
Short term

I finally heard back from my old supervisor’s in-laws. When she and I met nearly 40 years ago we worked at a hospital together until setting off in our private practice association. Daily contact and mutual support continued for years.

My efforts at contacting her last year resulted in silence. Now I have learned that she’s having short term memory issues. She doesn’t remember the name of the hospital where we worked. Interesting to consider 40 years as short term.

What do you consider short term? What’s long term? Ki to Happiness reMembers.


Perfectly imperfect

A couple of days ago I was inspired to make a small instructional video for one of my clients. I chanted mantra and did the mudras for the Gayatri, one of the “steamroller” chants of great power from the Yoga tradition. I tried about a dozen times to find one that was acceptable to me. Then I deleted them all.

Yesterday, that very client asked if I would make something like that. Joyously, I resumed my efforts. Each video was well received. None were perfect. Yet all met the present need.

What do you feel moved to offer? Is it ok to do so if imperfectly? Ki to Happiness feels the love of being received.


22 Veterans

Today we honor those who have served our country in the military. I honor my brother, my father, and step dad all of whom were in the Navy. Being a peaceful warrior myself, I recognize the blessings of my peaceful life which came about in part from their willingness to serve.

Daily with my 22 push-ups, I reflect on those who have served and ended their own lives. Awareness of them and donations to the cause of mental health among all veterans is my contribution daily this month. May all who serve be served respect, honor and enough resources to live a peaceful natural life and lifespan.

In what military do you serve? How have veterans affected your life? Ki to Happiness thanks all who have served.


Moving energy

For several months as I’ve been meeting my push-up challenges, I’ve had pain in my right thumb. I never felt it while doing the thousands of push-ups. If I had I would’ve stopped.

Yesterday in an acupuncture treatment session I felt energy move in the area. I allowed a few simple movements before I got off the table. Together, I naturally realigned. No more pain. And another 22 push-ups, these toward the awareness of veterans’ mental health.

What moves your energy? How can you find the realignment you seek? Ki to Happiness is sought by that which she seeks.


29 years old

Today our son turns 29. It’s amazing to reflect on our family’s journey together. I met this young man when he was only four years of age. Becoming his stepmother opened me up to a love there is no cure for.

Putting his needs first, I recognized my role as supporting his dad to do the best he could to provide protection, guidance and care. This requires me to step in sometimes, and step aside other times. My own stepdad showed me the way.

Do you know this step dance? Are you better at stepping in or stepping out? Ki to Happiness sends all steppers incurable unconditional love for stepping up.



My jet leg bumped right into the fallback day. The combination has me ungrounded. In the state, I notice I am brittle. Rigid and dry.

Recognizing such, I turn to the Willow for guidance. Drinking water, I soften. Practicing yoga, I feel fluid. Able to yield, I am open to this day’s guidance.

How open are you to today’s guidance? What might help you ground? Ki to Happiness thanks the tree spirits.


Falling Back

As the atmospheric river deluged our area, I set the clocks back. Our street became a creek of flowing rain water. Instead of resisting any of it, I fell back early…inside…to bed.

This morning feels magically spacious. Awakening super early, I tended the cats who’s biological clocks remain on Cat time. Together we all fell back to sleep a bit. Luxurious quietude replaces the shrieks of UW football falls caught in the downpour and the defeat.

What are you doing with your extra hour this morning? How can you make the best use of this dark, cold and wet time of year? Ki to Happiness falls back into a sense of wonder.



In the past month I have been blessed by reconnecting with three of my primary teachers. My Reiki master, psychotherapeutic supervisor, and dance choreographer all continue to inspire me.

Each has contributed to my offering of mixed healing arts. My yoga teachers live inside my heart. Together, integrating the best of these paths, I continue to practice and teach.

What renews you? Who inspires your path? Ki to Happiness is renewed.


Good report card

Many of you have read that I’ve been using the Covid restriction time to work on my memoir. I got my report card yesterday from my writing coach about my progress. I am thrilled with both the constructive suggestions and the positive feedback.

It has become a whole new book. What began over 30 years ago is beginning to take on a life of its own. While it is not what I planned, it gives me a good chance to make use of all of my planning efforts.

Can you detach from the outcome of your plans? Are you able to live in the joy of planning anyway? Ki to Happiness know we plan and God laughs.



Over 30 years ago I was introduced to Reiki. I found benefit from the balancing energy which assisted my right knee. I chose to become an instrument of this balancing energy. My master attuned me through each level. 14 years ago I become a Master myself.

Tomorrow, I return to confer with my master about particular issues present today. On this New Moon, I set intentions for respect and honor for she who has so affected and influenced my life. I feel blessed with the miracle of having met her, and the ability to work with her for decades.

To whom do you turn with your questions? Are those who have inspired you still among us? Ki to Happiness intends to share the bounty of blessings and lessons of this reunion with all.