
Holy disregard

As the global situation continues now, many of us are fatigued from 19 months of constant demands on our adaptability. Patience has long run out and stored resources dwindle. The unholy reactivity erupts.

The yoga sutras of Patanjali offer guidance to “holy disregard the unholy”. Especially at this time of this new moon, I highlight this sutra so we set intentions free from reactivity in favor of response ability.

What would you like to create? Can you release your reactivity so that you can stay focused on your truest desires? The Ki to Happiness is Response Ability.


Down but not Out

As I prepared for teaching my 10 AM class yesterday, I discovered Facebook down. Like many, first I took it personally. I figured it was my phone. Then I found out that no one had any kind of device that could access Facebook, Instagram, messenger, or WhatsApp.

I proceeded to teach a small, intimate class without live streaming for the first time in nineteen months. Unlike my decades of having done so in the past, I had a constant awareness of those who wanted to practice with us that were unable to do so. In the process, I am aware that I have become more connected to more people.

Did you take it personally? What did you learn about yourself in the process? Ki to Happiness delights in Facebook coming back up.



When we use our bodies physically for the purpose of increasing strength, we often apply resistance. That resistance may come in the form of an object, gravitational position, another person or a particular muscular engagement.

As we experience resistance emotionally and mentally, we also may strengthen our commitment and perseverance. Similarly resistance to spiritual practices may strengthen our connection to Spirit as long as we continue with practicing anyway.

What would you like to strengthen? What resistance may help with that? Ki to Happiness feels the resistance and continues to strengthen in body, mind, emotions and spirit.


Light Rail

Hundreds of people swarmed our university district yesterday. They came on the light rail to check out the grand opening celebration. Now we are connected us all the way from the airport up to Northgate.

Another tenant in our building says the construction projects his company is building are all going to be nearly 30 stories tall. He projects that in the next two years with these housing possibilities and the ease of transportation, our entire area will be transformed.

Can you feel these large forces at work transforming our world? What is your best method of participation? Ki to Happiness looks forward.


Challenges with challenges

I added a couple of new challenges yesterday to my morning practice. I had a hard time with uploading. One of our members had his identity stolen. And another became obsessively fixated on one of us to the extent that he became suicidal.

This is not how its supposed to go. I stayed centered with yoga practices as I faced these challenges with the Challenges. This new experience of the old adage “Let no good deed go unpunished” won’t deter me.

How are you doing with your challenges? What helps you stay centered? Ki to Happiness stays centered with Hatha Yoga.


Love and loss

Welcome October! The wet cool dark is upon us. I’ve fallen in love most often in this month. The desire for creature comforts, snuggles, and hot cider are conducive to romance. I still smell the hay rack rides of my youthful dates.

I no longer relate to many of those who I dated. I learned recently one of my great loves has passed away due to Colon cancer. I’m taking my love for him out on the Crunches for Colon Cancer challenge.

What do you do with your old love? Where can you safely express it still? Ki to Happiness loves through loss.


Angel and animal

Yesterday’s celebration of the archangels balanced well with a need to tend to our animals. Mysterious cat behaviors are being resolved. The Holiest of Holies witness and applaud.

We humans are both mysterious animals and infused with the Light like the Angels. Reconciling these two poles of our being we find peace and acceptance.

Do you identify more with your animal nature or your angelic inheritance? Which requires more attention for you to come into balance? Ki to Happiness honors both with Hatha Yoga.



Today we venerate Sts. Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. These three entities are available to assist us all. Each of us can petition for help with mental and physical health as well as clear messages from our Guardian Angels.

Especially at this time with multiple challenges, we could all use some help. I humble myself daily as I ask for guidance and strength to follow it. Doing so first thing sets my day in the right direction.

What do you need help with? Can you humble yourself enough to ask? Ki to Happiness thanks the Archangels for all their interventions.



Today marks my stepdad‘s 96th birthday! I’m so blessed to continue to have his presence in my life. We have always been copacetic, easily vibing together. Folks have often commented on how much we look alike, even without genetic connection.

Four years ago I met another person who shares his same birthday. I knew immediately we would get along and mutually support one another. I’m so happy to have her presence in my life, too!

Do you see birthday synchronicities in your life? Can you celebrate this Coincidence with me? Ki to Happiness recognizes Divine Intervention in synchronicities and coincidences.



Sometimes when I’m working on my memoir all the revisions and edits get sticky. Friday’s efforts brought me to frustration. I acted out in anger, throwing a tiny scrap of paper. Later I felt ashamed to have been seen in such a state by my assistant.

In advance of resuming our work together, I felt resistant. I wanted to avoid it. Instead, I decided to dedicate our efforts to cleaning up my bad behavior. I apologized at once when beginning. My assistant hadn’t noticed my tiny tantrum. We concluded a productive session by playfully throwing scraps of paper.

What do you need to apologize for so you can move forward? Any chance your error has gone unnoticed? Ki to Happiness appreciates the grace of being unnoticed.