
Together, Apart

My brother and I drove our cars separately in tandem from mom‘s house back to St. Louis. We stopped along the way at a few of our most memorable sites. We drove down the magnificent Grandview Drive with autumn leaves spectacularly bursting their colors on our way to our junior college before hitting the highway.

I peeled off at my designated exit in St. Louis as he continued on to his exit, waving and flashing peace signs at each other. Arriving at my friend’s house, I shared all the pictures of our high school reunion which she could not attend due to other commitments.  We made plans for attending together in five years as we walked her neighborhood and shared the contents of our hearts.

Do you have to be in the same car to feel that you’re traveling with someone?  Do you have to attend the same reunion in order to share your experiences with others? Ki to Happiness honors separateness simultaneously with togetherness.


Stay Grounded

My brother arrived yesterday so we could have one full day together with mom. As we prepare to depart today, we are all acutely aware of our blessings to have been able to enjoy one another’s company again here at the same address where we all lived together so many years ago. There’s no guarantee that we will have another opportunity.

In such awareness, it is essential to stay grounded. Since all is well that ends well, it is important to recognize that each of us has done our best, to forgive any ways in which our best fell short, and to express gratitude. To stay grounded, I practice Hatha Yoga and look around me at what is here, now: peace, safety and thanksgiving.

What helps you stay grounded? How do you handle transitions? Ki to Happiness breathes consciously with head held high and sends her awareness down the spine, through both legs into the Earth.


Solving problems

My mother and I spent the whole day together without any scheduled events. We enjoyed each other‘s company as we had a late lunch out and ran errands. Returning home, she checked the mail, only to have the mailbox fall apart.

When we are presented with a problem, both of us get right into gear working towards a solution. I reached out to my network for ideas about repair, as did she. Comparing our information, we decided upon getting a new one entirely, and scheduling its installation by one of my associates.

How do you approach problems? Do you hesitate, procrastinate, or get to work finding a solution? Ki to Happiness solves the problems or gets help when needed.


Mom’s Gathering

A couple of days ago, my mom invited me to participate in her Grief Group pot luck gathering. I didn’t come prepared with the right attire, so I picked up a little secondhand dress and wore it with my old ballet flats. But first in my overalls and tennis shoes, I cleaned and swept, cooked and did the dishes, set the tables with centerpieces, and straightened up my yurt.

I knew the guests would like to look at my unusual shelter. One by one they toured, then we ate, and everyone left well fed. For some this was the first time for a sit down meal since their dear one passed away.

How willing are you to serve in whatever capacity is asked of you?  What do you require for your preparation? Ki to Happiness prepares for whatever is required by practicing yoga, meditation and prayer, and sometimes a new dress.



On that date, my yurt arrived on my parent’s property. It’s been 14 years of it sheltering me through life’s changes. It has more than fulfilled its purpose, and continues to do so.

Primarily, it has given me a space in which I can continue my early morning practice of yoga, meditation, chanting, and pranayama during my visits. I am able to contain my sounds and scents without infringing upon others. We are able to harmoniously share longer visits with more peaceful interactions due to its affording a healthy boundary.

How do you maintain your practices when you visit family? What might assist you in creating a healthy boundary? Ki to Happiness takes responsibility for the need continue spiritual practices with a healthy boundary.


Short List

Seeing my 89-year-old psychotherapeutic mentor yesterday, she took me back to her computer to show me a recent email. It was an invitation to participate in an upcoming conference about making friends with mortality. She said she’s been facing a long list of issues lately that are related to the topic.

I asked her to start at the top of the list. She began with the loss of her drivers license, since she failed to pass the test four times in a row. After hearing the story, I asked her what waselse was on the list only to learn that there was nothing else: all vitals are fine, not on any meds, able to care for herself in her family home of several decades and taking a new interest in the birds in her yard.

How friendly are you with your mortality? How long is your list of issues related to the topic? Ki to Happiness makes friends with mortality daily through the Hatha Yoga practice of Savasana and Shahabadene’s Sufi meditations.


Angel of Mercy

Amidst our plans of walks in nature around my scheduled private sessions, my hostess got a phone call. Her sister’s hearing aid was ready for pick up. We shifted to accommodate by driving to get it, deliver it and have the head nurse at the nursing home find the other one, and charge them both.

I drove us back the 30 mile route I once drove daily to my therapy office. My muscle memory remembered the way as I reflected on my good fortune that my family does not require such attention. My hostess and good friend is an angel of Mercy, tending to her disabled elder sister, as well as her elderly mother on her days off. 

Who is your angel of mercy? To whom are you an angel of mercy? Ki to Happiness thanks the many Angels of Mercy who appear as regular folks.


Back Roads

Driving between my yurt and my friends’ house at my alma mater, I followed the directions on my cell phone to take the back roads. I once lived in this area and felt the memories, as if coming up from the pavement. Corn and soybean fields flanked the road as the horizon stretched out flat forever.

I used to ride my bike 20 miles a day from my little house out in the country to my first job as a psychotherapist. Crossing my old path, I reflected on the ease of my bike rides in Seattle as contrasted with those many miles so long ago. I put those memories away with all the others stirred up from my high school reunion as I made some new memories with my old friends.

What environments stimulate your memories? Can you linger there to reclaim parts of your soul you may have left behind? Ki to Happiness drives the back roads and reclaims the fortitude and persistence it once required here to practice yoga, psychotherapy and ride on.



The final day of the reunion included my yoga class. Those who participated enjoyed my approach, even in the 85° weather with very strong gusty winds. Several more classmates have signed up for our live streaming group page afterward.

At the dinner, I was called upon to offer the blessing since the other two reverends in our class who were going to didn’t show up after all. I sat at the table with the organizers of the event and had meaningful interactions with those near. Music and dancing afterwards reunited my body mind and spirit in joy.

What helps you unite past, present and future?  Does that also help you unite body, mind and spirit? Ki to Happiness sings the old lyrics “Reunited, and it feels so good!”.



Our Homecoming reunion weekend festivities continued with hay rack rides on decorated floats in the parade. Our class lined up 2nd, behind the 50th reunion float. I stood on the moving float, waving our class sign and eyeing familiar faces in the crowd.

My twin friends came for dinner with mom before returning for the pregame show. They had positions of honor leading the marching band as I joined the others in the stands watching and recording the highlights. I exited and contacted two others who weren’t present to include them as well.

Would you be able to stand on a moving float and waive a sign overhead in 85°?  Could you just as easily sit down and applaud others in their positions of honor? Ki to Happiness feels the benefits of yoga’s balancing practices and extends them to others