

I’m in St. Louis. I was born here 60 years ago. I had to leave here too soon at age 12. Every time I return, I love seeing the Gateway Arch welcoming me back. It’s like a giant croquet wicket, inviting me here.

I’m staying at a boutique hotel called the Moonrise. I drove past the planetarium to get here, reminding me of field trips and the Moonlanding of my youth. These familiar feelings anchor me to my purpose in being here. Im acting as family emissary to care for my brother while he recuperates from eye surgery.

What feelings does your birthplace evoke? What anchors you to your purpose? Ki to Happiness reconnects to my original purpose in my hometown.


Sweet tears

Last night my family and I watched some thing on TV. It’s not my usual habit. I was moved to Sweet tears in viewing the joy that is bubbling at this time of re-opening. Hearing the audience participate in the music, the monologue and the interviews moved me toward joy.

Inside my body, I am celebrating with deeper healing and brave changes that will forever mark what I’ve been through, as well as you during the pandemic. I want you to do so with me.

What brave changes have you made? How can you integrate the deeper healing that’s happening for you during the pandemic? Ki to Happiness will be crying sweet tears of joy for us all as we proceed to reopening!



As I was traveling yesterday, I had a desire for a different seat. I checked it out and didn’t want to spend the extra money. I said nothing. I was standing at the counter getting assistance with my in-flight technology, when another agent person behind the counter offered exactly what I wanted for no additional cost without my requesting.

I sat quietly enjoying my entertainment. As the flight came to conclusion, my seatmate greeted me. She said she also was seated there by the agent. Seeing some of my spiritual paraphernalia we readily shifted into prayer together.

Are you a friendly traveler? How do you interact with the staff as you take to the friendly skies? Ki to Happiness offers a prayer of thanks for All Divine Agents!


Travel tips

As I get ready to take another trip to see my family, I am thankful for so many travel tips the yoga path offers. Pranayama, meditation, and prayer go with me everywhere. Easy to pack. Light and able to carry on.

I take with me a willingness to be open to others along the way as I take care of my own personal needs. It helps that I love people, and look beyond the mask into the light in their eyes. This is a choice. I am free to choose well.Hav

Have you resumed traveling? Are you able to stay open and take care of yourself as you do? Ki to Happiness recognizes that we are all travelers, needing to do both.


Flag day

38 years ago on this day I started my internship as a psychotherapist. I celebrate that today with several upcoming private sessions. I am blessed to have received much benefit from meeting my need for therapeutic counseling, as well as to offer that to others.

The Covid year has given me a chance to reflect deeply on my memoir regarding being a therapist and the client. Yesterday with my wonderful assistant we made great progress employing the guidance of my writing coach. Soon I will see my first therapeutic supervisor again, to honor her contribution to my life. She was the first person to tell me I should be teaching yoga after one of her many trips to India. I’ll be teaching today as well.

What does Flag Day mean to you? How will you celebrate what this day symbolizes? Ki to Happiness flies the flag of freedom that allowed me to become both a Psychotherapist and yoga teacher decades ago.


Tony, Tony

This is the memorial day of Saint Anthony of Padua. He has been reliable help for finding that which is lost. Objects, pets, memories, words, even minds and souls all can be found with his assistance.

He is also great with travel, and truly open to all petitions. He is considered a doctor of the church. Even as he must be very busy dealing with all of that, he is still open to help me and you, regardless of any particular religious affiliation. W

What have you lost? Any particular needs for assistance? Ki to Happiness invokes St. Anthony of Padua like this:

“Tony Tony look around, somethings lost and can’t be found.” Say this 3 x while turning in circles and get ready to be directed.


Divine intervention

Amidst the energy of the void of course moon, I witnessed magic happen. My brother reached out to a friend of ours with his need. If you knew my brother, you know that’s already miraculous. That same friend had just reached out to me in need. I was unable to answer her call right then.

When I got back to her as soon as I could, I learned that she had heard from my brother. Her need to be needed, useful, respected and included was met by his reaching out to her right then. In speaking with him, we immediately could feel the liminal experience of divine invention upon the turning circumstances, timing and synchronicity.

Have you experienced divine invention? How do you feel it when it occurs? Ki to Happiness feels goosebumps in the presence of magic.



The new moon energy is still upon us and it is still void of course. We are betwixt and between the past and the future. We have this magical possibility upon us to dream anew.

Some are feeling lost at this time. Technology, communication, transportation have all been breaking down with mercury retrograde. Taking the challenges we are experiencing and raising them to the highest possible fantasy is a clear path forward.

What is your highest fantasy? What can help you hold that vision? Ki to Happiness dares to dream of our reopening ushering in a new prosperous mutually supportive world of peace and kindness, healing and wholeness.


New moon in June

We get another chance to get it right. Today’s new moon invites us to reset our intentions. As each lunar cycle comes and goes, we are reminded repeatedly of the natural rhythms. At times of darkness, when the moon does not reflect the sun’s light, we do well to go within and get clear about what we are after. Staying close to that intention as the light grows brings us to its full expression when the moon is full.

All is ever waxing and waning. Fluctuating and changing. Finding stability within the natural cycle brings us consistent empowerment to choose well, align with our highest values, and stay the course. As this process relates to Gemini and today’s eclipse, watch well what you say and express, as well as what you don’t.

What would you love to see in the light of the full moon in two weeks? How can you translate that into your intentions, words and actions today? Ki to Happiness is grateful for another cycle.


Silent Awe

Morning practices have brought me into stillness. Soul presence expands into this gorgeous dawn. Crows caw, trucks thrum, cars whiz as dumpsters release their contents into service trucks. I witness all in silent awe.

I am loving the slow progress of re-opening, as if society itself is experiencing a dawning. New possibilities and challenges await each of us to face with and without masks. Silent awe holds me in its embrace.

What do your practices bring you to? Can you feel the embrace of all possibilities within silence and stillness? Ki to Happiness sends you a moment to open up to awe.