
Sweet rain

The dry spell ended. It threatened to break the record. Rain returned to us in the night. Cool air brings its freshness. All is quiet. Smoke from fire season is washed away.

In the solitude of morning practice I feel subdued. Allowing boundaries to disappear in the safety of meditation, inner and outer align. Oneness crackles through each breath.

How is your air quality? Have you gotten enough sunshine this summer? Ki to Happiness witnesses boundaries dissolve in this sweet rain.


Nevin Harrison’s GOLD

Hatha Yoga Center has an Olympic gold medalist in our extended community! Mark Harrison’s daughter Nevin won in Canoe Sprint 200m, besting the previous winner of 7 consecutive years. She’s only 19 years old so she likely has a long career ahead of her as most of the other competitors were much older.

I met her when she was just four years old. Her dad respectfully brought her to my class to give her a proper introduction to yoga. My heart is tinged with Gold, remembering her small self experimenting with embodiment.

How are your experiments in embodiment going? Do you know any Olympic gold medal ists? Ki to Happiness congratulates Nevin Harrison.


Lake House

We had a beautiful day for spreading my mother-in-law’s ashes on the lake by the family house. No tears over her long well lived life were shed. Instead, a simple send off as she wanted.

Afterword, we took a drive up to the old house. Two stories with 4 bedrooms, one bath and dormers gave the family of 5 just enough room to grow up. Today’s family of 5 would require more than one income to support themselves within its walls.

When’s the last time you saw the house you grew up in? How do you reconcile your past with your present? Ki to Happiness integrates with yoga.



A few family members will gather today in memory of my husband’s late mother. Helen Smith Fisher passed away eight months ago. Like many who have passed away during the time of Covid, only now are we able to assemble.

Her 90+ years of life gave rise to 3 kids and 3 grandkids. Both her husbands, one of her daughters and all her friends predeceased her. Ashes and memories remain, as does all the love she mustered from her humble beginnings.

Have you lost someone in the time of Covid? Are you able to gather yet? Ki to Happiness honors Helen Smith Fisher.


House warming

We visited our 28-year-old in his home. After settling in for five months, he was ready for us. We brought him a couple of simple housewarming gifts as we would in Bali, rice and incense.

His house is old. It feels familiar to me like all the old houses I lived in during college. There’s something comforting about those floors, walls, and ceilings all staying put for decades. It has been warmed before.

Are you comfortable in your adult kid’s home? What can you offer that will be truly appreciated? Ki to Happiness offers respect and patience.



Yesterday I delayed putting our sign out on the street until just before class. As I entered the stairwell heading down I saw the unusual sight of broken glass all over the floor. One of our outside doors was shattered. I rallied quickly to contact the property manager and get in position to start my class.

My husband’s reaction included his asking “why is it always on Us?” We’ve had to bear the brunt of multiple break-ins, burglaries, and trespassers. What I liked about his question is the use of the word “Us”. We are in this together. And our community rallied with Us, again.

Who is part of your “Us?” Can you avoid taking things personally? Ki to Happiness loves Us!



My new supplements have arrived! I feel so fortunate to be able to take the time to study and research my needs. Then to have the time and the resources to get what I choose feels spacious and free.

I keep evolving as do my needs. It’s important to update our rituals and programs regularly. Now I have what I want and want what I have.

Do you want what do you have? Is there a need to supplement? Ki to Happiness is able to respond the the evolving needs.


My little friend

Like many kids, I had a companion as a child. No one could see my little friend but me. Some call it the Guardian Angel. I called mine Timmy. When a stray cat entered our families midst, that’s what I called the kitty, too.

As I grew up, I met a boy named Tim. We worked together for a while in fast food. While life took us in different directions, I always felt him with me, like my little friend. Unseen, yet a constant companion. Now he’s left his body. Still he companions my heart.

Did you have an invisible companion when you were a kid? Can you feel it’s presence as an adult? Ki to Happiness thanks Tim, Timmy, Timothy for companioning my heart.


Saint Martha’s day

Today is a day in which we honor the cooks of the house. Saint Martha showed us the way to be a gracious hostess. In serving, she and the others in her kitchen learned much from those they fed.

I learned to cook early out of necessity. My first paycheck came from working in food service. 7 years later when I hung up my last apron, I continued serving our food coop as the tofu maker. I love serving our Hatha Yoga Center when called. Like Martha, I learn from those I feed, and also those others in the kitchens.

Do you eat? Can you honor the cooks in your life? Ki to Happiness will Whomp up something special from my cookbook today to honor St.Martha and all those I’ve served alongside.



As the Olympics continue, Simone Biles shocked the world by withdrawing. After a series of minor errors, she lost confidence. Without trust in her abilities she felt it was unsafe to continue.

With grace, she stood in her truth as she told everyone. With her warm-up suit on, she immediately shifted into the number one cheerleader for her team. Encouraging and coaching from the sidelines, she shared all she had left.

Have you ever had to withdraw from a huge commitment? Were you graceful? Ki to Happiness give Simone Biles another Gold medal for standing in her truth.