiness practices and teaches with or without props…digital or otherwise.



I shared a post of the old writing titled Desiderata yesterday. It was the first spiritual writing that captured my attention as a child. I used to have it hanging on a plaque in my psychotherapy office.

This morning I heard from another psychotherapist. She was inspired by the work I offered and shifted in that direction as a career path. She saw my post and let me know she still has the plaque hanging in her office decades later. I’m so glad she still appreciates the gift all these years later.

What was the first spiritual writing that moved you? Does it still work for you? Ki to Happiness continues to “Go placidly among the noise and haste…”



Hatha Yoga Center is warm and safe and lovely inside. Our adjoining live in space is similarly intended to support our yoga practices. It is lively and fresh, with healthy plants and cats, inviting aromas, and sunlight reflected from the neighbor’s building through our large windows.

When outside is stormy, cold, wet, dark, littered with human waste, and homeless encampments restricting our ability to enter and exit, it helps to focus inside instead. All the years of practicing meditation strengthens my ability to choose where I place my focus. After calling 911 to take care of the encampment, meditation flowed toward gratitude for both, inner and outer.

Hows’s your insides? And the outside? Ki to Happiness thanks those who police the outer so I can work my inner.