
Pushing up

Nearly a month ago I started the push-up challenge. It seemed impossible at the time. I had minor shoulder surgery in June. When the results of the biopsy returned all clear, I wanted to celebrate by getting stronger.

I offered my efforts to those whose biopsies returned otherwise. At first, I pushed with grief in my heart over the passing of my dear friend. As the month has proceeded, now I push with 150,000 other people. All of them are my new friends.

What is pushing up from inside you? How can you use what you have to benefit others? Ki to Happiness feels love pushing up.



I’ve had many great Michaels in my life. Right now one of them is going through a big transition. Another one is dealing with bilateral brain cancer. And a third is going through a very deep cleansing. None are available to talk with me.

Then suddenly another one reached out today! My IT therapist and old friend sent me a text. He is available and able to talk! I feel the continuity of Archangel Michael coming through him in his timely reaching out to me.

Are you open to those who reach out to you? Or do you shut down when the one you reached out to is unavailable? Ki to Happiness opens up to those here now.


One more bloom

When my squash plants looked like they’d given all they had to give, I pruned them. Removing all the dried leaves and old blooms, there’s room for the tiny fruits of the vine to absorb all the nutrients, water and sunshine.

This morning, there’s a fresh bloom! The orange petals pushed open their green protective jacket. Signs of life, even as autumn is in the air.

In this full moon, can you see signs of life? What can you prune away to discover the possibility? Ki to Happiness deadheads and finds one more bloom!


Finding my way

Today is the birthday of an old love of mine. Yesterday an old friend of my family died. As I began my practice, I felt out of sorts with many memories swirling within.

The structure of my practices allows space for everything to sort itself out. Finding my way to balance and peace, the day begins. I’ll share my love with the world as it unfolds before me.

What do you do with your love when the object of your affection is no longer present? How can you share that love with those who are present? Ki to Happiness finds the way to love.



As you can see, I changed my picture here. At first attempt, I cut my own head off. So sorry. So I did it again. I think it’s better. You tell me.

It’s like that with newness. I think that’s one reason why we stayed with oldness. The old is familiar, we know how to do it well, and we avoid making mistakes like we do when we attempt something new.

What support do you need to experiment with trying something new? Can you allow space for mistakes? Ki to Happiness experiments safely here with you.


Feeling it

In my private sessions, themes emerge. Lately my client’s resources and resilience are strained from the 18 months of relentless threats related to COVID. Especially, differences of opinion within families are creating circumstances of division.

Loss and grief need time and space in which to be felt. Freeing up the energy of these emotions will allow peace and joy to upwell, also to be felt. The second full moon this month (blue moon) coming up in a couple of days will reflect both to us.

Are you staying current with your feelings? Can you allow time and space for them to flow? Ki to Happiness is also Ki to Grief: feel it to heal it.



As I concluded yesterday’s class I made an announcement. One of our new community members is looking for a place to live. In sharing that, two potential circumstances came up. Both required that I take actions to connect the interested parties.

Today hopeful solutions percolate throughout our community. Keeping that vibration alive, I look forward to feeding another community member’s cat so she can have a much-needed trip.

Have you been feeling connected? Is there something you have to offer? Ki to Happiness offers all for the connection to the One.



Lately everywhere I turn it feels like there are conditions. Requirements, restrictions, mandates, suggestions set conditions under which things may proceed. Many opinions are being turned into conditions.

My morning practice opens me into the realm of unconditional love and acceptance. Daily as I open myself up, I find within a connection to this space, free from limitations. I linger as long as possible so I can bring it with me in service to those who have not yet found this.

Have you found the unconditional love and acceptance within? Have you made it a priority in your life? Ki to Happiness values unconditional love and acceptance.



As my brother moved through his detached retina this summer, I have been at a loss. It was great to visit with him in person after his first surgery and speak with him regularly on the phone while he was on medical leave. Otherwise I could do nothing for him but be present.

Now as he returned to work, I’m happy to cheer him on. I celebrate with him his recovery. I have two small presents for his upcoming birthday. From my space of emptiness, I told him what they are so he can choose. I have no idea if the antique magnifying glass or the eye supplements will be helpful, or simply a souvenir.

Can you offer your presence? Do you recognize that is all that is truly valuable when offering presents? Ki to Happiness empties herself into this present moment, and feels its fullness.


Where there’s smoke

Cooler and clear air refresh our environment. The open windows brought it in to our warm home. Looking out, last evening I saw smoke.

Someone set a dumpster on fire. I blinked once and saw flames shooting up. As I reached for my phone to call 911 the flames erupted. The fire department arrived while I was still on the phone given details. In less than a minute they put the fire out.

How quickly can you reach out for help? What happens when you do? Ki to Happiness needs help daily, asks for readily, and is never disappointed.