

As my brother moved through his detached retina this summer, I have been at a loss. It was great to visit with him in person after his first surgery and speak with him regularly on the phone while he was on medical leave. Otherwise I could do nothing for him but be present.

Now as he returned to work, I’m happy to cheer him on. I celebrate with him his recovery. I have two small presents for his upcoming birthday. From my space of emptiness, I told him what they are so he can choose. I have no idea if the antique magnifying glass or the eye supplements will be helpful, or simply a souvenir.

Can you offer your presence? Do you recognize that is all that is truly valuable when offering presents? Ki to Happiness empties herself into this present moment, and feels its fullness.


Where there’s smoke

Cooler and clear air refresh our environment. The open windows brought it in to our warm home. Looking out, last evening I saw smoke.

Someone set a dumpster on fire. I blinked once and saw flames shooting up. As I reached for my phone to call 911 the flames erupted. The fire department arrived while I was still on the phone given details. In less than a minute they put the fire out.

How quickly can you reach out for help? What happens when you do? Ki to Happiness needs help daily, asks for readily, and is never disappointed.



Our smoky heatwave is diminishing. What a relief! I cleared the little headache already. It came on to me after trying to run a few errands in the polluted air. Today should be better with the warning ending at 7 PM

My breathing practices this morning let me know the air is cleaner. I didn’t have to use the air filtration device. I’m cool and calm. May you find your way to cool calmness, too.

How is your environment this morning? Can you breathe deeply? Ki to Happiness breathes a sigh of relief.



We use the newspaper as we play with our cats. Hiding toys underneath a page lures them in to hunt the toy. Later we use the newspapers in their litter box area to discourage any “accidents”.

Both are good uses for the newspaper as the headlines continue to be grim. Yesterday my husband hit his limit. No longer able to withstand the headlines, he retreated to his man cave. I recognize in my own limitations that I am not responsible for his reaction. That’s great news!

How are you doing with the news? Are able to negotiate your limitations gracefully? Ki to Happiness’ headline “Wife respects husband’s limitations”.


Alone or All One

In the relentless planetary focus on calamity and illness, we each feel alone from time to time. No one completely aligns with another perspective. Differences fuel debates with division deepening.

As we turn within, we may find our separate and distinct way into higher consciousness. The spirit of guidance is upon us all. In this way, we may find within solitude an awareness that we are All One. Once that occurs, we have a choice.

Do you see yourself as alone? Can you see we are together if separate and distinct? Ki to Happiness chooses to see we are All One from this state arrived at in solitude.


25 Push ups

11 days ago I took my grief over my good friend’s death and applied it to the 25 push-ups challenge. There’s nothing I can do about him anymore whereas there are many more struggling still who I may benefit.

Including myself. I feel stronger. The push-ups wake me up. I feel connected to a huge community of others who are similarly helpful. I just did the math and converted my push-ups into bench presses of 86 pounds!

How can you convert your grief into loving action? What benefits do you receive from helping others? Ki to Happiness knows there are no “others”.


Sun spot

Moving through the Lion’s Gate as astrologers call 8/8, I made use of the new moon support to manifest a few creative ideas. I felt the lift under my wings as I did so. This encouraged me to continue.

Looking up for my projects, I saw the light was beginning to dim in early evening. I didn’t wanna miss my walk in the woods to my special spot. I hustled on my tennis shoes and headed out. As I entered the woods it was already cooling. Yet deep in the woods shining on my spot was a ray of golden light. Perfect timing!

Have you made use of these new energies in a creative direction yet? Can you keep up your good habits even when you are inspired? Ki to Happiness feels rewarded by the sun shining on her spot.


New moon support

Welcome to Monday. We astrologically passed through the Lion’s Gate yesterday. Energy is available today for new activities, fresh starts, and manifesting the inspiration that has been revealed to us of late.

During your weekend of cleaning up laundry and doing the grocery shopping in preparation for a new week you may have noticed nudges, hints or clues. These now may catalyze actions. We have the green light to move forward, blast off, and realize.

What wisps of inspiration have you been noticing? How can you take a small step in the direction of manifesting that? Ki to Happiness realizes it’s time to act.


Pretty mama

At the farmers market I returned to my favorites. The little flower girl made me another bouquet inspired by our interaction. The cookie man selected a combination of vegan treats to offer at the Hatha Yoga Center.

As I waited for the cookies to be package I heard in the next stall over a woman having the vendor select tomatoes for her. Two beautiful little ones scurried about her dresses hem and cowgirl boots. She turned and her silhouette reveal another little one growing inside. This pretty moma has enough hope and love to continue reproducing!

What beauty has inspired you lately? How hopeful and loving do you feel? Ki to Happiness hopes to reproduce the effect this pretty mama had on me as I share this with you.



I finished reading the book The Time Traveler’s Wife a second time. Doing so inspires my writing. My first reading had me mesmerized by the subject matter. Rereading gave me a chance to study the craft.

I’ve passed the book on. It’s significance stays with me inside my head and my heart. Time is a mental construction. I like to play with it:Breathing practices can speed it up or slow it down, depending on which breath is used. Handstand reliably slow my sense of time down.

Do you have time to read? To reread? Ki to Happiness makes time.